Well, I started this challenge the other night! You didn't say anything about the lot size so I chose a small lot, mainly because I prefer smaller lots overall, but also because I wanted my sim to spend his cash on the essentials rather than land. I built a small cabin with two bedrooms, one living/dining area and a kitchen where the bathtub also resides. Toilet in an outhouse, according to the rules. I put the fridge in a tiny basement with access from the kitchen, for an illusion of a root cellar.
The welcome wagon included the townie Brandi Le Tourneau (three bolts! Whaa!) and she moved in before the day ended. She brought a mere 2,000 but had some stuff in her inventory. I kept a piano and a rug, sold the rest (I thought about it as her dowry...) but maybe the rules should be tweaked/more specific about those things? I also bought a phone to make her quit her job but I sold it back, of course.
Anyway, I didn't use ladybug houses or sprayed for the first four days or so, but finally I gave in and allowed my sim to spray. The whole garden was infested with bugs and the lag was terrible! I didn't know exactly how bad it could be before - everything crawled even on the fastest speed. So I sprayed. As you said, it's even more work for them, and we can pretend that they're using some home-brewn stuff, or picks the bugs off by hand.
Now the silly part... I was sure I already had the hack from DJS, because the thought of plantsims never appeladed to me (heck - I'm yet to have my first werewolf!). But I hadn't, obviously. So my sime became a plantsim. Twice. On the same night.

Well, I immediately changed him back to normal sim with the Puppy Killer but his motives became refreshed so I had to fiddle around a bit to make them about the same as when he transitioned.
I started in autumn and now it's winter, and for realism I'm not letting them grow anything until spring. They have twins on their way but a stocked fridge and about 2,000 in cash so I think they'll make it.
Date boquets, by the way? Can you sell them or do we kep them?