I've had two of my pregnant Sims do this now and it totally cracks me up! Their energy and hunger levels are quite low, so I have them cook so they don't starve to death, and while eating, their heads start swaying real bad left and right and then . . . plop, they drop fast asleep right in their plate of food. If they are eating with their partner and they start the head-bobbing, they will quickly look up to see if anyone caught them! This must be a new feature in NL cause I've never seen it before.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 449
Grilled cheese lovin' cyborg
Yeah, it's new with Nightlife and non-pregnant Sims do it to. I almost died laughing when I saw it...and I love how when they wake up they're all embarrassed LOL. I keep forgetting to look and see if they get a memory from it.
<Pescado> With ninja throwing breadsticks, YOU are the dipping sauce! | The Literate Sim
It does seem like they added a few new things to the regular non-NL areas of the game too. One thing I noticed was adults now being able to play tag with kids. 
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 449
Grilled cheese lovin' cyborg
LOL! I hadn't noticed that. I noticed they can play with toddlers with the pegbox (and maybe the xylophone?) now too, I think it only worked for the rabbit before.
<Pescado> With ninja throwing breadsticks, YOU are the dipping sauce! | The Literate Sim
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 210
this falling asleep on the table is really funny. have you seen other sims faces when the other sim falls asleep? it tottaly cracks me up.. My guests were at the table and i started a food war at the table, and then suddenly on of the gests that was not throwing food just went "pof" with his face on his food. hahahaha....
OH by the way, did you guys noticed that when you click on the plate or bow in wich the food is (not the food, don't click the food) you get the option to call other sims to eat? that's really good feature.
Can anyone make a hack that will add an extra option to the fridges that will make the sims cook the food, and place it on a nearby counter, just after cooking it? sometimes i just don't want them to distribute plates on the table.
Adults can play with toddlers on the logic blocks and the xylophone without Nightlife. It's hard to position the blocks though, because the adults will always complain the wall is in the way, so if you want them to do this, it has to be away from the wall. The same with the xylophone, but they don't seem to get social from it, which I think they should. I tried getting my toddler's mommy to play with her because she was low on social, and I thought she could take care of that and build skills at the same time, but her social kept dropping. 
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 515
I heard that if they do it on a date or outing, it drops the score. I cracked up when it happened to my sim, funny stuff that.
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Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
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once it happened 4 times in one meal to the same sim. It was funny the first time but not so much the other 3 cause it took her like 3 hours to finish the meal because of it.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 210
oh yeah, and there a problem with that. well, not exactly a problem...
That same thing happened to me. I invited some sims to my sim's house and one of the guests started falling asleep on his plate. he fell asleep and woke up like 3 times, but at the 3rd time he didn't wake up. he slept for hours and hours with his face on the plate, and i couldn't click him to wake him up. i couldn't click him at all, so i just had to leave that sim sleeping there. when it was like about midnight, everyone in the house was already asleep. the guest then woke up, and left.
« Last Edit: 2005 September 21, 14:54:45 by linolino »
oh yeah, and there a problem with that. well, not exactly a problem...
That same thing happened to me. I invited some sims to my sim's house and one of the guests started falling asleep on his plate. he fell asleep and woke up like 3 times, but ate the 3rd time he didn't wake up. he slept for hours and hours with his face on the plate, and i couldn't click him to wake him up. i couldn't click him at all, so i just had to leave that sim sleeping there. when it was like about midnight, everyone in the house was already asleep. the guest then woke up, and left.
You could try what I did the last time I had a non-family member asleep on the lot (in my case it was a nanny): put a ringing phone in the room with them. That should wake them up in a hurry. The way the phones ring all the time now, it shouldn't be too hard to set this up. Karen
Ferret Impersonator
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2408
Just thought I'd add a picture  Former streaker Adam here, not impressing his mother in law to be. Can't work out if it's the fact that he is neked, or the fact that he can breathe whilst burried in mac and cheese that's making her look so shocked... [attachment deleted by admin]
A proud thread pirate.
Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 840
Now with new and improved avatar!
When I need to wake up a sim I put a TV in the room with them and have another sim turn it on. That works too.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 480
Oh yes, I love the falling asleep while eating, and the playing tag with children option too. I didn't know about the toddler toys though.
Ancient Sim
Dead Member

Posts: 1931
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My guests were at the table and i started a food war at the table Not seen this option, I presume it is available from clicking on a Sim? Will check next time a meal is in progress. I assume it's not autonomous or I'd have seen it by now. Haven't seen any Sims fall asleep eating, either.
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 480
They need to be pretty tired to fall asleep when eating, the 'throw food' is an interaction. When your sim is eating with others click on one of the other sims and look for the interactions with little chairs by them, they are all the things that can be done while eating. I think it changes depending on relationships.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 861
Robotic Baby Harp Seal!
Oh yes, I love the falling asleep while eating, and the playing tag with children option too. I didn't know about the toddler toys though.
Unfortunately, you combine the tag thing (and heck, even hugging) and the streaker wackiness and you have something that J.J. Thompson would be up in arms about. Funny he never mentioned the streakers . . . I like the chairs, and the lightning bolts. I've noticed that Nightlife has been pretty heavy on graphical information; before, the "while eating" actions would have probably been put in their own submenu.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 532
Just another shitty day in paradise
I just had my first sim fall asleep while eating when I played last night. My first generation of kids in this hood went to college and he had a rough first day! He was tired and hungry, and I wanted him to eat before he went to bed. The animations for the head bobbing reminded me of what a toddler does when you put them in the crib. I always get a kick out of watching the toddlers go to sleep, it's so realistic!  BTW, I went ahead and got NL because I read on this board that diplomas disappear when you install NL, and since these kids were ready to go to college, I didn't want to have to replace a whole bunch of diplomas later. I wasn't even going to buy NL, the dating thing doesn't interest me, but the putting things in inventory so you can move them out of a lot and keep their stuff was too much of a plus NOT to!
Werewolf?<br />There! There wolf! There castle!
The diploma thing isn't such a big deal. If you get TwoJeff's buyable aspiration rewards collection from VS or MTS2 you can get them back quite easily and for free.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
The diploma thing isn't such a big deal. If you get TwoJeff's buyable aspiration rewards collection from VS or MTS2 you can get them back quite easily and for free.
You are right but this diplomas are only cheap unwantet Pictures for your sims not the diplomas they got before. Test it with real Diplomas they got and test it with buyable ones. And see there different Reactions.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 532
Just another shitty day in paradise
I do have the buyable rewards. That's what I mean. I didn't want to have to replace 30 or 40 diplomas if I didn't have to.
I wish I could use the buyable rewards on campus dorms. Collections don't show up. It would be nice to place something that builds cleaning, mechanical, charisma, etc. in a dorm so they wouldn't have to sit (or stand) and build a skill while their fun level goes down.
Werewolf?<br />There! There wolf! There castle!
I've been able to put buyable career rewards on dorm lots. I believe I was using the collection from TwoJeffs.
The diploma thing isn't such a big deal. If you get TwoJeff's buyable aspiration rewards collection from VS or MTS2 you can get them back quite easily and for free.
You are right but this diplomas are only cheap unwantet Pictures for your sims not the diplomas they got before. Test it with real Diplomas they got and test it with buyable ones. And see there different Reactions. I haven't had any disappearing diplomas so far. Not that I'm doing anything special. And I've replaced the diplomas in a house I copied from one neighborhood to another, and the new location had someone else's diplomas. The new diplomas from the collection worked exactly as they should: Read Diploma and Take Diploma as appropriate. If your new diplomas aren't working right, you're using a collection from the wrong modder. Hook
If some is good and more is better, then too much ought to be just about right.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
I wish I could use the buyable rewards on campus dorms. Collections don't show up. It would be nice to place something that builds cleaning, mechanical, charisma, etc. in a dorm so they wouldn't have to sit (or stand) and build a skill while their fun level goes down.
If you don't mind using 'boolprop dormspecifictoolsdisabled (false/true)', you can get those career rewards (from TJ's collection) placed in the dorms then disable the cheat again. I've been doing it myself, no problems so far.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 136
OH by the way, did you guys noticed that when you click on the plate or bow in wich the food is (not the food, don't click the food) you get the option to call other sims to eat? that's really good feature.
Thank you! I saw this option once, then could not figure out where I had seen it to use it. I kept clicking Sims and going through the menus. Who knows how long I would have played without seeing it again!
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 532
Just another shitty day in paradise
So do I have to use the twojeffs buyable rewards in build mode from the neighborhood screen? I didn't think about using them until after I had my sims in the dorm, and collections aren't available as an option in buy mode.
Unless I have something that's disabling it for some reason.
And I have both the residential and community lot packages in my collections folder.
Werewolf?<br />There! There wolf! There castle!