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SimPE Weirdness - Multiple Instances of the same sim, in
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Topic: SimPE Weirdness - Multiple Instances of the same sim, in (Read 20934 times)
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: SimPE Weirdness - Multiple Instances of the same sim, in
Reply #25 on:
2005 September 08, 23:07:14 »
Well, it isn't safe to move houses with sims living in them. You always get these "shadows" or "clones", but if you decide to do it anyway, you can (a) removed the duplicates in SimPE and (b) move the house into the neighbourhood straight away after you've loaded it, so the sims don't get the chance to go wandering around town. (This is what I think causes the duplicates, as sims in the Bin can go visiting in the main neighbourhood.)
Zephyr Zodiac
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: SimPE Weirdness - Multiple Instances of the same sim, in
Reply #26 on:
2005 September 09, 01:19:03 »
Sims wander around the neighborhood even when they live in a house. Sims in the lot bin shouldn't be wandering around town because at that point they aren't even part of a neighborhood. JMP says not to even move a house that has sims in it to the lot bin.
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: SimPE Weirdness - Multiple Instances of the same sim, in
Reply #27 on:
2005 September 09, 02:01:52 »
Well, I think I said it wasn't safe to do - but if someone wants to do it, I suppose it's up to them. But sims in the lot bin do wander around!!!! I've had it happen before I knew they shouldn't have been put there!
Zephyr Zodiac
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
Re: SimPE Weirdness - Multiple Instances of the same sim, in
Reply #28 on:
2005 September 09, 13:30:37 »
I guess it is something to do with the sims in the lot bin. I screwed up my game big time by trying to edit a character who had just moved out of his lot, and once I saved, he was gone and bammo! Got another Troy Whatshisface. I had 6 or 7 copies of him, and my characters were disappearing. I am definitely going back to an older version of simpe. If I see Troy Jitmakusol one more time I'm gonna throw up. He's butt ugly.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 283
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Re: SimPE Weirdness - Multiple Instances of the same sim, in
Reply #29 on:
2005 September 09, 14:38:39 »
See, I had missunderstood something that I had read about it being okay to package a Uni Lot and move it from one campus to another in the same neighborhoos. I had used SC4 to terrain a new campus, and wanted to put all my YA's in the same place and try to hurry them up through UNI. Like I said, it was stupid and I started having problems about a month after I did it, so I knew I had screwed up. LOL But then when I downloaded the new version of SimsPE and tried to delete out all the duplicate sims and fix the problem, things went from bad to worse and I couldn't even restore the old backups. So, maybe it's partially my fault and partially the new SimsPE version. LOL
Oh, well, I now have a neat new neighborhood with only 30 sims (with the exception of professors and other assorted service personel) thanks to the deleteallcharacters cheat and JMP's noregen hacks. I also have a cleaned out downloads folder. So, bring on the new bugs and challenges of Nightlife!
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: SimPE Weirdness - Multiple Instances of the same sim, in
Reply #30 on:
2005 September 09, 17:48:47 »
Quote from: Brynne on 2005 September 09, 13:30:37
I guess it is something to do with the sims in the lot bin. I screwed up my game big time by trying to edit a character who had just moved out of his lot, and once I saved, he was gone and bammo! Got another Troy Whatshisface. I had 6 or 7 copies of him, and my characters were disappearing. I am definitely going back to an older version of simpe. If I see Troy Jitmakusol one more time I'm gonna throw up. He's butt ugly.
Brynne, if you need it, I have version 0.36, plus I have the original download, so if you need a copy, let me know.
Zephyr Zodiac
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
Re: SimPE Weirdness - Multiple Instances of the same sim, in
Reply #31 on:
2005 September 09, 17:51:59 »
I had this problem too and went back to the old SimPe.
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of
the strong."
Smells Like Pee
Posts: 7367
Re: SimPE Weirdness - Multiple Instances of the same sim, in
Reply #32 on:
2005 September 12, 14:01:48 »
Thanks, guys. I downloaded .36 from sourcefourge and so far,
knock on wood
, it hasn't happened again.
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