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My entry is on a 3x3 lot and is fully furnished at $166K. The house is rather big, but it should have everything you need and more. There is an empty shop ready to start a home business if you choose, and a large attic that could be used for crafting stations, extra bedrooms, storage, etc. The basement has a two-car garage that cars teleport into (due to being too close to the street for a driveway). There is a special bedroom for a vampire, as well as plenty of room for all the career rewards. On the main floor there are 3 bedrooms and there is a sunken nursery to keep toddlers out of the way.
Since OFB came out, my home businesses have usually been venues. I lock guests out of the kitchen and dining room. The bar countertop allows you to feed customers if you want because they can take food from that side and sit and eat in the living room, but it keeps the ungrateful customers from complaining about dirty plates, since they can't put a dirty plate down from that side. They can only set plates on the floor, and those get cleaned up quickly by the cleanbot.
The bribe: El Presidente's PalaceI almost didn't enter the contest because I couldn't think of a bribe, but then I remembered this appropriately-named lot I built based on the palace in Tropico. I have an earlier version of the lot on the exchange, but this version is the renovated, playable version with custom content removed, many problems fixed, and it has added street parking. MATY features are also included, such as the sleep clocks, bathroom controllers, lot debugger, etc.
As an addtional bribe, I would also be willing to
attempt to build a requested lot for each judge.
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