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Author Topic: Complete Painting Guide  (Read 77711 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 82

Necatur Americanus - and I vote!

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Complete Painting Guide
« on: 2009 July 02, 21:42:53 »

This is my little project I've put together over the last few days which started with the question "Why the fuck are half my paintings looking like trash?".  Hope you enjoy.

To get started, just grab an easel and start painting.  6's will max out their skill at level 5, they gotta become a teen to get higher.

Basic List - This is the basic list of unlocks available at each level of painting skill.
Level 1 - "Dabble" interaction with the easel.  Dabbling takes 50% longer to paint any given picture.
Level 2 - "Practice" instead of dabble.
Level 3 -
Level 4 - "Paint" instead of practice.
Level 5 - Still-Life becomes available to paint.  All paintings created from this skill level on up will begin to appreciate in value over time.
Level 6 - Brilliant paintings can be painted.  Additional Still-Life styles become unlocked so you may choose them (depending on traits).
Level 7 - Portraits now become available to paint.
Level 8 - Still-Life pictures may now be recorded in your cell phone and painted later with "Memorize Scene" and "Paint from Memory".
Level 9 - Masterpiece paintings can be painted. "Somber" style becomes unlocked regardless of traits.

Artistic trait - Skilling in painting is 25% faster if the sim possesses the artistic trait.  

Other notes
- Your sim's mood, Fast-learner trait, and logic skill also play a factor - as with any skill.
- Recommend that you only skill up off small paintings, this puts you in a better position later in regards to your skill achievements and painting values.
- The "Artistic" trait is not nearly as vital as you think, and may be counter-productive if you want a certain aesthetic to your results.  However, this trait is still necessary if you want any of the lifetime achievements to roll up that are associated with painting.

Each item you paint is painted in 5 stages.  The first stage appears after 1 minute of painting.  The second and subsequent stages are revealed depending on the size of the painting being procured and just a few other factors. Raw skill level has no effect on painting times, nor is there any scaling regarding the number of paintings already made (as in the writing skill).
Small     - 180 minutes (3 hours)
Medium - 300 minutes (5 hours)
Large    - 480 minutes (8 hours)

"Dabbling" - At skill level zero, your paintings will take 50% longer to complete.

Portraits - 50% longer time to complete.

Perfectionist trait - Theoretically adds 1 hour to the total painting time regardless of painting size (flat 15 minutes/stage, stages 2 to 5), in practice only adds 15 minutes to total painting time (bug? feature?).  This penalty seems very miniscule compared to the benefit.

Brushmaster Acheivement - Extremely OP, cuts all base painting times in half.  Gotten by painting at least 30 paintings.

Any painting has a chance to be classified as a "brilliant" or "masterpiece" painting, regardless of the coding for a pre-made painting or the skill level of the painter involved - provided the painter has "unlocked" the ability to do so.

Brilliant paintings - Unlocked at Painting Skill 6
20% - Base chance
+20% - Proficient Painter achievement
+20% - Perfectionist trait
+25% - Extra-Creative trait

Masterpiece paintings - Can be painted starting Painting Skill 9.
10% - Base chance
+25% - Proficient Painter achievement
+15% - Perfectionist trait
+15% - Extra-Creative trait

Theoretically you should be able to push "regular" paintings off the table by stacking enough traits, but in my tests I've always hit normal paintings about 25% of the time regardless of the traits I stacked from the list above.  I'm assuming there's a cap, but I can't find it.


Painting Base Sale Price - The following variables are tabulated into the final sale price of your painting.

Previous Paintings created - You get a flat bonus value per previous painting made (N).
                                       Small -  N x 2
                                       Medium - N x 4
                                       Large -  N x 6

Skill Level/Size of painting - This is an additional flat amount taken from a painting size/skill matrix.
                                      Large  - 30, 50, 80, 110, 150, 220, 300, 425, 600, 750, 1000
                                      Medium - 10, 15, 25,  40,  75, 110, 150, 225, 310, 400,  525
                                      Small  -  1,  3,  8,  12,  21,  30,  55, 100, 145, 200,  280

Random multiplier - The above two numbers are added and then multiplied by the X factor, a random number between 0.75 and 1.25.

Brilliant and Masterpiece - The number is then again multiplied by 1.25 for a Brilliant painting and 1.50 for a Masterpiece painting.

Portraits - Portrait values are again multiplied by 1.4.

Master Painter Achievement - Flatly doubles the price of all paintings.  Paintings still appreciate at normal rate.

Appreciation - Starting at skill level 5, every painting created by a painter will appreciate in value over time.  The rates and system are different than the store-bought art speculation rates.  Created paintings will always increase in value over time via this system.

Basic Rate - Skill Level (at time of painting) x (S = .5, M = .75, L = 1) $/day.

Dead Artist - Upon the ORIGINAL death of the artist, the value is immediately increased by a flat 930$ and the above rate of appreciation doubles for the remainder of the life of the painting.  Paintings created by ghost sims appreciate at the normal rate and never get the death bonus.

Art Museum - 20% chance of your painting going into the local art gallery when sold off the easel.  Your painting will REPLACE an existing piece of wall art in a random art gallery in your town.  Unknown if it can overwrite your other paintings.  The painting also loses its ability to be viewed when it is in the museum, but it can still be framed by visiting sims. (bug? feature?)

Klepto-immunity - Custom paintings cannot be klepto'd, but can be stolen by visiting burglers.

Decoration Value - Paintings placed on a wall (or left on the easel) in a room will contribute to a decorated room score.  Decorated moodlet values are as follows -
                          Small  - +4 at 30$ to max +10 at 300$.
                          Medium - +3 at 40$ to max +30 at 400$.
                          Large  - +2 at 50$ to max +40 at 700$.

Framing - Frames are assigned randomly from about 5 different very crappy basic solid colors. Sorry.

Viewing - The space from between 2 tiles and 3 tiles must be free for a sim to "View" the painting successfully.

Catalogue - The game has basically 140+ paintings pre-rendered in a catalogue awaiting your sims to paint.  However, this list is broken down into subsets based on skill level (about 10-12 per skill point) and 2 special categories unlocked when your sim can paint brilliant and masterpiece paintings.  The issue is that the skill level subsets in the catalogue have a tolerance of just 1 or 2 skill points, ie some level 8 paintings can be made by a level 10 painter, some cannot.  This means that your painting level 10 sim is limited to a pool of only 15 or so paintings per size level.  This also means that if you skill up too fast, you'll miss painting some pretty cool shit in the level 5 to 8 range.

Trait Involvement - Every pre-made painting in the game has a list of variations that will randomly happen based on your sim's trait list.  For each trait the sim possesses from the list below, the game will randomly determine which pre-made version of the portrait your sim will paint.  It seems to be equally weighted from your list of traits.

No Trait           (Basic Painting) - If your sim has no other traits, he will always paint the basic version of the painting.  Having another trait will simply put this on the random list.
Artistic             (Artistic Painting) - Gives a water-color effect to the painting, though with highlighted border effects on the object of the painting.
Can't Stand Art (CantStand Painting) - Darkens the painting with higher contrast and heavier, thicker brush strokes.
Computer Whiz (ComputerW Painting) - Gives the painting a square-tiled effect, obliterating any detail.  Useful for decorating bathrooms.
Evil                  (Evil Painting) - Tints the picture heavily towards red, most details are left intact.
Grumpy            (Gloomy Painting) - Tints the picture heavily towards blue, most details are left intact.
Genius             (Genius Painting) - Tiles the picture into small white-bordered hexagons/pentagons.
Insane             (Insane Painting) - Obliterates detail, makes colors more flat and contrasting, shapes become jagged.
Neurotic          (Neurotic Painting) - Turns the painting into a bright neon mess.
Virtuoso          (Virtuoso Painting) - Adds a white flair effect to the painting, most details are left intact.

Basic Still-Life Portraits - When painting any Still-Life painting, one of the following basic effects will be applied to the painting at random.  There is no way to influence this that I can determine.  Some layered effects, applied later, can obliterate any way to distinguish between the 2 basic effects and the coloration effect.

Paint Portrait - Other than locking the camera at an annoying angle, there is no aesthetic reason to "paint portrait", better results can almost always be achieved with regular "Paint Still-Life".  However, a valuation bonus is applied to the painting, so it can be usefull once your sim starts rolling wishes to "Paint a painting with a value of 5000$ +".

Paint from Memory - Almost useful, except that the effects and styles are set permanently the moment you snap the picture, so no aspiring Warhols, sorry.

Still-Life Basic Effect - This is applied to each and every custom painting you make, seemingly at random.
Stroked - This seems to be the vanilla default.  Your painting will have a long-brush/dotted effect applied to the basic picture. (36 of 50 for me, your mileage may vary)
Bubble Blotch Borked (BBB) - Your painting will have a water-color bubble effect applied to the basic picture. (14 of 50 for me, your mileage may vary). I consider this scrappable failure, you may consider this art.

Sombered! - Even with no other mitigating factors, your painting may pick up the somber style for no reason whatsoever (see below).  Seems to be about a 20% chance.

Still-Life Style Categories - Each "style" is actually a category containing a few different random effects.  Inside each style, a random effect will overlay the basic effect from above.

Somber - Green, purple, red, or blue palette shift.
Insane  - Picks a random color pallete from "Somber" and then gives either a) Jagged Abstract effect or b) a Rounded Abstract effect.  Picture is unrecognizable either way, but each effect is applied the same to each size of painting.
Genius  - Micro-tile Effect, Fat Tile Effect, Jagged Tile Effect

Still-Life Effect Influences - Basically, you may choose a style or the game can pick one for you...or not.  Its all pretty fucking random anyways.

Choosing (Forced) - You may choose one of the above categories, and the game will randomly pick one of the effects in your chosen category to apply to your painting.  This seems to override any of the below influences.
Artistic Trait -  Gives you access to all styles level 6.
Insane Trait -  Gives you access to the Insane Style at level 6.
Grumpy Trait - Gives you access to the Somber Style at level 6.
Genius Trait -  Gives you access to the Genius Style at level 6.
Painting Skill -  Somber Style unlocks at level 9 regardless of other pre-requisites.

Moods and Traits (Random) - In the .xml, "forced" apparently actually means "thrown into the random list".  Having any of the following moodlets or traits on your sim at the time the painting is started may randomly give an effect from the Style list.

Moodlets:  Desolate, Disappointed, HeartBroken, LostAFriend, Mourning, Bored, Embarrassed, Feeling Unlucky, Humiliated, Lonely, Rejected Proposal, Upset, Buzz Crashed.  
Traits:       Can't Stand Art, Grumpy

Moodlets:  None listed.  
Traits:       Over-Emotional, Insane, Neurotic, Never Nude

Moodlets:  Buzzed, Divine Meal, Intrigued, HonorStudent, Learning Quickly, Tranquil
Traits:       Genius

Camera Control Notes - The camera is actually quite controllable once you get the hang of it, however, floor switching hotkeys are disabled while in camera mode, making it necessary to queue the command, pause, switch to the target floor, unpause, then wait for the camera to pop up.  Thankfully, speed control hotkeys (1 through 4 and P) for the game are still fully enabled when snapping a picture.

Photography - It seems that the code fully supports your painting sim taking pictures of 4 different sizes and applying effects to the photos at different skill levels.  However, there is no "camera object" to be found, nor is there an object for the resulting photos.

GameData02 - About half the file is devoted to files of the various pre-made paintings you may paint.  If you want to preview the possibilities, you may simply browse through.

Traits Involvement - Just remember that even though some traits overlap between painting still-life and painting pre-made pictures, the systems are mutually exclusive in character.  One has nothing to do with the other.  Some traits effect both, but in different ways, and sometimes 2 different traits do similar things in their respective systems.  I'll make a traits index here when time permits.

« Last Edit: 2009 July 03, 05:45:12 by PolecatEZ » Logged
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #1 on: 2009 July 02, 21:56:28 »

Wow, extensive. Thanks for the information on various traits and how they effect the painting! This will come in handy.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 237

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #2 on: 2009 July 02, 22:22:07 »

Photography - It seems that the code fully supports your painting sim taking pictures of 4 different sizes and applying effects to the photos at different skill levels.  However, there is no "camera object" to be found, nor is there an object for the resulting photos.

There is a hidden photography skill, other options become available at a certain skill levels.
Here are hacks of interest:
Show Hidden Skill + Instant Skill Gain Mod V2 ,

Makes different photo colors available:
Take Photo's All Functions with no skills required ,
by CyberOps
« Last Edit: 2009 July 03, 12:36:53 by blackcat » Logged
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #3 on: 2009 July 02, 22:22:55 »

Nice guide.

Photography - It seems that the code fully supports your painting sim taking pictures of 4 different sizes and applying effects to the photos at different skill levels.  However, there is no "camera object" to be found, nor is there an object for the resulting photos.

This bit certainly points toward proper photography being added at a later date, aside from the fairly crappy cell phone pics.

edit: Unless, I suppose, it just means the hidden 'skill' for taking crappy cell phone pics. In which case, meh.

asciident / realrobotica
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 82

Necatur Americanus - and I vote!

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #4 on: 2009 July 03, 09:48:10 »

Photography - It seems that the code fully supports your painting sim taking pictures of 4 different sizes and applying effects to the photos at different skill levels.  However, there is no "camera object" to be found, nor is there an object for the resulting photos.

There is a hidden photography skill, other options become available at a certain skill levels.
Here are hacks of interest:
Show Hidden Skill + Instant Skill Gain Mod V2 ,
Take Photo's All Functions with no skills required ,
both by CyberOps

First off, there is no hidden photography skill in the game yet.  It was cut'n'pasted based off the painting skill originally, and absolutely no support was added for it.  The trash hack you posted does not enable any photography skill.

Second, as I said, there is no object for the different photo sizes.  You can switch them on all you want in the .xml, but without menu support on the phone or camera size toggles and an actual object for the wall, the different size photos will not appear in the game.  The recolors work though, but only useful if you're taking pictures of nipples close up.  Another trash hack.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 237

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #5 on: 2009 July 03, 12:35:22 »

Hm, I didn't use these hacks myself yet. Were on the queue list. I got the impression that there was a hidden photo skill based on this comment

<!--The level at which different photo styles become available.  Corresponds to the order of styles in kStyleAvailabilityStyles.-->

I guess you really can't trust anything with EA, as this wasn't marked obsolete. Thanks for pointing out  Embarrassed
CyberOps doesn't claim actually that his hack will enable size change, only color change. and he doesn't list all hidden skill available, I just assumed from that comment that such skill exists, my bad.
And I was looking forward to bigger photos, meh  Undecided
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #6 on: 2009 July 03, 15:45:23 »

Very nice guide. One thing I'm wondering, is there a way to make REAL custom paintings? Like put a picture of a porche in some folder and the sim will paint it?
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 80

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #7 on: 2009 July 04, 12:29:42 »

In the save game file each sim has a variable integer called ArtViewed.  I made a mod so that paintings had no variance in sell value to test if ArtViewed affects painting sell value.  The result is that each ArtViewed increased base painting sell value by 0.1, but unfortunately I've found no way to increase ArtViewed without editing the save game file.  I tried viewing a bunch of paintings that I painted and viewed everything in the art museum, but ArtViewed stayed at 0.  I guess it's a depreciated feature, but it would have been nice.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 82

Necatur Americanus - and I vote!

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #8 on: 2009 July 04, 13:31:09 »

Thank you so much for the info.

How do I paint this?

This is "Large Masterpiece #2 (No Trait)" from the catalogue, if I remember correctly.  This painting, or a traited variation, has about a 1 in 20 chance of occuring when a level 9 or 10 painter paints a large painting.  Just get your easels lined up and after 2 sim-minutes you will be able to tell if this is the painting forthcoming.  If it isn't, scrap it and paint another.  If you have artistic, genius, neurotic, insane, or computer whiz traits, there's a chance it may be completely trashed with a wierd effect.  For my taste, Virtuoso makes the best variations, then maybe evil, grumpy, and hates art.

Very nice guide. One thing I'm wondering, is there a way to make REAL custom paintings? Like put a picture of a porche in some folder and the sim will paint it?

You could make an override for the dds files in the gamedata02, just make sure you do all 10 variations and get the sizes right.  I think you could also add fresh ones to the catalogue, by fixing an addendum to the xml similar to how Pez did with the new "traits" in the latest awesomemod.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #9 on: 2009 July 05, 00:58:47 »

Still-Life Basic Effect - This is applied to each and every custom painting you make, seemingly at random.
Stroked - This seems to be the vanilla default.  Your painting will have a long-brush/dotted effect applied to the basic picture. (36 of 50 for me, your mileage may vary)
Bubble Blotch Borked (BBB) - Your painting will have a water-color bubble effect applied to the basic picture. (14 of 50 for me, your mileage may vary). I consider this scrappable failure, you may consider this art.

Sombered! - Even with no other mitigating factors, your painting may pick up the somber style for no reason whatsoever (see below).  Seems to be about a 20% chance.
Can you tell me what XML you got these from? I'd been trying to identify where in code it was forcing the effects on still lifes, so that I might kill them and have a mod to paint photographic still lifes. I had a hell of a time. I did find the XMLs to tweak forced styles, but not the base effects.

Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 82

Necatur Americanus - and I vote!

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #10 on: 2009 July 05, 07:15:34 »

Still-Life Basic Effect - This is applied to each and every custom painting you make, seemingly at random.
Stroked - This seems to be the vanilla default.  Your painting will have a long-brush/dotted effect applied to the basic picture. (36 of 50 for me, your mileage may vary)
Bubble Blotch Borked (BBB) - Your painting will have a water-color bubble effect applied to the basic picture. (14 of 50 for me, your mileage may vary). I consider this scrappable failure, you may consider this art.

Sombered! - Even with no other mitigating factors, your painting may pick up the somber style for no reason whatsoever (see below).  Seems to be about a 20% chance.
Can you tell me what XML you got these from? I'd been trying to identify where in code it was forcing the effects on still lifes, so that I might kill them and have a mod to paint photographic still lifes. I had a hell of a time. I did find the XMLs to tweak forced styles, but not the base effects.

The .dds effect masks are in FullBuild2.package  (Painting01_*** through Painting11_***), but I have no idea where the controller is for them.  I'm assuming its in the hardcode script somewheres, or maybe in the easel object file which I haven't gotten around to beating with a hammer yet.  The info above I had to get through thorough testing, my test painter sim did almost 600 paintings and had about 20 trait changes and was put through the wringer on his moods.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #11 on: 2009 July 05, 13:35:59 »

Still-Life Basic Effect - This is applied to each and every custom painting you make, seemingly at random.
Stroked - This seems to be the vanilla default.  Your painting will have a long-brush/dotted effect applied to the basic picture. (36 of 50 for me, your mileage may vary)
Bubble Blotch Borked (BBB) - Your painting will have a water-color bubble effect applied to the basic picture. (14 of 50 for me, your mileage may vary). I consider this scrappable failure, you may consider this art.

Sombered! - Even with no other mitigating factors, your painting may pick up the somber style for no reason whatsoever (see below).  Seems to be about a 20% chance.
Can you tell me what XML you got these from? I'd been trying to identify where in code it was forcing the effects on still lifes, so that I might kill them and have a mod to paint photographic still lifes. I had a hell of a time. I did find the XMLs to tweak forced styles, but not the base effects.
The .dds effect masks are in FullBuild2.package  (Painting01_*** through Painting11_***), but I have no idea where the controller is for them.  I'm assuming its in the hardcode script somewheres, or maybe in the easel object file which I haven't gotten around to beating with a hammer yet.  The info above I had to get through thorough testing, my test painter sim did almost 600 paintings and had about 20 trait changes and was put through the wringer on his moods.

Ohhh, but does this mean you can mod the effect masks to do nothing? (I.e., replace them with empty textures?) I mean, there's a mod to remove the textures from the fight clouds and such, a mod to remove the mosaic blur texture, and so on.


*cough*Hint, hint.*cough*
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #12 on: 2009 July 05, 15:26:52 »

Modding effect masks is beyond my ken. The words are familiar, but I don't know what they do. The easel XMLs don't seem to effect the masks. But, maybe this is helpful.
« Last Edit: 2009 July 08, 03:27:40 by Zazazu » Logged

Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #13 on: 2009 July 06, 17:29:44 »

Hm, I didn't use these hacks myself yet. Were on the queue list. I got the impression that there was a hidden photo skill based on this comment

<!--The level at which different photo styles become available.  Corresponds to the order of styles in kStyleAvailabilityStyles.-->

I guess you really can't trust anything with EA, as this wasn't marked obsolete. Thanks for pointing out  Embarrassed
CyberOps doesn't claim actually that his hack will enable size change, only color change. and he doesn't list all hidden skill available, I just assumed from that comment that such skill exists, my bad.
And I was looking forward to bigger photos, meh  Undecided

Erm, actually in the dll the photography skill exists but all it does is to track how many photos they took. The problem is TakePhoto Interaction class does not Add to the Photography skill when you take a photo thus the skill does not increase.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 464

WTF is she on about now?

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #14 on: 2009 July 08, 09:57:22 »

I'm working on some painting replacements, so while I'm at it I thought I'd add an example of the way traits influence paintings. Basically, EA made a picture and then ran it through nine basic Photoshop filters. *shrug*

no trait influence

artistic/can't stand art/computer whiz



Also, this is how many paintings are available per level:
0 - 7
1 - 7
2 - 8
3 - 10
4 - 15
5 - 20
6 - 17
7 - 16
8 - 15
9 - 13
10 - 11
Brilliant - 9
Masterpiece - 10

That's 158 original paintings x10 traits for a total of 1580 paintings possible.


Also, I'm guessing that a Sim painting above their current level gets their painting classified as brilliant or a masterpiece. As mentioned, any painting as a chance to become a masterpiece. When testing my replacements, my Sim was a level six and painted a level nine painting, which was then classified as "brilliant."
« Last Edit: 2009 July 08, 10:03:31 by Plum » Logged

Gus Smedstad
Lipless Loser
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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #15 on: 2009 July 09, 01:16:37 »

The "Can't Stand Art" variation on that painting is very Donny Darko.

 - Gus

Fine, I can see why people hate the Sims 3 sigs.
Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #16 on: 2009 July 09, 12:02:46 »

The "Can't Stand Art" variation on that painting is very Donny Darko.

 - Gus

In my (admittedly stupid) legacy game, I have no artistic offspring. I may make the one "can't stand art" sprog paint the official portraits of all of his generation to torture him. Should be fun, as most of the sib group has rolled evil, most with either insane, neurotic or something else interesting to go with it.
Juvenile Jackass
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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #17 on: 2009 July 17, 22:53:55 »

Is any of this information from the Prima Guide? 'Cause I'm testing a lot of it and finding a lot of it to be inaccurate. I've had my Sim paint a small painting at levels 0, 1, and 2 so far and each have taken three hours to complete (no 50% longer). I also don't see the word "dabble" anywhere.

ETA: Nevermind, I read the Prima Guide and it has even less information than I expected. Still no "dabbling," though I did find reference to it somewhere. I asked on LJ if anyone has seen this elusive "Dabble" interaction and no one has so far.
« Last Edit: 2009 July 18, 00:40:52 by Plum » Logged

Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #18 on: 2009 July 18, 15:02:57 »

I have not seen the "dabble" option for beginner painters, either.

Liz: I'm telling you, this is my year. I feel like the show's going to be great and I'm very positive that I'm going to meet someone else.
Jack: Women your age are more likely to be mauled at the zoo than get married.
Blathering Buffoon
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Necatur Americanus - and I vote!

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #19 on: 2009 July 18, 18:28:37 »

Is any of this information from the Prima Guide? 'Cause I'm testing a lot of it and finding a lot of it to be inaccurate. I've had my Sim paint a small painting at levels 0, 1, and 2 so far and each have taken three hours to complete (no 50% longer). I also don't see the word "dabble" anywhere.

ETA: Nevermind, I read the Prima Guide and it has even less information than I expected. Still no "dabbling," though I did find reference to it somewhere. I asked on LJ if anyone has seen this elusive "Dabble" interaction and no one has so far.

All of that was pulled from the XML tables, not from the Prima guide.  I guess I should have tested the low-level stuff myself as well as the high level stuff.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 464

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #20 on: 2009 July 19, 23:17:11 »

Yeah, I figured that out after I read the Prima Guide and saw little to no useful information in it, and several inaccuracies. But, yeah, there's no dabbling. I did see it in the XML tables too though.

I almost finished the painting guide for the Wiki. The information is mostly the same as here (if it weren't, that would be disheartening), though I have maybe a couple of facts that you don't, and you have a couple of facts that I don't. You're welcome to add any of the information from there to your guide. You have all the important information though.

Tasty Tourist

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #21 on: 2009 July 29, 15:56:42 »

Is there anywhere we can go to see this paint catalogue? I'd love to be able to know what my Sim is capable of painting instead of assuming it's gonna be something cool, only to find out it isn't.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #22 on: 2009 July 29, 19:03:03 »

Here's some tips that I found that were very useful:

  • You can paint still life of your sims that are very far away, even on the other side of the map.  Just queue the "Paint Still Life" option then right-click on the target sim's icon right before the painter is about to start painting.  It will start the big zooming out to city and then back in animation and not reset back to the painter.  The only caveat is that you cannot move the location of the camera via WASD or holding down the right mouse button without it resetting back to the painter.  You can zoom in and out and change the angle of the camera, which still gives you a lot of adjustment power.  It's not perfect, but it's faster than having your sim follow people around and memorizing scenes.

  • The painting opportunities that ask for 10 or 15 paintings can be EXTREMELY lucrative.  With the opportunistic trait, you will get 800% of the value of each painting when you turn it in.    For example, doing both opportunities with paintings worth an average of 5k each would earn you 1,000,000 simoleans.  Moreover, you don't even have to paint the paintings yourself, so you can stockpile a bunch of masterpieces in your family inventory, let them appreciate for a few generations, and then make a ton of cash.  The only challenge is making sure you get the opportunity.  For some of my non-working painting sims, all opportunities seem to die after a while.
Personally, I find painting to be one of the best parts of the game.  Trying to capture interesting scenes as they happen is like a minigame of its own, though it's more like photography than actual painting.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 464

WTF is she on about now?

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #23 on: 2009 August 01, 03:34:24 »

Is there anywhere we can go to see this paint catalogue? I'd love to be able to know what my Sim is capable of painting instead of assuming it's gonna be something cool, only to find out it isn't.

I went ahead and uploaded the 158 basic paintings to RapidShare so you wouldn't have to dig through the .xml file yourself. Note that I didn't upload all 1580 variations; if you want to see how traits influence the paintings just look a couple of posts up or on the Wiki page for it.

Note: If anyone wants to use these images to create a gallery or post elsewhere or whatever, that's fine with me.

Tasty Tourist

Posts: 3

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Re: Complete Painting Guide
« Reply #24 on: 2009 August 02, 09:52:11 »

Is there anywhere we can go to see this paint catalogue? I'd love to be able to know what my Sim is capable of painting instead of assuming it's gonna be something cool, only to find out it isn't.

I went ahead and uploaded the 158 basic paintings to RapidShare so you wouldn't have to dig through the .xml file yourself. Note that I didn't upload all 1580 variations; if you want to see how traits influence the paintings just look a couple of posts up or on the Wiki page for it.

Note: If anyone wants to use these images to create a gallery or post elsewhere or whatever, that's fine with me.

Thanks a lot Plum, that's real awesome of you Smiley But when I click the link it gives me an error message, something about it not being a Premium/Collector's account and only being allowed a certain number of downloads. I've never used rapidshare before so I'm not sure if there's something I need to do. Darn my internet incompetence.
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