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[Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
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Topic: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience (Read 342707 times)
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2145
ISTP. Officially male since she plays MUDs
[Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
2007 April 26, 20:55:58 »
I made this hacked wedding arch for stories variety: basically it permits marriages between sims no matter how high is their relationship score - even enemies may get married each other. It permits, also, to marry more than one sim, and/or sims who are already married with someone else.
It's a sort of work in progress, because at this moment it lacks of some features I would like to add, but I'm still trying to have them work (of course, if anybody likes the idea and would like to help, it would be much appreciated).
Actual limits (and caveats):
the two sims have to be engaged (I set that flag with Insim) - I have not yet implemented a better way
. Inge did: see bottom of this post
They have to be on the lot, to be selected (it would be awesome a feature which summons the spouse, if not present)
Relationship doesn't matter too much: it would be cool if they cannot have a marriage of convenience if in love - only regular marriage
The arch is butt ugly (I made a simple recolor, just to recognize it in the catalog from the regular one)
No special camera: too romantic.
Simplified animation, to lessen the romantic behavior: sorry for the kiss, I can't get rid of it.
Less relationship boost after the ceremony
(Seasons) Marriage actions are not seen as romantic (no boosts in Spring)
No crush nor love when they kiss, even if they're on a 100/100 relationship.
Inheritance at death is ok: all spouses get their part, according to their relationship score.
"Last name choose dialog" addeed for the hacked social, too
Any test, comment, suggestion, critic or improvement is welcome
Update 5 Jul 2008
Edit by Moderator: This hack is no longer supported by Marhis, but it has been taken over by Inge. The updated hack is currently
on page 2
Thank you kindly, Inge!
Not only you fixed the hack, but also you addeded the useful menu for marrying people on the lot regardless of their engagements - a must have addition, really: I wasn't able to work out anything similar
Update 2 Nov 2008
I'm baaaaack!
Small update/fix to Inge's version:
- Addeeded checks to test BHAV so you will not be able to marry yourself or sims already married with you.
- No crush nor love if newlyweds already have 70 or more relationship points. If you have Seasons, the marriage and the final kiss will not have any romantic value.
(105.41 KB - downloaded 27622 times.)
Last Edit: 2008 November 01, 23:35:55 by Marhis
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #1 on:
2007 April 26, 21:12:28 »
I look forward to testing this over the weekend.
You have you have InTeen / do you care if it works with teens?
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Obtuse Oaf
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #2 on:
2007 April 26, 22:58:26 »
Oh great - arranged marriages and multiple marriages. I will definitely test this. I have Inteen. I'll post if I have problems with it.
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #3 on:
2007 April 27, 07:06:48 »
Funny, the minute I saw the title of this thread I thought, I know what I'm going to do with that trio of plants sims! Mind you I've had a ménage à troi before with Pescado's romance mod, but something more committed would be cool.
I'll let you know what happens, the three aren't plant sims yet and are not due to be played just yet.
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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #4 on:
2007 April 27, 19:16:36 »
Interesting. Hey, I can have a Big Love household now. So, how do you handle jealousy in this situation? Just turn it off with Insim? Or just send other spouses to bed before woohoo occurs. Must have woohoo. Even arranged marriages were expected to produce offspring. Oh, I can imagine all sorts of new scenarios possible now. heheeheheheheh
J. M. Pescado
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #5 on:
2007 April 27, 19:44:27 »
Well, if you have the Romance Mod, there is never a jealousy reaction produced by a sim interacting with its spouse, which presumably would apply even in this unusual case of hacking multiple ones.
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Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2145
ISTP. Officially male since she plays MUDs
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #6 on:
2007 April 27, 20:32:13 »
I don't have Inteen, but if it works with it I would be happy; thanks for testing
I handle jealousy, at this moment, with a mix of ACR and Insim on/off, and in case of occasional unwanted reactions I'll justify with random sim's hissy fits
That feature of romancemod is pretty interesting though: for some reasons I have it disabled now, but I will try it again: it may help a lot with this.
I've also thought about a custom token for polygamic families, but I'm afraid it's definitely way too much for my mod skills, and I always prefer the simplest methods, if possible.
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi,
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Madame Mim
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #7 on:
2007 April 27, 23:54:46 »
Of course, with the use of the SimPE engagement trick you could always have polygamy (at least I've done it before in my game). So the major difference here is the no love requirement to the marriage.
I've tested it with inteen and two adults getting married (her becoming his second wife - not even with a crush on each other yet) and that works, but it seems to
come a cropa
fail ACR tests. The romance husband is refusing the second wifes advances (don't know about the first wife as she is pregnant and not making any advances on anyone) and she (fortune) is refusing his.
Or rather - I should say that it works fine, but ACR is failing to take account of there being two wives. I shall now go tell this to TwoJeffs as well.
Last Edit: 2007 April 28, 08:43:41 by Madame Mim
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 44
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #8 on:
2007 April 29, 17:57:00 »
Perfect. I was hoping for some way to do arranged marriages for my Royal Kingdom challenge. Thanks.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #9 on:
2007 April 29, 19:10:18 »
Great, one of my favorite families in Sims1 was a woman who had three husbands, all of whom she had to hide her "playing" from. I've missed that deviation in Sims2. Just a thought...could there be an option to have the lovey-dovey crap included?
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My Urinal
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #10 on:
2007 April 29, 22:50:19 »
Sim Brynne could have used this a while back...I had to do it with SimPe. Not a great photo-op, there.
(Funny how real Val/Brynne is getting divorced, and Sim Val/Brynne is marrying everyone in sight...but bygones.)
Does each sim get the "got married" memory, too?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #11 on:
2007 June 12, 00:34:56 »
I think this would also work great as a golddigger mod...just to marry for money when the want is "marry a rich sim", if I understand how this works...and some said this couldn't be done when I requested it earlier.
Lana B
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #12 on:
2007 June 16, 10:45:10 »
Are there EP limitations on this? I have Uni + NL and with the 2 files in my sims couldn't die properly. Grimmie turned up and errored, cancel didn't work (I play in debug mode) and reset caused him and the dead graveless sim to vanish. Recalling dead sim with Inge's shrub caused "sim died on another lot" dialogue, no gravestone and no one on the lot got the memory (all seven other residents were present).
The marriage part is working. I married a cuckolded sim to his two-timing bitch while his rival (and twin) watched.
I will do more extensive testing as I am still having other issues, one being a failed death from when the hack was in. I cheated a townie to an early grave and tried to plead for her to test the interaction. Grimmie ignored the pleader, gravestone appeared, Grimmie left, everyone got red memory (yay!), pleader begged thin air and got the failed death sim back. WTF?
Attached grimmie's error log in case it can help.
Last Edit: 2008 July 01, 01:28:44 by J. M. Pescado
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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #13 on:
2008 June 30, 16:55:35 »
I wonder if the second or third spouse of the propose marriage sim - treat each other as family.
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #14 on:
2008 June 30, 17:32:14 »
Quote from: sniedermeier on 2008 June 30, 15:22:34
The convenience thing is working, but not the polygamy. Help?
Necromancy is bad, m'kay? The evil looking dude is there for a reason.
The originator of this hack has not been seen here in over half a year. The hack predates the latest EPs, and so is likely out of date. You may want to check the "abandonated mods" thread to see if anyone has updated it. Otherwise, you're SOL.
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Round Mound of Gray Fatness
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #15 on:
2008 July 01, 12:21:14 »
But I want to enhance it so they don't have to be engaged first. Will the nasty necromancy man gobble me up?
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #16 on:
2008 July 01, 12:28:18 »
If you're going to work on it, Inge, I won't lock the thread. Go for it.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #17 on:
2008 July 01, 17:42:29 »
I would adore you forever. I have a very narcissistic sim whose dad runs the Way of Cheese Cult and who wants to diddle two of his cousins. How my 'hood got to the fifth generation without Free Love is beyond me.
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #18 on:
2008 July 01, 21:12:30 »
I'd be thrilled to see this develop, Inge! This would be a lot of fun to play with, especially if I didn't have to go in and "SimPE engage" prospective
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #19 on:
2008 July 02, 11:58:10 »
I'll add my 'want please' to this as well; I forgot Marhis had even developed this.
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Round Mound of Gray Fatness
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #20 on:
2008 July 02, 13:42:18 »
ok - bit of a delayed start as virgin media are giving me jip. just trying one-handedly to cancel account...
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #21 on:
2008 July 03, 12:48:48 »
I'm also entering the "want" queue. Convenience marriage have always been one of my wishes. Why include a want to "marry a rich Sim" when you refuse approach of the richest candidates?
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #22 on:
2008 July 03, 16:37:38 »
I am just testing this now. It's actually quite amusing. I have got it so any sim can marry any sim, and any number of sims. The only disappointment is that only the last marriage shows up on the family tree - although the rings are shown for all spouses.
Children are funny. You can marry them, but half way through they get bored and stand with the watchers. No matter though at least you don't have the sicky experience of watching them having a snog with their elder spouse, and they still get the rings. I don't think they would consummate it (without further hacks that I wouldn't personally use) but it can be regarded as a betrothal.
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #23 on:
2008 July 03, 16:59:23 »
Quote from: Inge on 2008 July 03, 16:37:38
Children are funny. You can marry them, but half way through they get bored and stand with the watchers.
Hah, how appropriate. I can see this feature coming in handy in a medieval hood or royalty-type challenge - or anywhere you need an arranged marriage. Also, death to all "further hacks" pervs.
"It is always useful to face an enemy who is prepared to die for his country. This means that both you and he have exactly the same aim in mind." -General Tacticus
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience
Reply #24 on:
2008 July 03, 17:28:58 »
Ok here it is as far as I have got. The main change is they no longer have to be engaged, you can choose from any sim on the lot. I haven't tried toddlers, I suspect they would just error.
I also removed tests like not being usable on community lots or at uni.
20th July 2008 updated to allow player the choice of not moving in the new spouse. Husbands are even more convenient when they live the other end of the neighborhood.
(122.09 KB - downloaded 11758 times.)
Last Edit: 2008 July 20, 13:35:29 by Inge
\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
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