Chapter 1 is up. Please ignore the fuzzy photo quality. I forgot to reset my camera when I installed NL. Bummer.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 743
Fook me, it took long enough to get a title!
Like very much... hehheh. 
Horny Turkey
Grammar Police

Posts: 14042
"So MEAN!"
Very cool, reggikko - since I am refraining from buying NL until there is a Uni patch and a greenlight from the great overlord JMP, it is really nice to see some NL content in stories. Yay for you.
Good stuff Regg! *sigh* if only I could upload.... I could dazzle you all with my wit and originality. Or I'd give you something to point and laugh at. 
<insert witty comment here>
Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 840
Now with new and improved avatar!
Me likey! Aah, our sims now have their own ideas about mates. You don't get as much control over them as you used to do you?
I like it a lot, I wish I could create stories but mine turn up very boring or I forget to take pictures. Can't wait for chapter 2. 
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." ---Gandhi
Oh my! I never interacted with vampire, lol. I hate their guts...  . My all sims' turn offs are "vampirism". Nevertheless, cool story. I am curious if the baby will be human, or a vampire...  . Did you change her job to Slacker? Aquarius are very much attracted to Capricorn and vise versa. Make her some young mate, and cure the poor girl from the auful vampirism...  . Waiting for the next chapter...  .
Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 840
Now with new and improved avatar!
vampirism is viral not genetic, the baby will be born normal.
That was a fun diary. I must say I can relate to some things. It seems night since NL all my sims just seem to think the old farts are just totally hot hunks and sexy mommas  I've resorted to giving most of my sims grey hair as a turn off now.  Oh and microwaves, I remember when I first got the game, the prima guide said an advantage to the microwave is that it doesn't catch on fire so I bought it for one of my po' just starting out sims. Well, I learned the hard way that prima is full of it. 
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Oh and microwaves, I remember when I first got the game, the prima guide said an advantage to the microwave is that it doesn't catch on fire so I bought it for one of my po' just starting out sims. Well, I learned the hard way that prima is full of it.  OT a minute - so mictowaves can catch fire? Haven't seen that. I always wonder how the hell any sim can burn food in a microwave. :/
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Love your story start reggikko! You have a knack for casual and humorous narration that just flows. I loved the tossed salad pic, I was too slow on the pause button the first (and only so far) time I saw this happen. I've also failed to get a good angle on the actual vampire bite. Kudos to you.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Oh my! I never interacted with vampire, lol. I hate their guts...  . My all sims' turn offs are "vampirism". Nevertheless, cool story. I am curious if the baby will be human, or a vampire...  . Did you change her job to Slacker? Aquarius are very much attracted to Capricorn and vise versa. Make her some young mate, and cure the poor girl from the auful vampirism...  . Waiting for the next chapter...  . No Slacker job for Fiona. She's a Knowledge Sim and is now a Mad Scientist (her LTW). In my very first Fiona incarnation she was married to a Capricorn.  I also won't be curing her. That's one of her fears. But, wait until you see the gorgeous vampire replacement skin my talented son made. You'll change your mind! As for the hot guy...well, Travis can't live forever but Fiona can. She and Travis are so cute together, though. They're always swooning and doing the "hot" interaction.
Love your story start reggikko! You have a knack for casual and humorous narration that just flows. I loved the tossed salad pic, I was too slow on the pause button the first (and only so far) time I saw this happen. I've also failed to get a good angle on the actual vampire bite. Kudos to you.
Heh...I keep one finger poised over the pause button at all times when playing. Thanks to you all for your supportive comments!
I'm glad to see you're back with your story-making.  Always brightens up my day to read a new chapter from you.
Good stuff Regg! *sigh* if only I could upload.... I could dazzle you all with my wit and originality. Or I'd give you something to point and laugh at.  Why can't you upload, vecki? As for the pointing and laughing, once Pescado does it and breaks the ice, it's not so bad. I think he's still laughing at my pathetic email attempts. And not in the good way. 
Love your story start reggikko! You have a knack for casual and humorous narration that just flows. I loved the tossed salad pic, I was too slow on the pause button the first (and only so far) time I saw this happen. I've also failed to get a good angle on the actual vampire bite. Kudos to you.
Thanks, Witch. Now if I could build lots like yours.......
Great Reg, as usual. My son bought me NL (I wasn't about to do it myself, but I'm also not giving it back :D), so my first destination was your lot file. Lovely, also as usual. I agree with Gali to some point. The maxis vampire skin is... well, lets just say it can use much improvement. If your talented offspring can prouduce a good vampire skin, maybe you could be persuaded to share? (Hint? What hint?)
Way to go Reg, I can't wait for the next part of your story.
I agree with Gali to some point. The maxis vampire skin is... well, lets just say it can use much improvement. If your talented offspring can prouduce a good vampire skin, maybe you could be persuaded to share? (Hint? What hint?)
Here are two screenshots. The first is Fiona holding her son. He has her natural skin tone, so you can see the difference. The second is a close-up. The eyes are contact lenses I downloaded from Well Dressed Sim.   One more....This is a Townie that Fiona bit. 
Wait, so contact lenses will lay over top of the vampire makeup? Odd, because when I tried mine, which I think were also from WDS, the icky red vamp eyes were still showing. 
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Good stuff Regg! *sigh* if only I could upload.... I could dazzle you all with my wit and originality. Or I'd give you something to point and laugh at.  Why can't you upload, vecki? As for the pointing and laughing, once Pescado does it and breaks the ice, it's not so bad. I think he's still laughing at my pathetic email attempts. And not in the good way.  Simply put, dialup internet is the bane of my existence.  And it seems to be getting slower every time I go on.
<insert witty comment here>
Wait, so contact lenses will lay over top of the vampire makeup? Odd, because when I tried mine, which I think were also from WDS, the icky red vamp eyes were still showing.  No, they won't cover the Maxis vamp eyes, but they'll cover the new skin.
Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 840
Now with new and improved avatar!
wow! I love that skin tone! It looks really nice. Kudos to your son for that lovely piece of work.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 743
Fook me, it took long enough to get a title!
She's a real beauty, as a vamp. So, any chance of that skin being shared? Please... 
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
It is a nice skin, I have several pale skins I have been saving for vampires. Vampires should be pale. (So are my Geek family  ). What I would like to know is how to make the pale ones default in the game instead of the blue ones.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
She's a real beauty, as a vamp. So, any chance of that skin being shared? Please...  He's thinking about it.  I've been trying to get him to post his stuff somewhere. I'd say the odds are pretty good.