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Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY
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Topic: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons/0.6 FT TEST ONLY (Read 363803 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5 Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #25 on:
2007 March 12, 21:47:22 »
I'm using the 0.5 version and I haven't had any problems at all. It's working just like it's supposed to. Great mod!
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5 Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #26 on:
2007 March 17, 09:31:55 »
Great concept, great hack. I've played around with it and had no probs until the following scenario:
The family has a home business. Dad, Mom both have to be at work at 9am. Daughter has school at 9am. When I last exited their lot it was 8:30am. Dad's carpool and the school bus were waiting out front.
When I entered the lot with the hack installed, the carpool was behind the bus. At approx 8:45 as the dad and daughter were almost to their vehicles, their vehicles drove away. I tried this several times and realized the last time that a nearly invisible clone of the dad stepped out of him and climbed into an invisible car that sat in front of the bus. I closed out without saving and reloaded the game at least 3 times. Each scenario ended with Dad missing his carpool and the daughter missing the bus.
When I took the hack out and loaded the game, this time the carpool was in front of the bus. Dad and daughter both made it to their vehicles just before 9am and drove away.
I have NL, Uni, Seasons. Don't have Pets and no stuff packs.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2498
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5 Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #27 on:
2007 March 17, 09:44:49 »
Time sync does not appear to work for University dorms. But uni time is screwy anyway.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 164
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5 Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #28 on:
2007 March 17, 10:38:00 »
Quote from: crammyboy on 2007 March 01, 12:03:36
7. Is prevented from working on UNI lots because the time will pass TWICE. (I am looking into this)
I also testet it for a date. Asked home and when they arrived, the date continued. Excelent :-)
Posts: 197
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5 Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #29 on:
2007 March 17, 12:54:35 »
Quote from: bradley on 2007 March 17, 09:31:55
When I entered the lot with the hack installed, the carpool was behind the bus. At approx 8:45 as the dad and daughter were almost to their vehicles, their vehicles drove away. I tried this several times and realized the last time that a nearly invisible clone of the dad stepped out of him and climbed into an invisible car that sat in front of the bus. I closed out without saving and reloaded the game at least 3 times. Each scenario ended with Dad missing his carpool and the daughter missing the bus.
When I took the hack out and loaded the game, this time the carpool was in front of the bus. Dad and daughter both made it to their vehicles just before 9am and drove away.
This is probably due to the carpool being on the lot when you installed the hack. The best time to save lots is before any carpool turns up.
v.05a is up which should behave better with speed settings.
Last Edit: 2007 March 17, 13:35:45 by crammyboy
Vren Lyet
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 78
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #30 on:
2007 March 19, 07:43:59 »
Found a bug, I think - or a missing feature...
Had a sim have a date (some townie) on a community lot and had her take her date home without asking the date first - just sending them home in the car. Both got into the car, but only the playable sim actually got home (delayed as supposed to) and the date and the date meter were gone - obviously.
Black holes suck!
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2498
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #31 on:
2007 March 19, 08:34:55 »
Vren: that sounds like normal game behaviour to me. If you leave the lot during the date, your date doesn't come with you. Going home without asking first only works if both Sims are playables from the same household.
Posts: 197
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #32 on:
2007 March 19, 12:46:57 »
That is definately unrelated to this hack. The game has already decided which sims are in the car before this hack gains control.
Vren Lyet
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 78
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #33 on:
2007 March 19, 21:07:11 »
Okay, than...didn't know that.
This hack is great by the way - hadn't had any other (actually hack related) problems as of version 0.5.
Black holes suck!
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 317
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #34 on:
2007 March 20, 06:58:22 »
Okay, update on my report. I figured out that the sim that brought home groceries immediately and not after an elapsed period had been shopping autonomously at another sim's lot. So a check for that needs to be put in at some time, I guess. It works great with everyone else! :-)
~The Isle of Thyme~
The Isle of Thyme Succinctly Summed Up by ZiggyDoodle:
Exquisite. Simply exquisite (but not at all simple!).
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #35 on:
2007 March 20, 09:55:39 »
Quote from: JadeEliott on 2007 March 20, 06:58:22
Okay, update on my report. I figured out that the sim that brought home groceries immediately and not after an elapsed period had been shopping autonomously at another sim's lot. So a check for that needs to be put in at some time, I guess. It works great with everyone else! :-)
OK - you sorted that one out. I was just about to post with the same info.
Well, I've been trying out this mod and it seems to work fine so far except that I have only just restarted my present hood and haven't been visiting off-lot much. I will report back further when and if I have something useful to say.
Inteen for AL, yay!
Vren Lyet
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 78
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #36 on:
2007 March 20, 11:06:28 »
It is supposed to work with *owned* community lots, too, right?
Cause one of my sims just purchased a community lot and after going there and doing some business he closed up and went home (by custom car - which otherwise worked fine so far). But instead of being delayed in returning he arrived at home immediately.
It's the first time this has happened with version 0.5a.
I'm going to do some further testing...
By the way, thanks so very much for fixing this triple-game-speed-issue - this bugged me big time.
Black holes suck!
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 752
I have no sense of humor.
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #37 on:
2007 March 20, 14:41:57 »
So far all of my sims visiting their owned community lots are staying gone until they are supposed to come back. I have had a sim visit another sim's owned community lot and had them return immediately, but I am still working on this to verify it is consistent.
This is NOT always the case.
I think it may be promotion related, but I am not positive yet
. Gimme a few
EATA: Just had two sims that got promoted make successful trips. One by taxi, one by car.
Last Edit: 2007 March 20, 19:33:33 by Nec
The Loot
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #38 on:
2007 March 21, 01:28:42 »
No problems so far! Took a sim on a date to an unowned Com lot, took a group of 4 to an owned lot and worked the whole day. Both times everyone stayed gone as long as they were supposed to!
This is indeed a Most Awesome mod!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #39 on:
2007 March 25, 16:56:53 »
This is a great mod, I've always had this very same idea because the way community lots are supposed to work is annoying. I have one suggestion though; a lot of the time I forget about the sim who left and I don't notice when they get home. Would it be possible to add a dialogue or something that says "<sim> has arrived home" to notify you when they get home?
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 164
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #40 on:
2007 March 26, 00:23:40 »
also a little icon when they are away, like the one when they are at work would be great. But thats all just looks.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 752
I have no sense of humor.
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #41 on:
2007 March 26, 22:11:32 »
Arrived back early.
Household: Taylor
Elder female, Vanessa. Adult dog, Kicker. Live alone, Downtown residence. Vanessa's husband died 4 sim days earlier. Nothing else of significance happened,
Originally left in a custom car, Delorian. Arrived at the downtown park lot 1 hour later (this seems to be consistent with all lots) Vanessa Ice-skated, the dog wandered around. When I told her to drive home, there was an error related to the car and the time adjustment. I ended up having to exit the lot without saving. After I reloaded her lot, I changed out the Delorian for a Landwhale. Sent Vanessa and Kicker to the other downtown park at 20:43, arrived at 21:41. Didn't do much, just played fetch, etc. They left the park at 00:54. They arrived home at 20:58. This second trip produced no errors.
I have used this custom car many times during testing without issue. Still can't find any consistency orther than one owned business in the shopping district seems to have more problems than the others. Arriving at triple speed mostly, and have had one sim return home immediately from that lot. I am building another lot like that in shopping to see what happens. Not sure if screenshots will help you, but I take them when they leave, arrive, leave community lot, and come home. Mostly to help me remember, and perhaps find something on the lot that is on other lots causing problems. If you do want them, I will just rar them with the object errors in the future.
ETA: I neglected to note that the 50-60 minute time difference does not seem to happen when an owner visits their own business.
[attachment deleted by admin]
Last Edit: 2007 March 28, 18:03:37 by Nec
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
That's Numberwang!
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #42 on:
2007 March 26, 23:42:33 »
I've been running this for about a week with no ill effects.
I do agree however, with the desire to have an indicator of some of my teens came home late one night and started playing the piano badly...and loudly...before I realized she was home. Daddy wasn't pleased...LOL
Cheezserver Fund: 27-Sep:
We made out goal - WOOT!
I think one of the things that keeps a person sane is healthy skepticism about what you believe. Every now and then enjoy a conversation with an inner voice that says, "You're full of shit again." —Stewart Brand
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 752
I have no sense of humor.
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #43 on:
2007 April 03, 21:38:37 »
I am at a complete loss. I have had between 80 and 90 hours of gameplay since my last post (being stuck in bed has benefits
), and every time I think I have it nailed, something happens to disprove it. The only thing that remains consistent without fail (I am sure I just jinxed myself here), is that sims who visit the lots they own never have a time lapse between leaving and arriving at the owned lot, never arrive on triple speed, and always come back when they are supposed to. Other than that, it has been completely erratic. I have gone so far as to type out *everything* in notepad for every outing - successful or not. I have even forced errors one one object per visited lot, and tried to compare what might be there that I am not seeing. None of the failed ones show anything in common so far. Is it possible that it is partially related to the MEAxian bug regarding the season transition from residential to community lot? I know that it is supposed to be the same day of the same season (1,2,3, or 4) when you arrive. I have had sims visit say...the lake (third day of fall), then go to grab some lunch at another lot (first day of fall), then back to the lake the same day, and it is the first day of fall at the lot where it was the third. I have no idea if that could have anything to do with it, but I thought I would mention it, since that is obviously wonky.
Posts: 197
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #44 on:
2007 April 03, 22:56:17 »
I know there is something wonky in there somewhere. It feels timing related, but I haven't seen it for a while. (Not that I have played much). Don't worry about it too much, it's on the todo list.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 752
I have no sense of humor.
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #45 on:
2007 April 03, 23:51:02 »
Ok, I'll just keep an eye out as I go from lot to lot. The season lot bug is presumably on the EA list of glitches they plan to fix with the second patch, but who knows if it can be trusted. I didn't dare install p1.
It does work 95% of the time, by the way. Even on very long (many days), multi-lot/hood trips. I certainly would not want to play without it now. The time thing was one of my top 5 annoyances.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 882
That's Numberwang!
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #46 on:
2007 April 06, 00:27:42 »
I just had something odd happen -but NOTHING shows up in error logs about I'd say the game doesn't think it's an error:
Whiny Farmer John has been happily working his farm for about 3-4 sims days, coming home on time and all that good stuff. Well, today, he turned into a Plantsim while at his farm (community lot)...finished off his work day, and headed home. When he left for work, his lovely wife was pregnant - due to deliver the next day.
Well...Farmer John never came home.
And what's worse is that his wife never gave birth. In fact, after a shower, she changed back into normal clothes and LOOKED like she'd lost the baby, although she still walked around like she was carrying quints (in that lovely way Sims do).
After FOUR days of disappearance (and no way for me to go back to the community was 'locked out'....I FINALLY gave up and moved the wife into the family bin. As I wasn't sure of the cause, I bulldozed both farm and house. I then rebooted the game.
Lo and behold, the thumbnail showed both of them....hope springing eternal, I sent them to a new home....and before I could click anything, the lovely lady gave birth to a bouncing baby boy.
Happy family...John buys another farm and goes to work. Note that he's still a plantsim at this time.
Works a day...happy plants...heads home around 8pm.
Well....back at the house.....after an exhausting day of bottle feedings and diaper changes, our lovely lady played piano until 2am. Guess who never came home......
So...I've quit the game and have come here to report. I can only assume it's because he's a plantsim OR because he became one on a community lot....I wish I had any error logs to report, but nothing signalled ANYTHING that this was an error.
ETA a few days later: Neighborhood has now gone up in a big firey ball visible from outer space. Apparently this whole plantsim thing was a VBT.
Last Edit: 2007 April 08, 17:14:58 by Hecubus
Cheezserver Fund: 27-Sep:
We made out goal - WOOT!
I think one of the things that keeps a person sane is healthy skepticism about what you believe. Every now and then enjoy a conversation with an inner voice that says, "You're full of shit again." —Stewart Brand
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 37
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #47 on:
2007 April 12, 20:54:48 »
I tested this in a clean game with very small neighborhood-100 including NPCs-and a single family. It was the only hack in the game and the only thing in my downloads folder. It worked perfectly. The trip to the CL took 3 minutes. Taking the whole fam incl dog and cat worked fine. Then I moved all my hacks into the game, that is both Directors Cuts, ACR, process-autonomy, and a bunch of other misc ones and reran the scenario. This time I got a call to go on an outing. Every hack and interaction worked perfectly. We were 8 adults, 1 kid, dog, cat. Worked like a charm. Watching carefully, the moment the Taxi hits the portal is the same time they arrive home. I think because this is a testing neigborhood and so small. I will test it in my 500 plus person neigborhood to see if I can get those hour-long drive times others have experienced. 3x speed is triggered as soon as they leave Downtown and the game switches to home view. When they arrive home, switches to 1x.
I got to see lightening strike my lot while they were gone. I thought, Gee I hope their house doesnt burn down while they are out bowling!
Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.
Li'l Brudder
The Quitter
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1612
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #48 on:
2007 April 13, 03:05:37 »
Whoo, this hack is working like a charm, CB.
Baa! Baaaa!
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 87
Re: Community Time Project v0.4a/v0.5a Pets/Seasons TEST ONLY
Reply #49 on:
2007 April 15, 18:20:23 »
This mod is great!!!
I use it and it works pretty well in almost all cases. Just one time my sim did not return. but i forced him to with mailbox cheat.
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