Bah. I wanted to upload this at MTS2, but there's only so many DAMN HOOPS I'm willing to jump through to make them happy. :p So here you go, Alec Holland (aka the Swamp Thing,) his wife Abby and their daughter Téfe, from DC Comics' Vertigo universe. (I don't have any good pictures of baby Téfe from the comic available, she's done mostly from memory.)
Please RTFM; there's some additional downloads needed, detailed below.
Issues: Téfe does not grow up very pretty and will likely need Sim Surgery if you intend to use her at later ages.
Also, the InSIM "nude" clothing worn by Alec does not have an "outdoors" state, and cloning it in BodyShop to give it one doesn't seem to work properly; if anybody knows how to fix that, please share! Meanwhile, he's stuck wearing a coat in cold weather. :p
Please note that the "Earth elemental" textures in Alec's skin appear
only on teen through elder adult males. All other textures are as per Maxis default S1. Feel free to substitute the textures of your choice. The skin is "showerproof" as long as the necessary meshes are present.
UPDATE 8/23/07: By request, I've uploaded a version of Alec's skin with elemental textures enabled for all ages and genders. It looks pretty good in BS but I haven't had a chance to check out how the baby version looks--if anyone does, please let me know! The attached file will overwrite the original in your Downloads folder, and should be updated on any Sim already using the skin (possibly a trip to the mirror may be in order to make it appear properly.) You will also need "nude" clothing for the other ages and genders, which still use normal Maxis body meshes.

ALSO, as I was updating the skin I realized I used an alternate teeth image I downloaded somewhere, and I can't remember now who made it. If anyone recognizes the artist I will be happy to give credit, and/or to replace the textures if so requested.
STUFFS YOU MUST DOWNLOAD for these guys to work right:
- Marvine's bodybuilder base meshes:,17933.0.html (Please note: the files you need are MESHES_nude_nobulge.rar and ju-beos_barbienudeclothing_nobulge.rar.)
Optionally, Jeanette hair for toddlers through teens by DJ_Mur3: enables Abby's hair for these ages. All white though, alas.)
CREDIT-TYPE STUFFS for items included in the packages:
- Abby and Téfe's eyes by Barcelonista: Abby's mascara by Icedmango: Abby's lipstick by Bruno: Maxis Jeanette mesh, provided by Janna: Tefe's hair mesh, converted from Maxis by DJ_mur3: other content by me. Feel free to spindle, fold, mutilate and share, but please give credit, and NO UPLOADING TO PAYSITES.
Download:Alec:éfe:*NEW* Swamp Thing skin for all ages and genders: