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Jump bug, even with the fix
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Topic: Jump bug, even with the fix (Read 9248 times)
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 161
Jump bug, even with the fix
2005 October 09, 16:49:49 »
Playing plain old Sims 2, no expansions. I have most of Pescado's hacks installed, no others, including the chatfix. In my new neighborhood, one of the two families suddenly has the jump bug. I believe I even know when it occurred - I had 2 sims playing with the toddler using the rabbit head (so three sims total). I tried to have 2 more join them, and everyone "jumped" out of their actions. I've had a few of them jump since. Also, just today I noticed one of them with the scratchy lines memory though bubble - that's a sure sign of the jump bug, yes?
The problem is, I have the chatbug fix installed, and in fact have had it since day one, so I'm not sure why this family would have the bug. Does the hack simply prevent the bug from spreading via memory, but not from actually occurring? Any help would really be appreciated. I guess I could start the family over, if I have to. (The lot will still be ok to use, correct? If I just get rid of the family?) I'd rather not resort to restarting, but if I have to, I have to.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #1 on:
2005 October 09, 17:03:07 »
Quote from: uaintjak on 2005 October 09, 16:49:49
Playing plain old Sims 2, no expansions. I have most of Pescado's hacks installed, no others, including the chatfix. In my new neighborhood, one of the two families suddenly has the jump bug. I believe I even know when it occurred - I had 2 sims playing with the toddler using the rabbit head (so three sims total). I tried to have 2 more join them, and everyone "jumped" out of their actions. I've had a few of them jump since. Also, just today I noticed one of them with the scratchy lines memory though bubble - that's a sure sign of the jump bug, yes?
The problem is, I have the chatbug fix installed, and in fact have had it since day one, so I'm not sure why this family would have the bug. Does the hack simply prevent the bug from spreading via memory, but not from actually occurring? Any help would really be appreciated. I guess I could start the family over, if I have to. (The lot will still be ok to use, correct? If I just get rid of the family?) I'd rather not resort to restarting, but if I have to, I have to.
the scratchy lines was usually corrupt death memories if my memory is not corrupted.
So the nocorruptdeathfix would be what you needed. Also, I think I've read here that it can result from a corrupted objects.package file.
Darkerdink -- aide to Dark_Trepie. Now with moar dark!
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #2 on:
2005 October 09, 17:45:57 »
I think you'd find if you saved your neighbourhoods and downloads in a separate folder outside the game files, then did a complete uninstall/reinstall and downloaded the patch again, then put your neighbourhoods back in with your downloads, but left the hacks until later, that everything would work fine. You could then move your hacks back in a few at a time just to be on the safe side.
Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #3 on:
2005 October 09, 18:06:20 »
Quote from: faemidwife on 2005 October 09, 17:03:07
Quote from: uaintjak on 2005 October 09, 16:49:49
Playing plain old Sims 2, no expansions. I have most of Pescado's hacks installed, no others, including the chatfix. In my new neighborhood, one of the two families suddenly has the jump bug. I believe I even know when it occurred - I had 2 sims playing with the toddler using the rabbit head (so three sims total). I tried to have 2 more join them, and everyone "jumped" out of their actions. I've had a few of them jump since. Also, just today I noticed one of them with the scratchy lines memory though bubble - that's a sure sign of the jump bug, yes?
The problem is, I have the chatbug fix installed, and in fact have had it since day one, so I'm not sure why this family would have the bug. Does the hack simply prevent the bug from spreading via memory, but not from actually occurring? Any help would really be appreciated. I guess I could start the family over, if I have to. (The lot will still be ok to use, correct? If I just get rid of the family?) I'd rather not resort to restarting, but if I have to, I have to.
the scratchy lines was usually corrupt death memories if my memory is not corrupted.
So the nocorruptdeathfix would be what you needed. Also, I think I've read here that it can result from a corrupted objects.package file.
That's true. When Mrs. CrumpleBottom was bitten in my game, (unbeknownst to me until after the fact), I had the scratchy lines, until I overwrote the object.package file.
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 161
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #4 on:
2005 October 09, 19:47:31 »
Ok - I found the objects.package on the CD, and replaced the one in the folder with the one from the CD.
Folder file was: 30,354 KB
Original CD file was: 30,345 KB
So, a slight difference there. Did the patch for the original Sims 2 game modify this file at all? Because I can't install the patch now (as my game thinks that the patch is already installed, which it is, but any modifications that patch made to the objects.package file were just undone by me). Not sure if anyone can check this for me or not on their own system, but reinstalling the game would be a hassle if someone else could just check their own files.
Thanks for everyone's help, by the way.
Last Edit: 2005 October 09, 21:44:25 by uaintjak
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #5 on:
2005 October 09, 22:50:18 »
Do you get the jump bug when a particular, affected sim, sits at a table or on a sofa with another sim, tries to call a sim on the phone, or tries to relax on a bed with another sim or join another sim in the hot tub? If not, it doesn't sound like the jump bug so much as a screwy download.
Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #6 on:
2005 October 09, 22:53:28 »
It's likely it did modify that file as it's one of the main ones, though I can't say for certain.
Also, this may not be the same exact jump bug as the infamous one from a year ago as that one related specifically to chatting whether it be directly or while eating, relaxing on a bed, in the hottub etc. Basically, what caused it was sims who had a whole mess of memories and when the game would check them for the purpose of chatting it would run into the dreaded too many iterations and reset the sim. The game has a failsafe built in where anytime a sim runs into a serious problem it will reset that sim which is what causes the jumping. You can actually force this situation yourself by turning on boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and shift clicking on the sim, doing force error and then reset (it will not cause any major problems to do this, but it will make them jump out of any actions they may have been in and resets the sim).
There could really be any number of reasons why a sim or sims are jumping and it basically just means the game ran into some problem it couldn't handle for whatever reason and ended up reseting the sim. Having Pescado's chat fix
prevent the chat bug from ever happening, as should the Maxis patch, but that certainly doesn't mean that something else couldn't cause the jumping.
I guess you could turn on boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and have them do the action that normally makes them jump and then look through the log files or post them here and see if anyone can spot something that might be the cause.
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Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #7 on:
2005 October 09, 23:09:41 »
I know I definitely have downloads that cause jumping and resetting, often I know exactly which item it is that does it, and if it happens too often, that item has to go! I've got one or two chairs, for instance, which, when a sim finishes their meal, they jump from the chair and lose their queue, but unless it happens a lot I leave the chair until I'm ready to give them a new dining set.
(What I really hate is objects cloned from larger ones where most of the original is invisible but you can't click on things which are visible without doing a 90degree turn! And I've just installed a bed which doesn't just bleed through the wall - it sticks right out! OK in an enormous bedroom where you can stick it in the middle, I suppose!)
However, to return to the point, it might be worth replacing some of the downloaded objects in the house to see if the jumping stops (objects that you haven't used in any other house first). If your sims can't afford to replace things, I think this is a time when it's definitely ok to kaching!
Zephyr Zodiac
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 161
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #8 on:
2005 October 09, 23:12:16 »
Thanks for the advice, folks.
Ok, well, in retrospect, it doesn't appear that it is the old, infamous Jump Bug. They aren't jumping out of bed or anything like that. Stuff is dropping out of their cues...I'll tell them to do some things, and they'll sort of "reset" and everything will fall out of their cues. I tell them to do it again, and they toddle off and do it just like they're supposed to. I thought it was the original infamous jump bug because the one time I actually SAW it happen was the time I described above, where I had three sims playing with the rabbit head, told two more to join them, and the ones playing with the rabbit all "jumped out" of the action.
I'll play with boolProp on, and see if that can shed any light on the subject to those of you more knowledgable than I (which I'm guessing is pretty much everyone, at this point).
Also, I should point out, I don't have ANY downloads, except hacks from this site, and the Maxis-released ones, and the teleporter painting, and the move-in-all hack. Oh, and the stuff stays in the house when you move out hack. But no recolors, no new meshes, no make-up, hair, skin, nothing like that.
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #9 on:
2005 October 09, 23:15:35 »
The alienware computer can cause odd things to happen. And maybe you just tried to get too many sims around the rabbit head - it may have a maximum.
Zephyr Zodiac
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 161
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #10 on:
2005 October 09, 23:20:01 »
Real quick - when I entered the lot, all my sims were "reset" in that their bars were all at the level they are when you first move them in (you know, almost all green). Definitely NOT how I left them. Maybe because I changed the objects.package?
I do have the Alienware computer, but this family doesn't own one (the other family I have does own one, but I haven't noticed any problems with their lot).
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #11 on:
2005 October 09, 23:26:35 »
I've never changed an objects package, so I can't help there, but it does seem odd that they've all reset like that, like when you delete them and save and exit, then when you reenter the lot they're back and all in the green! Are they still jumping, though?
Zephyr Zodiac
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 161
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #12 on:
2005 October 13, 19:14:37 »
Ok, now this is just weird.
I decided just to reinstall the entire Sims 2 game. Started a new neighborhood, and moved all of the houses from the other 3 neighborhoods to my new one. No sims, no gravestones, just houses. Put in JM's hacks, as well as some downloaded houses (none of which had either sims OR custom content. Just straight up houses).
Was playing one of my 2 families, they had moved into a Maxis house. Within literally 5 minutes of them arriving on the lot, the mother got a scratchy memory bubble. This is the same house (the same MAXIS house) that this family was living in before, and they had the scratchy memory in that house too. Now, it's not the exact same family or the exact same house, because I reinstalled the game, and restarted the neighborhood (and recreated the family). But it's the same house (originally from Pleasantview), and the same family (in that, I used the same skins).
Also, my other family, who is currently living in the Goth house from Pleasantview (minus ghosts), is jumping. Playing the piano, jumping out of it. Dropping stuff from their cues. Bleah.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 861
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Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #13 on:
2005 October 13, 23:02:18 »
The corrupted memory/conversation bubble you get when Mrs. Crumplebottom is vampirified is actually distinct from the corrupted death memory bubble. objects.package corruption bubble looks like all the blue "need failure!" complaint symbols squished togethor, and the corrupted death memory looks like all the conversation symbols squished togethor. Also, the objects.package corruption has other effects: Grim becomes a mobile clipboard and scythe running through animations and sliding across the floor, the memory images go poof, and other weirdness.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 161
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #14 on:
2005 October 14, 02:13:45 »
Yeah, I don't think I have either of those because I don't have Nightlife - so no Mrs. CrumpleBottom weirdness; and also the scratchy lines don't look like all the conversation symbols squished together.
Any idea what it might be? It's definitely a thought bubble that has lots of scratchy lines.
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #15 on:
2005 October 14, 02:24:24 »
I had the scratchy line thought bubble for a sim who definitely was not dead. One of my sims broke up with his wife. She didn't completely leave the lot, because I didn't see her and her name was still in the "clear off..." option on Inge's teleporter. I cleared her off. The sims' son was gossiping with his cousin, and I saw the scratchy lines, the thought bubble of two wedding bands crossed-out symbol, then lastly one of Justin's face. Since he's only been married once, it had to be his ex-wife.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 161
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #16 on:
2005 October 14, 02:50:52 »
Whatever bug that has objects become unusable because when you try and sell them it says "item already in use" or whatever? That's the bug I have. I've got sims jumping like crazy, and I can't get one of my infants out of their crib because every time someone tries, the action drops out of their cue. One of the daughters kept "jumping" off the couch when I tried to have her learn cooking, and then she took the book to a chair, and "jumped" out of that.
What IS this, and more importantly, why do I have it?
ETA: Oh good lord. I may have just figured out the problem.
If I have the patch installed, I don't NEED Pescado's fix, do I? Having them both installed may be what's causing my problem, yes?
Pardon me while I go drown myself and make room for someone less stupid.
Last Edit: 2005 October 14, 04:47:19 by uaintjak
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: Jump bug, even with the fix
Reply #17 on:
2005 October 14, 08:30:26 »
If you have moveobjects on, then you can sell items already in use.
Zephyr Zodiac
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