The first time I saw this sorta glitch was when I managed to save my sims away before a total reinstallation; I tried to install Uni over NL (bought them in reverse order
), but in the end decided to reinstall properly all the stuff in a row.
When I summoned a bunch of my sims in an empty lot, to clone them and write down notes about their settings, I lowered all the graphic settings, and this is why I found out that monstrosity
The screenshots above were taken pausing the game and acting on SimsDetails low/high setting only. I play always with simsdetails high, so it's not a problem for me, anyway. No OfB or Pets, yet. Oh, and that sim in screenshot is a born in game, a grand-grand-son of Dirk Dreamer indeed; why he change so much with simsdetails low/high remains beyond my comprehension, though :/.