Madame Mim
Necromancy? Isn't that a Pescado warning?
Thanks for the heads up on the new Enayla skins. I've downloaded them but it may be a few days before I can do anything about them due to a very strange game FUBAR.
My other Enayla 'normals' have been updated to show the genetic value and skin name when you use the ingame cheat simDNA now, and the others will follow (including the DewShine I 'host') when things become a little more rational in my game.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
magic cookie
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 53
Hee! yes, it's a Pescado warning not to update a long dead topic, but I thought this was a worthy update  Thank you so much for working on it, using all your and dewshine's geneticized skins has really spiced up my game as the genetics aspect of the Sims 2 may be the only reason I'm still playing it! I'm very happy that Enayla's back in the community, her work on the Pixie skins is exceptional, IMO  .
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
My other Enayla 'normals' have been updated to show the genetic value and skin name when you use the ingame cheat simDNA now, and the others will follow (including the DewShine I 'host') when things become a little more rational in my game.
(/GASP!) Really? thankyouthankyoubaaabaaabaaa!  Believe it or not, until now I've actually kept notes of those horrible hex strings to check on gene inheritance... 
Madame Mim
I believe you. I have a little list of them against their 'names' so that I can alter the skins of existing Sims when I want to.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
Whoo! Let us know when you manage to upgrade them, Madame Mim. I eagerly await.
 | Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay. |
Madame Mim
Pixie Hero, Pixie Endless and Pixie Delicate are now available as 'normal' geneticised and npc Available skins.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
magic cookie
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 53
Thank you very much, Madam Mim, I'll be sure to download them  .
Madame Mim
All available NPC skins have been converted (finally) using Mens Mortus's discovery and are stand alone skins. Dewshine's NPC available skins are currently down for conversion but should be up later today and cat skins will then be converted for offering as NPC available too.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Mens Mortuus
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 84
Reaper haz ur plumbbob
Yay! I just discovered them, thank you for adding the values :-) I keep notes of hex strings too, hahaha, and even a list of the skins in a neat table form so there's no more than one or two skins per value. OCD much? 
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes...
Madame Mim
I always said that I have the heart of a clerk - it may be boring but at least you can find things - at least I can on my HD, my house is usually a disaster.
DewShine's NPC Availables are going back up as I type.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
I noticed that Enayla has a new/old set of eyes over at insim. I know that geneticising eyes is one of the easiest things to do with SimPE but my mac is tool-deprived. Has anyone done this task for themselves, and would you be willing to share? Please? 
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
"In lost my CC thread" I have a link to my geneticized eye sets. Thanks everybody. Also, I found this on my tripod filemanager:'s Eyala's 15eyes and Eyes for the Eyeless and Helaene Sparkling Eyes binned and townified. My thanks for everyone that helped me. Please note: TRIPOD HATES HOTLINKING. SO RIGHT-CLICK: SAVE AS
 | Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay. |
Madame Mim
All the skins on my page should now possess a genetic and NPC available version (both of which will display genetic value and skin name in responce to the ingame simDNA cheat).
Pixie Loveless has also been added at 0.05 because Linda wrote and told me I'd left it out (don't ask me how - I could have sworn it was in there already).
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
I could have sworn it was there, too. I know I have the older version in my DL folder...  And to Jelenedra, thank you.  My game is a completely different world from what ships because of people like you who mod a little or a lot, and share freely. You may be interested in this link, though you and I both have way too many eyes as it is:, about half of them are new, though all but two of them are new to me. 
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 424
All the skins on my page should now possess a genetic and NPC available version (both of which will display genetic value and skin name in responce to the ingame simDNA cheat). Is there a tutorial available on how to make NPC-available skins show up in CAS? Does anyone have the eyes that were at this link? It's broke 
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science." - Charles Darwin
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Is there a tutorial available on how to make NPC-available skins show up in CAS? NPC-available skins cannot show up in CAS. You can, however, re-download the original non-genetic set and they'll work just fine. This way they'll show up just like regular custom content. I think that's right anyway, someone please correct me if I'm wrong. This link is down as well, which is very unfortunate. I was looking forward to having someone else already have done the work for me. 
"Please proceed into Android Hell."
Madame Mim
someone please correct me if I'm wrong. OK, you're corrected. Due to some work by Mens Mortus last year it is now possible for skins to be both NPC available and show up in CAS (see earlier in thread). As for the 4-shared link. I should have all of Dewshine's versions of Enayla's skins up on my page.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Madame Mim
If anyone is interested I have uploaded three 'new' Enayla skins to page one of my genenticised skins today. They are actually older/hard to get skins.
Pixie Doll 0.03 Doll Face 0.04 Angelic 0.05
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Madame Mim
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Madame Mim
More new Enayla skins in the Dewshine pages.
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.