Feckless Fool

Posts: 283
I'll do anything for my kids!
Been reading some on "The Sims2 Community" forums. There's always someone there who gets the game early, and I wasn't disapointed. But, according to some of them who have hacks installed, the blur hack does not work, and neither does the cheat code. I guess Jack Thompson got our game censored. Asshole. 
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 185
I'm sure that it will take some time for the hackers to update the hacks so they work with this ep, that happens every time they put out an ep. That's one of the reasons I'm telling my friends not to buy the EP until after JM and 2 jeffs and others get a chance to update the hacks.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 253
I don't think the blur hack doesn't work as a result of Thompson. I think it doesn't work because the code in it is outdated. Even if they were trying to make the curren blur hacks not work, it wouldn't take too long for someone to figure out how to remove the blur again.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 169
Yeh, last time I heard Sir Thompson  dropped his case completly.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 292
Ah, the War Against the Blur. I think every Sims 1 EP required rewriting the censor patch. Usually took about 24 hours.
J. M. Pescado
Bah, this is speculation. While I had a feeling this might happen, and I tend to be always right, there is no Nightlife. However, if this turns out to have any truth to it, well, I anticipated this outcome and can probably think of something.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Ancient Sim
Dead Member

Posts: 1931
Back from the dead ...
Well I ain't buying it if it has that stupid blur thing on it. I find it particularly offensive on babies. The fact that they want to 'blur' a baby's nappy bothers me - bothers me a lot, actually. There is something very unnatural about that. And if it is that Jack Thompson pervertson, then hopefully it won't affect our game here because it's 7+ rating and our censorship laws are much less strict.
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.

Posts: 1572
Sticky censor can be easily fixed with a few well-placed global hacks. I know exactly which functions to change (and I suspect Pescado knows too). 
Feckless Fool

Posts: 283
I'll do anything for my kids!
Well, I figured that it was just a change in the globals for the hack to stop functioning. That's just basic logic. My concern was the the cheat code has also been disabled.  But, I knew that you hacking geniuses here would fix my game for me right-quickly. 
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 219
Poor censor, no one likes it. I'll be your friend Mr Censor. Keep your chin up little buddy.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 536
The censor is pretty stupid anyway, I seem to recall it blurring Sims on toilets... but why? It's not like they take their pants off to go. Didn't the censor on the toddlers and babies cover almost the entire child?
Remember first that the greatest inequality is to treat unequal things equally
Feckless Fool

Posts: 283
I'll do anything for my kids!
Here modders, is what Maxiod Tom said on The Sims 2 Community Forums. It goes over my head. so, without making this a big discussion in Jack Thompson and Politics and Perverts and whatever, can someone just explain to me the ignorant one what he's talking about, and it it's possible to fix this?
How about I post what I said and people can judge for themselves:
First post: "A word of warning:
The two trees modified (669 and 670) in this hack have been changed in Nightlife to add more functionality (for Turn Ons/Offs). If any users decide to use this hack, the functionality for sims being turned on/off by a sim in a certain category of clothing (formal/swim/underwear/etc.) may not work--a bug which will probably later be blamed on Maxis, I'm sure.
This is because any hacks will override what shipped with the game.
Overriding global trees/functions may cause problems for future expansion packs. I strongly urge modders to take a look at what has changed in Nightlife (and for future expansion packs) in terms of global functions and what not--otherwise users may encounter problems with incompatible hacks and may not know the source of it all.
Things may *appear* to work within the limited context of the hack, but undoubtedly something Maxis added for new features or fixes will get lost in the shuffle."

Posts: 1572
Well, I was about to make some improvements that would have rendered what MaxoidTom said obsolete, but Delphy in his infinite wisdom decided to lock my thread. I'm so disgusted by all the ranting people were doing that I can't even blame Delphy for doing it. 
I just found this bit of news at Censor cheat removed in Nightlife - Monday September 12 It is now confirmed by many that Maxis has removed the censor cheat (to remove the blur when they step in a bath) from Nightlife. Most likely because of the Jack Thompson case. Know that the modding community is aware of it and hopefully they can come up with a new patch soon.
Darn. I liked the cheat because it didn't have to modify the game files so you couldn't install patches, and theoretically, it would have been compatible with any future EPs. But who would have guessed this would happen and they would take it out altogether? I see no other reason for them to do this than because of that stupid Jack Thompson. Makes me wonder what else they changed or disabled?
Meh. I'm not especially fussed. I guess it was only to be expected, but I usually keep the blur on anyways. The one time I removed the blur it looked so strange I had to put it back on!
<insert witty comment here>
To me, it looks strange with the blur ON. Very unrealistic, and annoying. Slows the game down too.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 112
Could someone point me to some info on this Jack Thompson issue. I seem to be a bit out of the loop on this one. Thanks
Feckless Fool

Posts: 264
Here modders, is what Maxiod Tom said on The Sims 2 Community Forums. It goes over my head. so, without making this a big discussion in Jack Thompson and Politics and Perverts and whatever, can someone just explain to me the ignorant one what he's talking about, and it it's possible to fix this?
How about I post what I said and people can judge for themselves:
First post: "A word of warning:
The two trees modified (669 and 670) in this hack have been changed in Nightlife to add more functionality (for Turn Ons/Offs). If any users decide to use this hack, the functionality for sims being turned on/off by a sim in a certain category of clothing (formal/swim/underwear/etc.) may not work--a bug which will probably later be blamed on Maxis, I'm sure.
This is because any hacks will override what shipped with the game.
Overriding global trees/functions may cause problems for future expansion packs. I strongly urge modders to take a look at what has changed in Nightlife (and for future expansion packs) in terms of global functions and what not--otherwise users may encounter problems with incompatible hacks and may not know the source of it all.
Things may *appear* to work within the limited context of the hack, but undoubtedly something Maxis added for new features or fixes will get lost in the shuffle."
(Emphasis mine) Was that a jab at those of us who have been bitching nonstop on the forums about a Uni patch? That's sweet, Tom... really sweet.
For someone who has nothing to complain about, I'm pretty good at it.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 253
Ooooh, poor Maxis! They're the innocent ones in this whole mess of patch demanding! They don't MEAN to make their games buggy! [/bullshit]
I, for one, am quite fond of the fact that the blur is gone. I am also quite fond of my males... err... added genitalia. I just don't think it'd be the same without it, so it is one of my many reasons why I am going to wait to get Nightlife.
J. M. Pescado
The censor is pretty stupid anyway, I seem to recall it blurring Sims on toilets... but why? It's not like they take their pants off to go. This precisely the point: Blurring sims on the toilet is done precisely *BECAUSE* they don't and can't, and the blurring out attempts to cover up this and leave that part to your imagination because sims...well...can't. The two trees modified (669 and 670) in this hack have been changed in Nightlife to add more functionality (for Turn Ons/Offs). If any users decide to use this hack, the functionality for sims being turned on/off by a sim in a certain category of clothing (formal/swim/underwear/etc.) may not work--a bug which will probably later be blamed on Maxis, I'm sure.
This is because any hacks will override what shipped with the game.
Overriding global trees/functions may cause problems for future expansion packs. I strongly urge modders to take a look at what has changed in Nightlife (and for future expansion packs) in terms of global functions and what not--otherwise users may encounter problems with incompatible hacks and may not know the source of it all.
Things may *appear* to work within the limited context of the hack, but undoubtedly something Maxis added for new features or fixes will get lost in the shuffle." This is basically meaningless, and simply states that global override hacks will have to be checked and updated at every expansion pack. Trivial and obvious, really. Don't use hacks for versions of the game they weren't intended for. Duh.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 536
The censor is pretty stupid anyway, I seem to recall it blurring Sims on toilets... but why? It's not like they take their pants off to go. This precisely the point: Blurring sims on the toilet is done precisely *BECAUSE* they don't and can't, and the blurring out attempts to cover up this and leave that part to your imagination because sims...well...can't. I understand - animations, different clothing styles etc.. and have no desire to see them doing so anyway. My point simply being that because they don't, the blur is even more ridiculous.
Remember first that the greatest inequality is to treat unequal things equally
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 39
Ah, as one person who invoked the, er, ranting, in the MTS2 thread, I should probably apologize. It was wrong for me to offer $50 to someone who shoots Jack Thompson. That price is far below market value for that kind of contract. I hoped someone would take it on as a personal project.  And, yes, I'm not really serious. Maybe I shouldn't assume John/Jane Q. Simsfan will find assassination-related humor entertaining.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 184
Was that a jab at those of us who have been bitching nonstop on the forums about a Uni patch? That's sweet, Tom... really sweet.
Actually, it is because we are blamed for practically everything. Then again, it is probably all my fault.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 184
This is basically meaningless, and simply states that global override hacks will have to be checked and updated at every expansion pack. Trivial and obvious, really. Don't use hacks for versions of the game they weren't intended for. Duh.
Glad I could help. Of course the context of the thread was that people were attempting to use a hack made for the base game or Uni in NL--just trying to point out the obvious, but what do I know?