One of my sims hit his (second or third) LTW and got the green +25,000 asp flash over his head... and then a RED -15,763 influence or something like that. So he gained aspiration and yet his entire influence meter was drained, and by a number that seems like a garbage value, since it ended in an odd number.
It was obviously a glitch so I used the sim modder to fill his influence meter again. Then it happened again. He made 30 friends, got the green +30,000 asp, and then the red -15,763 influence and his meter was drained. The sim in question is permaplat and has the business perk that gives you x5 influence points, so WTF? I know to most people influence is useless but this sim uses it a lot to keep his businesses clean. I can always refill his meter manually but I'm worried this is a sign of some other problem.
I don't have an error log since it's not a glitch I think I can reproduce on command.
I have 5 Awesome hacks and that's it.