Are they properly dressed for the task? This hack blocks them from using the portal if they're not dressed for swimming, but you can still manually direct them to get in using a pool fixture, and they'll spin-change to get in. The portal-blocking is necessary to prevent them from autonomously walking into the pool. They are blocked from autonomously using the pool fixtures unless dressed for it. Or not dressed, as the case may be. That's permitted now also.

A few questions:
1) So a sim now must be dressed (in a swimsuit) or not-dressed (naked) in order to use any of the pool fixtures autonomously?
2) Can visiting sims be asked to join? And if so... will they be able to change and use the pool fixtures? Or are they still blocked from doing so? And can only enter via the ladder first? So... they must be
smart enough to A) get properly dressed (or undressed) and B) know to use the ladder
first before they can get into the pool. Yes?
3) Does this also apply to the hot tub(s)? Or is that totally different code altogether? I found that visiting sims
still autonomously get into the hot tub, which can be just as annoying and/or kind of rude in a way. Perhaps that should also be included, that it is invite only first for visitors or allowable if a party is going on, and perhaps Also allow skinny dipping in the hot tub(s) as well? Pretty please?

Oh... another mini question, maybe, if this isn't
already included, there should be an exception, similar to the "No Buskers" hack, in that if there is a party going on, then visitors could be allowed in the pool and/or hot tub(s). And... preventing visitors or non-controllable sims from entering the pool and/or hot tub(s) should be limited to residential lots, which I assume is how it already works for pools. I'm just mentioning this because, if the anti-pool restrictions were applied to hot tubs as well, this should only affect residential lots hopefully, because I do have hot tubs at Uni lot dorms, and on those lots it would make sense for dormies and visitors to be able to use hot tubs and/or pools pretty much any time they want, since they are sort of more like community lots. Or at least all the objects on the lot are
communal in a way. I hope that makes sense.
