Here's the original code:
# Group = 0x7F01EC29, Instance = 0x22F0
# Title = Interaction - Primp - TEST
# Format = 0x8009, Params = 1, Locals = 0
# Tree type = 0x0, Header flag = 0x0, Tree version = 0xFFFF800E (-32754), Cache flags = 0
0: my motives Sleep state (0xB) < 0; true: D, false: false
1: Expansion Pack - EP(param) Installed?(2); true: 2, false: false
2: my person data Is Swimming? (0x40) == 1; true: false, false: 4
3: Verify - Object ID(My container id (0x2)); true: 7, false: false
4: Stack Object == Me; true: 5, false: false
5: Param 0 == 1; true: B, false: 6
6: my person data Sitting? (0x0) == 1; true: 3, false: true
7: Stack Object := My container id (0x2); true: 8, false: error
8: Stack Object's category (0x3B) == Const 0x106(Category):0xD=13; true: true, false: 9
9: Stack Object's category (0x3B) == Const 0x106(Category):0xE=14; true: true, false: A
A: Stack Object's category (0x3B) == Const 0x106(Category):0x1F=31 (0x1F); true: true, false: false
B: my person data Personality Neat (0x7) >= Const 0x203F(Primp Tuning):0x4=800 (0x320); true: C, false: false
C: my person data Personality Outgoing (0x6) >= Const 0x203F(Primp Tuning):0x5=800 (0x320); true: 6, false: false
D: Stack Object := my person data ci: Current Interaction Object ID (0x50); true: E, false: error
E: Test Object Type: type of Stack Object GUID 0xD216EE01 (0x7FBE21F6: Controller_TemperatureReceptivity); true: false, false: 1
This is a classic Edith-type screw up. They walked on Stack Object in line D, while failing to notice the dependency in line 4. Of course, even I missed it the first couple glances through the code, but this sort of thing is more obvious in a proper scripting language than some flow-chart wannabe language.