Everyone seems to want to remake every single sim to make them look pretty, but I keep them the way they are!
Not "everyone want to remake every single sim to make them look pretty", I didn't touch Ty Blubber (or anyone else except Komei's nose) from Sim State even though he sports a stereo-typical Asain look. Sheesh, can he even see out of those slits Maxis put in for his eyes? And there are sims with smaller slits than his.
Curious, how did you sort out the duplicate Skip, Michael and Darleen files? did you resurrect both ghosts?
I renamed the ones without character data and saved a backup copy of the entire Sims 2 game folder for when I have to replay for whatever reason, before all the SimPE updates which I've lost count of. The latest 0.46 version can pull up all the sim names again, so you can try your hand at it
. I posted a reply in Momthing's 'Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)' thread, that's the method I've been using to resurrect the dead. You can use Posie's tutorial too, she has screenshots you can follow (I couldn't figure out how to upload all of mine as there's a limit to how many you can upload here
, yes, I'm an idiot at stuffs like that, and Posie posted before I did, and she did a great job too), way better than written description.
The names of those 3 with character data are grouped together and among the ncps, so skip the first 'Skip', 'Michael' and 'Darleen' you see. Here's a screenshot before I deleted all other unwanted characters:
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