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Topic: BV patch is out (Read 67112 times)
Dead Member
Posts: 1934
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #75 on:
2007 October 10, 20:59:52 »
Quote from: veilchen on 2007 October 10, 17:36:31
Well Kelly, that is clearly a user error. It must be your card/your hacks/your game play, because Eaxis would never make any mistake like this.
We strongly recommend that you uninstall - reinstall, in perpetuity.
Eaxis Technical Support
We are currently investigating those issues that are clearly caused by user error. A patch will be
shortly. Just don't hold your breath. Eaxis cannot be made liable for any user-death caused by breath holding, even if Eaxis knew about that beforehand.
I know, I know. It's just like fighting with my ex-husband, it's all my own fault.
<Pescado> Make it quick. I'm busy and you're not funny.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: BV patch is out
Reply #76 on:
2007 October 10, 22:36:17 »
Quote from: KellyQ on 2007 October 10, 20:59:52
I know, I know. It's just like fighting with my ex-husband, it's all my own fault.
Well, there you see. Uninstalling clearly worked. Just take your time with the reinstall, and may we recommend a completely different game.
~Having the last word is not all it's cracked up to be.~
~All we have to do is remove those who oppose us.~ (Saruman, LotR)
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Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #77 on:
2007 October 10, 23:16:10 »
Quote from: veilchen on 2007 October 10, 22:36:17
Quote from: KellyQ on 2007 October 10, 20:59:52
I know, I know. It's just like fighting with my ex-husband, it's all my own fault.
Well, there you see. Uninstalling clearly worked. Just take your time with the reinstall, and may we recommend a completely different game.
Do your research ahead of time. Don't get one that installs all kinds of crap that messes with your drives or spies on all your other programs.
Are we pushing this metaphor too far?
Tribulatio proxima est
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #78 on:
2007 October 11, 00:14:09 »
Personally, if it weren't for the critical NON-game-specific issues spewing forth from this mess.... I'd say this is all quite amusing, really.
And extended metaphor is one of my favorite techniques in writing... keep it going!
Posts: 1572
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #79 on:
2007 October 11, 00:23:18 »
Quote from: witch on 2007 October 10, 20:28:40
Dizzy just posted a new file that fixes most of what the patch does.
I did?
Readability counts.
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Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 476
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #80 on:
2007 October 11, 01:49:42 »
If I uninstall/reinstall my game, won't it automatically reinstall the patch anyway? Because after each EP and SP is installed, it does the whole "checking to make sure your game is up to date" thing. Isn't that installing the patches?
Dead Member
Posts: 1934
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #81 on:
2007 October 11, 02:18:10 »
Quote from: jolrei on 2007 October 10, 23:16:10
Quote from: veilchen on 2007 October 10, 22:36:17
Quote from: KellyQ on 2007 October 10, 20:59:52
I know, I know. It's just like fighting with my ex-husband, it's all my own fault.
Well, there you see. Uninstalling clearly worked. Just take your time with the reinstall, and may we recommend a completely different game.
Do your research ahead of time. Don't get one that installs all kinds of crap that messes with your drives or spies on all your other programs.
Are we pushing this metaphor too far?
The sad part is that I found that even with
of research before installing, the actual program experience ended up being disappointing, frustrating and insanity inducing. After two different installations, I will
reinstall again.
<Pescado> Make it quick. I'm busy and you're not funny.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
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Re: BV patch is out
Reply #82 on:
2007 October 11, 02:24:59 »
Quote from: dizzy on 2007 October 11, 00:23:18
Quote from: witch on 2007 October 10, 20:28:40
Dizzy just posted a new file that fixes most of what the patch does.
I did?
That is so weird, I wonder if I dreamt it. In the thread this fix was posted, I said it was great and the poster after me said something like, 'and this one isn't 15MB to download either'. The OP - who I thought was Dizzy - said it was a file which fixed most of what the EAxis patch did. If the patch isn't 15MB then it must have been a really vivid dream. Plus, there's no new hack in my Dizzy folder. Spooky.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 703
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #83 on:
2007 October 11, 02:59:31 »
I don't trust it.
I've removed the securom folders and the registry entry, and added the no-cd hack
I installed the patch then re added the no-cd patch.
Then on this site (from phyllisp) I heard about a securom file that I missed "Here's something I noticed. When one hovers the mouse over the CmdLineExt.dll in c:\Windows\system32 folder, it says "Description: SecuROM context menu for Explorer. Company: Sony DADC Austria AG." and the version etc. Maybe instead of outsourcing, they got that part from the Austrian branch?",9924.msg271245.html#msg271245
So I went and found the CmdLineExt.dll file, and noticed that the last time it was modified was today. I downloaded and installed the patch today. humm. I thought of that as I read this post.
I have deleted that file (the CmdLineExt.dll file that is, I don't know about deleting the patch without reinstalling).
But I have told my firewall to deny thesims2 access to the web.
May all your fears & worries come true.
Posts: 1920
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #84 on:
2007 October 11, 03:20:09 »
Quote from: witch on 2007 October 11, 02:24:59
Quote from: dizzy on 2007 October 11, 00:23:18
Quote from: witch on 2007 October 10, 20:28:40
Dizzy just posted a new file that fixes most of what the patch does.
I did?
That is so weird, I wonder if I dreamt it. In the thread this fix was posted, I said it was great and the poster after me said something like, 'and this one isn't 15MB to download either'. The OP - who I thought was Dizzy - said it was a file which fixed most of what the EAxis patch did. If the patch isn't 15MB then it must have been a really vivid dream. Plus, there's no new hack in my Dizzy folder. Spooky.
Heh. No, I saw a file posted by Dizzy, but I didn't know what it was, there was not much of a explanation.
<Inge> Yes, at my age it is hard to tell whether something I am saying will make me look incontinent
Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #85 on:
2007 October 11, 03:26:05 »
Quote from: FourCats on 2007 October 11, 02:59:31
I don't trust it.
I've removed the securom folders and the registry entry, and added the no-cd hack
I installed the patch then re added the no-cd patch.
Well, you are obviously more trusting than a number of us here who have not installed the patch at all. You need to read previous posts in this thread re: installing the patch and then running the no-cd crack. Unless your no-cd download is for this patch, you may or may not end up with a BFBVFS due to the Unholy Hybrid of BV versions. All the best.
Quote from: Azrael on 2007 October 11, 00:14:09
Personally, if it weren't for the critical NON-game-specific issues spewing forth from this mess.... I'd say this is all quite amusing, really.
@veilchen - I'm not sure whether we are being dissed here or not. In case we are:
Azrael: Our pointy sticks - have we shown you them? If you want to be amused, please do so without the backhanded commentary. "Spewing", sheesh!
If, on the other hand, I have overreacted, which is possible on the amount of sleep I seem to be getting these days, please carry on as normal.
Quote from: ShortyBoo on 2007 October 11, 01:49:42
If I uninstall/reinstall my game, won't it automatically reinstall the patch anyway? Because after each EP and SP is installed, it does the whole "checking to make sure your game is up to date" thing. Isn't that installing the patches?
You can uninstall and then reinstall anything you have to (Base and all EPs with their patches up to BV). Your original BV version does not know about the patch and believes strongly that it is already up to date. Considering everything, it's probably right. You can reinstall that too. Just don't reinstall the BV patch and you should be back to whatever normal is for your game. Do remember to back up your hoods, downloads, etc. before you start this, or you will likely lose them.
Tribulatio proxima est
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #86 on:
2007 October 11, 05:21:24 »
Nah.. no dissing, here, although I apologize for coming off that way...
Perhaps I should have been more specific - what I find amusing is the irony of the (Third-party) patches being needed to fix the patch by Eaxis needed to fix the game that they STILL can't seem to design properly in the first place.. if you forget you're trapped inside this maddening circus sideshow and step back, the whole thing becomes just that - a circus sideshow, save the madness.
Actually, it had just occurred to me that my post may have been taken offensively after reading Abbriella's post, and the ensuing flame (and so eloquently!)...,9559.msg271283.html#msg271283
How ignorant...
..and to clarify, I myself really am not laughing.. (well, perhaps in a sardonic tone..) This obviously is no laughing matter, and I myself am a bit peeved, though I've suffered no ill effects from SecuRom
Last Edit: 2007 October 11, 05:29:30 by Azrael
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2133
We are the ADS! Bow to us!!
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #87 on:
2007 October 11, 05:30:46 »
There ya go. I shall put away my pointy stick, red alert canceled.
I'm a bit late, but I've been all over the place yet again to find out if there really is no...ah.... 3rd party patched game fix. Captain Kidd and assorted mates couldn't be that negligent, I thought - after all its the pride of the guild that's at stake here.
I haven't found anything specific yet, but there are some games that can be... well, acquired after patches from the game company. Now I'm going to bed, no need for everyone having to go without adequate sleep (sorry for the jab, Jolrei, I forgot I was still holding the pointy stick
). However, I shall keep on hunting. The internet is a large place, really it is, and I've actually been having fun on my hunt. I just wish I wouldn't get side-tracked so much.
~Having the last word is not all it's cracked up to be.~
~All we have to do is remove those who oppose us.~ (Saruman, LotR)
~Wir sind die Roboter~
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #88 on:
2007 October 11, 05:47:40 »
Ah, my bad... I meant, more or less, the NEED for a third-party patch for THEIR patch..
Silly me.
Keep doing your thing, e-Artemis... (Or do you prefer iDiana?)
You do it well, from what I can tell.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
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Re: BV patch is out
Reply #89 on:
2007 October 11, 06:07:12 »
Will pass. In fact I forget the last time I even used a EAxis patch at all and my game has been fine & dandy with just my hacks.
Marvin Kosh
Feckless Fool
Posts: 264
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #90 on:
2007 October 11, 13:23:05 »
Quote from: Havelock on 2007 October 10, 07:43:39
Game will no longer create new vacation NPCs each time a lot is visited which was causing many issues due to character file overload. Any existing extra NPCs will be unlinked and their character files greatly reduced in size.
How great the patch produces tons of unlinked Character Data Files how nice of EAxis. I think this if of value.
I think they mean that those extra unneeded NPCs created before
the patch
anti-redundancy was installed will be unlinked. There won't be any additional extras because
the patch
anti-redundancy has been installed, so there won't be any unlinkage spam.
I don't know why they bother releasing a 15 MB patch to fix nothing. Most of the actual file is probably installer
Last Edit: 2007 October 11, 13:29:33 by Marvin Kosh
New hacks! (4/4/09)
Unauthorised Servo hack!
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Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #91 on:
2007 October 11, 13:32:22 »
Quote from: Marvin Kosh on 2007 October 11, 13:23:05
Quote from: Havelock on 2007 October 10, 07:43:39
Game will no longer create new vacation NPCs each time a lot is visited which was causing many issues due to character file overload. Any existing extra NPCs will be unlinked and their character files greatly reduced in size.
How great the patch produces tons of unlinked Character Data Files how nice of EAxis. I think this if of value.
I think they mean that those extra unneeded NPCs created before
the patch
anti-redundancy was installed will be unlinked. There won't be any additional extras because
the patch
anti-redundancy has been installed, so there won't be any unlinkage spam.
This is more of a problem for those of us who only had 5 or 6 tour guides spawned before the antiredundancy update, and who never bothered to "Deleted 2" them. In my game, for example, 4-6 additional character files are not a problem, whether they get used or not. However, if I put the patch in and they then become unlinked, this would be a problem. Hence, no patch for me so far.
@ athinamj: if your game is working reasonably well with awesome hacks installed, you may well wish to avoid the patch for the moment. JM has listed it as "not recommended".
Tribulatio proxima est
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #92 on:
2007 October 11, 21:34:23 »
Quote from: jolrei
This is more of a problem for those of us who only had 5 or 6 tour guides spawned before the antiredundancy update, and who never bothered to "Deleted 2" them. In my game, for example, 4-6 additional character files are not a problem, whether they get used or not. However, if I put the patch in and they then become unlinked, this would be a problem. Hence, no patch for me so far.
10 tour guides and 5 charlatans here. The patch doesn't come anywhere near my game until I've had a crack at them with Deleted 2 first.
Also, it's been kind of restful watching the game load up without stuttering lag from the point I hit the neighbourhood chooser screen until after the neighbourhood finishes loading, and I don't miss my DVD player doing aircraft engine impersonations either. The no-cd crack seems much less intent on wearing out my PC's moving parts.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 703
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #93 on:
2007 October 11, 23:53:25 »
Quote from: jolrei on 2007 October 11, 03:26:05
Quote from: FourCats on 2007 October 11, 02:59:31
I don't trust it.
I've removed the securom folders and the registry entry, and added the no-cd hack
I installed the patch then re added the no-cd patch.
Well, you are obviously more trusting than a number of us here who have not installed the patch at all. You need to read previous posts in this thread re: installing the patch and then running the no-cd crack. Unless your no-cd download is for this patch, you may or may not end up with a BFBVFS due to the Unholy Hybrid of BV versions. All the best.
Yeah, I should have went with my first instinct and come here first. But then I reasoned. A patch fixes problems right.
Next time I'll be coming here first.
I had to re remove securom because of that patch. I hope the no-cd crack + patch = unholy hybrid doesn't create that dreaded BFBVFS
May all your fears & worries come true.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 734
INTP: pensive analytical skeptic.
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #94 on:
2007 October 12, 04:47:50 »
I haven't patched yet. I have had antiredundancy in since I've started playing with my real hoods, so I should have only one tour guide and one unsavory, IIRC. I am unusually anal about keeping my character files low and I am not thrilled about the idea of even two unlinked character files per hood. Of course if I decide to bother with the patch I can deleted 2 them before putting the patch in, but what a pain in the ass.
Most of the other stuff is already handled by FFS hacks but one issue remains. I've heard a lot of stories lately about the shuttle coming back after dropping the sims off at the end of the vacation and bringing you back to an empty hotel lot which I believe can result in both the hotel lot and the residential lot getting FUBARed. This hasn't happened to me, but I'm not eager to experience it. The patch claims to fix this, but Pes has put the patch on the not recommended list. So, will there be a comparable FFS release or will I just have to cross my fingers when I send families on vacation?
A queue is a line. A cue is a pool stick or a hint or guiding suggestion.
Axe Murderer
Posts: 1698
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #95 on:
2007 October 12, 05:10:14 »
I patched, I started to see the first evidence of a memory leak since installing, so I unpatched. (Okay, did the uninstall/reinstall Roomba) No more patching for me until they take the time to fix the memory leak and maybe get rid of the perma-sunburn.
"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
- Kurt Vonnegut
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 15
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #96 on:
2007 October 12, 12:03:03 »
I've been following up this situation and I must say:
EAxis that was very unsmart move
I mean BBS is crazy right now but of course there's the kidos that kiss EAxis boots or ass and in other words say that you can trust EAxis.
But most haven't read that people who installed the patchie are having BSOD due to their graphic cards ( Nvidia ) and there's also more problems.
This is madness! No, this is EAxis! - Sorry you guys suck a lot
Madame Mim
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1436
Tards, Damned Tards and You Were Adopted.
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #97 on:
2007 October 12, 14:10:21 »
I haven't willingly installed an EA patch since Pets. And I just don't understand why people keep doing so. It's simple. Pescado and others work and we finally get our games semi-stable, then the patch comes along and all of a sudden there's new things broken and none of the third party fixes we already had continue to work. If we'd all just agree not to install EA patches modders would have a standard edition to work on for a longer amount of time and our games would all be so much more stable.
Pescado 'good', EA patches 'bad'
(Baaa'd to the 'tune' of Four Legs good, Two Legs bad)
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4475
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Re: BV patch is out
Reply #98 on:
2007 October 12, 17:54:01 »
I'm going back and forth on installing this. I know the official word from El Presidente is to not install this, and I really dislike the idea of getting the SecuROM shit back on my machine. But I'm really getting tired of the for-no-apparent-reason lags. I played for about 2 hours last night, and only in dorms (no one went on vacation), and I remember at least 8 times the game would just pause for a couple of minutes for no apparent reason. Nothing but the disk spinning -- the mouse, screen, and sometimes even music was frozen solid.
My PC is 2 years old, but no slouch -- 2.8Ghz processor, 2Gb RAM, ATI/VisionTek X1300 512Mb video card. The only time I ever saw lags like this pre-BV is when the game was rebuilding a catalog. I may bite the bullet just to get rid of the lag, and hope that some expert out there puts out a patched version of the no-cd .exe.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Axe Murderer
Posts: 1698
Re: BV patch is out
Reply #99 on:
2007 October 12, 18:03:03 »
I didn't try it on a new hood, so that MIGHT have been the problem, but my lag got worse post-patch, not better.
Removing SecuRom and going with the hacked exe when I reinstalled BV to get rid of the patch? That made it faster.
"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."
- Kurt Vonnegut
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