SemiPermaPlat is a hack to make your PermaPlat Sims still have aspiration decay, but have it decay slower than normal. This is so the entire want system doesn't become superfluous so that you generally ignore it. I found playing PermaPlat Sims to be somewhat boring. Well, now they have to fulfill a want or two every day to stay in platinum, and if you ignore the wants long enough, they'll decay to green and if you try to use an aspiration reward you might be in trouble.
I've been using the old version of SemiPermaPlat in my game without problems. But I recently made a change that messed things up a bit. So I looked at the newest code and figured out what had to be done to make it an official Seasons hack.
My original version had aspiration decay at 1/2 rate. This meant it would take 16 hours to decay through platinum, for example, instead of the usual 8 hours. The change I made was to make asipration decay at 1/3 rate. But it turns out adults' aspiration would decay through platinum, but stay at the top of gold, apparently because gold aspiration only decayed 2 points per hour. So I fixed it that if the decay was under 3 points (when they're awake and home) it would decay by 1 point.
This current version seems to play well. Aspiration decays fast enough that you have to watch it, but not so fast that it's annoying. Decaying at 1/2 speed was getting to be annoying.
If you put this in your downloads folder, your PermaPlat Sims will experience aspiration decay at the top of the hour, just not a lot of decay. If you decide this is not for you, simply take it out and your PermaPlat Sims will go back to full platinum at the top of the next hour you play them.
Enjoy! Comments and suggestions appreciated.