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Crammyboy's Penis
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Topic: Crammyboy's Penis (Read 547931 times)
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 106
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #100 on:
2007 May 30, 21:00:27 »
Quote from: igottapi on 2007 May 28, 05:12:51
Thank you soooo much
. there's just not enough things for females to play together
If you'd be willing to use a strap-on until somebody makes Crammyboy's flesh one work, there are sites that have strap-ons as accessories.
Middle-aged professional woman still plays video games. Film at 11.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 79
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #101 on:
2007 May 30, 22:03:16 »
Thanks syberspunk, i have already mess with it a little bit changing the colors of the penises to match my light, tan and med default skins, i also added skins for vampire, wolf and plantsims and redid the alien and the zombie which i took pics from the game and made sure it had the same texture as the skins, its pretty cool cause the zombie, plantsims and wolf are the same as the skin especialy the wolf. the alien has been the worst cause that color is soo hard but i came close. I had seen the gender check but had no idea what to do but now ill try and post back the results.
*10 minute later*
OH MY GOD i did it, it appear on females
but they need a whole new mesh cause it apperas floating.
this is my next project to modify the mesh. thank you sooo much syberspunk.
Does anyone have any idea how to do this
Last Edit: 2007 May 30, 22:59:25 by igottapi
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #102 on:
2007 May 30, 23:30:22 »
Cool. Well I'm glad I was able to help. For more info on meshing, I believe the program that most people use is something called
. I think that is the program.
You could probably look on MTS2 for tutorials or just google around.
At least this means that I don't have to put any real work into it now. lol
One request I have of you then is, would you be willing to share your skins. I would love to have skins that match the zombies, wolves, and plantsims. You could post it in the Peasantry.
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Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 79
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #103 on:
2007 May 31, 01:25:51 »
Done they are in the post cboy's penis creature skins. I hope you like them, my favs are the wolf and plantsims cause they match perfect, the wolf's have fur and the plantsims has the vines.
Li'l Brudder
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Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #104 on:
2007 June 01, 01:20:41 »
Oh, milkshape?
Well then.
* Li'l Brudder walks huffily from the room.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 79
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #105 on:
2007 June 02, 00:38:18 »
ok no luck, i have tried and tried and all i can find are the meshes for the penis, can any mesh savvy person help me?
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #106 on:
2007 June 03, 01:23:06 »
Use SimPE to extract an adult female nude mesh from your The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Sims3D folder, it will be somewhere in the Sims03.package file. Open that mesh and the penis object together in Milkshape, and position the penis to the correct place. Then delete the body mesh and save. If you really can't manage it, post your female-enabled version and I'll do the positioning for you and post it back for you to complete.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 79
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #107 on:
2007 June 03, 02:43:35 »
Thank you soo much. I was actually just gonna try cause today i did my first mesh, well i didnt actually did on i retouch it so i think i could do this, thanks
Cheese Nazi
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1936
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #108 on:
2007 June 17, 17:27:28 »
Quote from: Arakune on 2007 June 17, 11:01:41
I really love this hack and use it for quite a long time.
It's so fantastic!!!
But what about any other cock-sizes? ^^''
A smaller one would be great, because the "small" penis isn't that small. And a bigger, really big one (maybe like the "omfg huge" by beos at inSim) would be good, too.
Is it possible to have more than 2 sizes? This would be awesome.
If I knew anything about meshes I'd have replaced the one Crammy used with a smaller, more realistic one long ago. :p
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Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #109 on:
2007 June 17, 18:52:58 »
I think 2 more sizes would be great but sadly Crammy dosen't seem that much into sims anymore
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #110 on:
2007 June 18, 00:51:36 »
hi Igottapi--ok, i've been messing around with Sim PE and Crammyboy's hack and still can't figure it out. how in the world DID you do it?
also, Syberspunk can you point me to a tut that really explains the gender check, or 'guard' really well? i've been trying to make urinals enabled for fems...
i wondered a while back if anyone had tried to do this, but never got a response on other sites...just did a search on MATY here and, here y'all are...
i'm using a MAC with Parallels to use Sim PE and so far so good, i'm eager to try more in depth tinkering with files...
thanks y'all--zoë
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 146
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #111 on:
2007 June 21, 05:13:55 »
I've been doing some modelling of the appendages. I've got sizes ranging from 4" to 10" with four different states (soft, arroised, hard, stiff) and leaning options.
Wonder where I can post screenshots... definetely not photobucket. LOL
Are there any tutorials how to export Max files into Sims?
Cheese Nazi
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1936
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #112 on:
2007 June 21, 05:35:00 »
Quote from: ScoobyDoo on 2007 June 21, 05:13:55
I've been doing some modelling of the appendages. I've got sizes ranging from 4" to 10" with four different states (soft, arroised, hard, stiff) and leaning options.
Wonder where I can post screenshots... definetely not photobucket. LOL
Maybe the InSIM adult site would let you put them up?
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
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Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 146
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #113 on:
2007 June 21, 06:13:19 »
Quote from: AmberDiceless on 2007 June 21, 05:35:00
Quote from: ScoobyDoo on 2007 June 21, 05:13:55
I've been doing some modelling of the appendages. I've got sizes ranging from 4" to 10" with four different states (soft, arroised, hard, stiff) and leaning options.
Wonder where I can post screenshots... definetely not photobucket. LOL
Maybe the InSIM adult site would let you put them up?
Thanks done, hopefully they can help me, I haven't modeled with Sims before.
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #114 on:
2007 June 21, 06:27:23 »
Quote from: ScoobyDoo on 2007 June 21, 06:13:19
... I haven't modeled with Sims before.
Oh rly? So you'll be modelling which state then?
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 146
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #115 on:
2007 June 21, 07:25:17 »
I mean I haven't done any object creation for Sims 2.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #116 on:
2007 June 21, 08:07:22 »
Sorry, just couldn't help myself.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1701
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #117 on:
2007 June 23, 17:34:46 »
Quote from: lioness on 2007 June 23, 17:01:55
Where can I find the tJ's Casual Romance? Thanks
gee you might just find it in twojeffs forums here at MATY
Grammar Police
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Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #118 on:
2007 June 24, 07:14:49 »
I suspect that even if Pes made the Search tool 60dpi tall, blinking and marqueed with hot fuschia type, the n00bz would still PHAIL to see it and use it.
Super INTJ.
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Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 146
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #119 on:
2007 June 25, 00:40:19 »
Well having some minor successes over at insimadult. I can import it but still borked up, probably I'm missing skeleton structure. Considering I haven't done much modding in sims, I'm not suprised LOL
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 149
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #120 on:
2007 June 27, 20:03:54 »
This works in Life Stories as well as Pet Stories! This thing is awesome. Excuse the Pun!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 35
Eh, Steve!!
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #121 on:
2007 July 14, 23:30:16 »
Hi. Does anyone know where I could get a copy of the v153 controller that works with the base game? I had it at one time, but managed to overwrite it with a more recent version that doesn't work. Thanks!
EDIT: Never mind. I figured out how to make it work.
Last Edit: 2007 July 15, 17:34:00 by CaptainFrick
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 146
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #122 on:
2007 July 22, 11:23:05 »
Well now I'm trying to get the joints working, theres a tutorial over at MTS2, but it includes far more than I'm needing and is confusing. I think my biggest problem is I built them in Max instead of the unweldy milkshape.
WOOHOOO got it to work! Proof of concept, it actualy works. Now I need to see if I can do similar for the rest of the small 4" erect size.
*Does happy hamster dance*
Textures aren't correct, it's still using the original, so don't worry about that.
Sometime in the future twoJeff's going to need to alter his ACR just a bit more. IF I can get those two extra modes included, Sims can then go from soft to hard in stages rather than just pop up. (Wish that worked in the real world
Updated: Textures are now included, albiet slightly too redish compared to the skintone.
Take a look at these three pics and tell me what you think.
Last Edit: 2007 July 24, 10:57:54 by ScoobyDoo
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 146
Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #123 on:
2007 July 27, 02:15:56 »
Ok at this point I'm going to need your help. I want to expand the number of sizes available, but looking at the package entries I have no idea what all goes with what. Correct me if I'm wrong.
This much I do know:
the GMDC contains the meshes, specifically ansoftcock-crammyboy_tslocator_gmdc. This appears to be the "mesh group" with individual entries inside it. This is where I would add new mesh entries.
The TXTR contains the textures, each texture gets a unique entry. By default it appears cockcrammyboysoft0_txtr is the default texture. Rest are recolors.
Pie menu Strings contains the actually messages to the user. I'll have to add entries for different sizes, no biggie.
The Pie menu functions link the strings to the actualy functions. I'll have to first add bhavs and link them here with the strings.
OBJf, OBJD, Name Ref doesn't look like I need to touch.
GMND Gemotric node only references the GMDC's group so doesn't look like I need to edit that.
I know i'll be doing quite a bit of work in the BHAVS.
Things I'm not exactly sure of:
In STR# Material Names are the names for the textures and ID #.
Mesh Group Names appears to contain the names and # for the meshes (0 cock, 1 hair, 2 cock_uncut...etc). This MIGHT be related to the BHAVS, code selects 0 to display cock. 1 to display hair....etc, not sure.
I imagine I'll have to add new entries for arroused and hard (9 and 10).
attribute labels, does this give variables names? Instead of having to use '2' you can use 'Sims skin color'. I imagine I'll have to add an extra entry for leaning (left/center/right) eventually.
First thing I don't know...
What are cn, en and ef softcock-crammyboy_tslocator_gmdc for? Could they be remenants of earlier works?
What is Shape? I see theres some connetions to the GMDC and GMND. What would I need to alter in here?
Also what is Resource Node?
Sorry about the million and half questions and I'm sure theres more to come.
Last Edit: 2007 July 27, 02:37:20 by ScoobyDoo
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Re: Crammyboy's Penis
Reply #124 on:
2007 July 27, 16:21:53 »
Install any EP/SP, problem solved. GLS is recommended due to it having the most stable version of the game engine.
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