It seems like motives decay insanely fast during daytime, doesnt matter i stay indoor or outdoor
my vampire is living in a house with NO windows, the roof is covered by floor tiles
anyone know if there is a way to stop decay when stay indoor ?
i know carrigon made a daytime vampire hack but its a bit too much, i would really like the decay to be stopped when vampire stay indoor in house without windows (which makes sense , how r u gonna get burned when there is no sunlight)
During the day, regardless of location, a SimVampire's needs decay at a slightly accellerated rate. Adding windows to the mix ups the rate. Going outside sends the rate skyward. For point of reference, the standard decay would be a constant "one green arrow" of decay. Window assisted decay is "two green arrows" of decay (if they're standing in the light patch from it you may even notice some smoke). Going outside is like toasting a marshmellow after bathing in kerosene. Otherwise known as "three green arrows" of decay. All of it stops, obviously, when in a coffin.
Unless you create a retarded pathing system on a huge lot, any SimVampire should be able to get from their bed to a carpool at high noon without going up like the never-ending-bonfire.