Feckless Fool
Posts: 289
I recently moved my legacy family Servo out as the metal moron was driving me nuts by doing intelligent stuff like diving in the pool every 5 seconds then running amok as a result (note to self: never EVER let an overly-playful Sim activate a Servo) Anyway once moved out to a mercifully pool-less shack the first thing I aimed for was to get the asinine android permaplat as the wretched thing was in a more or less permanent state of aspiration failiure resulting in yet more running amok and other general psychopathic behaviours. Once the lifetime aspiration, fortunately the easy "become criminal mastermind" one was fulfilled, the Servo's needs bars froze on full green. I have not had to recharge it for 3 Sim weeks and all the other bars (fun and social) are likewise frozen on full green.Oddly enough the environment bar is the only one that still works. Has this happened top anyone else? Is it a known bug, or maybe (snorts) a feature?
J. M. Pescado
I thought both the OFB patches and the Pool Hack kept robots out of pools.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 289
Patches? what patches? I haven't seen one from Aspyr. As for the Pool Hack I'd be delighted to have it. Point me in the right direction and my finger is on the download button.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 289
I'm mac-using. The standard patches do not work for me
The standard patches do not work for me Well, a big bag of puppy poo to Maxis/EA! Selling defective goods...
The last patch from Aspyr is Rev.E, before OfB (I'm a mac user too) :/
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi, Pinocchio. ------ The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 289
Didn't need that and never bothered insttalling it.
The standard patches do not work for me Well, a big bag of puppy poo to Maxis/EA! Selling defective goods... Is that flaming puppy poo?
Is that flaming puppy poo? Flaming, sparking, erupting, wormy, and turning green upon contact. Smelly, too.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 289
Yes well fascinating as the discussion is it dosen't answer the question. Anyone else with a permaplat Servo and frozen needs bars?
Horny Turkey
Grammar Police
Posts: 14042
"So MEAN!"
No, but I have a popularity servo who hates everyone except the social bunny, who comes over and encourages him to swim...
Feckless Fool
Posts: 289
Already lost the will to live....
Feckless Fool
Posts: 289
I'm sure this of little to no interest but the Servo is known as GB after the Stanglers lyrical homage to smack. I very nearly went for Severian (a combination of Gene Wolfe and early Sex Pistols) Perfect Day WAS in the running...
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 431
'cause I don't have anything else...
I have a Servo that's permaplat but he does not have this glitch. It would be very useful.
Poster Formerly Known as Chee-Z
Wow, Chee-z, your sig's mesmerizing. I can't stop watching the little thing go around in circles. Lol.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 40
death by tray it shall be
All three servos I've ever activated live in the red, no matter what I do. They get fired on their first days at work, so they can't reach their LTWs to stay platinum. Even when I cheat them into platinum, the mood still tanks, and so do their careers. Then, the running amok starts. As soon as they're fixed, they break down all over again, then get fired for missing too many work days. I haven't started another servo since installing Pets, but man, do I hate the ones I had in OFB.
My servos don't have jobs (unless you count the "Happily Unemployed" career....) I generally ignore their wants, and I really couldn't care less what a servo's LTW is. Servos exist to keep my Sims happy, not vice versa!
I typically try to keep my servos in the "do chores" mode as much as possible. I find it helps to give them max active and neat points, so they'll be more likely to do chores without you having to tell them to.
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4475
In dog we trust, all others pay cash...
All three servos I've ever activated live in the red, no matter what I do. They get fired on their first days at work, so they can't reach their LTWs to stay platinum. Even when I cheat them into platinum, the mood still tanks, and so do their careers. Then, the running amok starts. As soon as they're fixed, they break down all over again, then get fired for missing too many work days. I haven't started another servo since installing Pets, but man, do I hate the ones I had in OFB.
That sounds like an inteenimator-related problem that Jase put a patch out for. I don't remember if the latest OFB included that fix, or if you still needed the patch.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 289
The freeze still persists! It's bloody useful actually. The Servo crafts stuff all night and runs the business by day. Long live this particular glitch, it's the most useful one I've encountered since the sadly-defunct potty-training glitch in the vanilla game.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Well, totally unrelated to Servo's (which I hate), I had a University student do that once. As soon as she joined the Greek House, all her bars went green and stayed that way the entire time she was at University. It was wicked useful! She studied and gained skills all through college and managed to max out all skills before she graduated.
As soon as she graduated and moved back to the neighborhood, though, she reverted to normal. That was too bad. Kids would have been easy to raise with permagreen bars!
I never did know what caused that, and it never happened again.
Enjoy it while you got it!
Feckless Fool
Posts: 289
I\m certainly making the most of it