Thanks to akatonbo for having mercy on a poor non english speaker!
Last report
1) I found 2 dangling SWAF (the last 2 on my SimPE list) and deleted them. One of these even contained 7 (!) wishes.
So the case seems proven - dangling SWAF CAN happen without DAC solely due to ingame bugs. (The lot in the bugged adoption case most probably would have been lost without using Pescados debugger).
2) Finally found the option in the INSIM aspiration adjuster (used INSIM OBJ edition). It´s "Reset Panel". All 3 kids are back to 4 slots and 1 lock and ageappropriate no LTW´s.
I have to apologize myself to the INSIM. I would not use INSIM regularily due to my way of playing the game, but it IS a well designed tool.
I thank everyone who popped in and helped me in solving the puzzle and (hopefully) restore my relatively new neighborhood to normal. I´ve learned a thing about terminology and more about the usefulness of SimPE!
NB: Also found a lot of Unknown to Unknown relationships. Where were these derived off?