***Outdated! For working links and an expanded version of this mod, go
I threw this together yesterday in reponse to Vtuggle's futile search for nice Maxis-like skins with the proper girl parts but no male body hair (for use with Crammyboy's penis hack, which already includes male hair textures.)
I wound up hunting through the game files for
all the teen through elder female body textures, extracted them, edited the girly stuff from AllenABQ's nifty
Hairy Sims sets onto all of them and saved them at the highest resolution into an override file.* Which I am now sharing with you all in case anyone else finds it useful.
This is NOT a full replacement skin set. All it does is add some pretty basic nipples and pubic hair to the existing Maxis female skintones. Face and scalp textures, babies, toddlers, children, and teen through elder males are not affected at all.
The set includes all four Maxis default skintones and the alien, zombie and both plantsim skins. (Vampires and werewolves use overlays, if I understand correctly, and I don't have BV yet; not sure whether female Bigfoots will need any additional details or not.) I would advise not trying to use these in conjunction with default replacements of any of those skins, but you're welcome to try if you're feeling brave.
Comments, questions and bug reports welcome, as always.
Why not just tell her to use Allen's skins? One, she didn't want hairy dudes; two, they don't come in a default version; three, the textures show fairly noticeable image degradation and don't look that great at higher graphics settings; and four, only replacing certain textures makes for a smaller file and shorter load time.
AllenABQ kindly gives permission at his site to modify and redistribute his work with credit and a link, btw.