I tend to get a lot of rain/snow . Almost twice a day during Spring and at least once a day during Summer I have at least rain or lightning. Others complain that they don't get the storms. I also get a lot of deep snow. I am curious as to what others are experiencing in the way of precipitation.
As with all other "random" Maxis coding, weather can fall into ruts. I've had runs of winters with only one day of light snow and nothing else. I've had winters where there was heavy snow from the last day of fall to the second day of spring and two snow days off from school. I've had one year with no rain at all, and others where it rained or hailed almost every non-winter day. I've had lots that seemed to be major lightning magnets with more than one storm a day and a tree that never seemed to get a chance to extinguish with the number of hits it was getting. In my current custom neighborhood (three residential lots so far, about three weeks of play) I haven't had a lightning strike yet, no significant storms, and very heavy snows.