So, I was inspired by JadeElliot and Loverat to undertake the frightening task of organizing my downloads, and am now up to my elbows in beautiful obesssive-compulsive goodness (see attached screenie for a partial view). [Creepy aside] Jfade, I FRIGGIN' LOVE YOU. [/creepy aside]
I have two questions that have been raised in the process:
1. You might notice in the screenie that I have two versions of each collection - R and C. The way I've been making the community lot version is by saving the residential as, say, decorative-mirrorsR.package, then changing the settings to community and saving it as decorative-mirrorsC.package. The "oh, shit" moment I had last night: I realized that the two versions have the same GUID because I'm not hitting the button to regenerate the numbers. Is this going to cause a VBT in my game? I don't want to start over, and I'm actually kind of afraid to start up my game and find out the hard way.
2. I am thinking about starting up a new neighborhood with the All About the Simoleans challenge from jane81 (I think is her name) at TSR, which is a way of having a neighborhood with one very old and wealthy family, like the Crumplebottom/Goth family in Pleasantview. My idea is to have the first generation in the medieval era, and gradually bump up the time period as the family grows older. Thus, to make the game run faster, I want to take out all custom content except for my historical-themed stuff. Now obviously the removed custom content won't display in the collections, but will the collection file itself be altered by doing this? (In other words, when I put the rest of my CC back, will it still be sorted in the collections?)
Thanks so much for anyone that can answer either of these.
Part of my collections folder: