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Author Topic: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2  (Read 281690 times)
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #300 on: 2007 February 09, 17:55:50 »

Its a systemax, which I purchased through
I got it and had a problem, ( looks to not be the manufacturer's fault, looks like ups dropped the box and did some damage)
And I had to return it for replacement. Major disapointment. But I can say their customer support was fantastic, The tech had me crawling around inside my pc and pulling and reattaching wires. He didn't talk down to me, (unlike gateway, which acted as though since I was female, I obviously couldn't know anything about pcs) and a big plus, I actually was talking to someone who's native language was the same as mine. So no weird communication issues.
They had ups at my door the next day, they picked it up and sent it back, I should get a new one in about 2 weeks with shipping time.
They didn't want to repair this one, since it had been damaged so their rebuilding a new one.

Axe Murderer
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #301 on: 2007 February 10, 12:01:06 »

The main problem you're going to run up against in that computer is playing TS2 with Nvidia drivers.  Undecided If you only play TS2, that would work out, because you can just run on older drivers, but new games want new drivers, and then you'll have to make a choice.

My other concerns are mainly just personal preferences- the  Duos run cooler,faster, and using less power than the Turion processors do-I read all those benchmarks and reviews over the summer when I was shopping for a laptop- and at this point, the additional power you get from running with dual video cards is negligible compared to the price difference. *shrug*

FYI: Alienware isn't the only place to go for that kind of laptop. Hypersonic is where I will go one day. But they aren't any cheaper than Alienware. No one is, at that level.

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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #302 on: 2007 February 21, 12:56:08 »

Ugh, In honor of Seasons. I am finally upgading.

I have 1gb ram now (2 x 512 mb) I am thinking about gettingI currently have a geforce 5200 fx 256 mb. Epox Ep-8hda5+ Board.
420w power supply.

I am thinking about making the jump to 3 gb (max board can hold) but am curious how it would work if i just get and additional 1 gb stick with the 2 -512s.

Also looking at
SAPPHIRE 100171L Radeon X1950PRO 512MB 256-bit GDDR3 AGP 4X/8X HDCP Video Card

Any comments.


Proud Army Wife of a soldier deployed to IRAQ. Support us or get the fuck out.
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The same thing happened with my Pescado, before this he was a lady's man. Now he is some guy's bitch.
Axe Murderer
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #303 on: 2007 February 21, 15:12:04 »

You must have an older mobo, so your RAM doesn't (usually) need to be "balanced" like if you had a dual channel system. Obviously, if its max is 3 GB.  Wink 2 GB should be enough, however, unless you've done something insane and gotten Vista.

As for the card, it's an awesome card, but what processor do you have? TS2 relies heavily on the processor, in addition to the RAM and card, and I'd hate for you to spend $200+ on a new card, only to have the processor hold you back from experiencing its potential. Not when you could spend less on an older card and still get improvement.

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."

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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #304 on: 2007 February 21, 15:31:55 »

amd athlong 64 3400 processor

Proud Army Wife of a soldier deployed to IRAQ. Support us or get the fuck out.
I am 25.

Quote from: lindaetterlee
The same thing happened with my Pescado, before this he was a lady's man. Now he is some guy's bitch.
Axe Murderer
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #305 on: 2007 February 21, 15:42:09 »

amd athlong 64 3400 processor

Carry on, then.  Cheesy

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."

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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #306 on: 2007 February 21, 15:44:01 »

i was planning on upgrading to 3 gb when i do video. will that totall kick ass or what lol

Proud Army Wife of a soldier deployed to IRAQ. Support us or get the fuck out.
I am 25.

Quote from: lindaetterlee
The same thing happened with my Pescado, before this he was a lady's man. Now he is some guy's bitch.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #307 on: 2007 February 24, 12:58:52 »

Okay, so I've started thinking seriously about upgrading my compy.  It's a Dell Dimension 8200, about five years old (dinosaur!), but it was top of the line when I bought it and is still not a bad computer (I run TS2 at almost all highest graphic quality settings with serious lag only occurring on community lots and when the game has been running for more than several hours).
-Pentium 4 processor - 1.90 GHz
-1.00 gig RAM
-Two 120 gig hard drives (these are new; last year my original hard drive suffered a BFBVFS (it was tragic))
-NVIDIA GeForce3 (and I actually *haven't* had any major problems - am I like the only person to say that?)

I have the sinking suspicion that this won't be good enough anymore once I install Seasons.  I'm rather strapped for cash right now, so if I could isolate the biggest potential problem and focus on upgrading that, I would be a happy camper.  (This is why I'm not really considering buying a new computer)  I figured that the folks here are the best ones to go to for advice.

Also, I would like to educate myself more about computer hardware.  Does anyone have any advice in that regard? 

Any comments welcome - Thanks!

Axe Murderer
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #308 on: 2007 February 25, 02:06:27 »

I think the biggest problem you'll have with Seasons is your video card. You could use some more RAM, but right now your card is the biggest problem. You probably have an AGP slot, right? The only thing I'm concerned about is that to run a modern video card, you need a bigger power supply than a 5 yr old Dell will have, and Dells of that era came with proprietary power supplies that can't be replaced easily, at least not without also getting an adaptor.  Undecided By the time you're done with the card, the power supply, the adaptor, and you really could use more RAM, you'll be a long, long way towards a new computer. *sigh* If you're honestly strapped for cash, it would be a shame to waste it on a video card that makes your computer run worse (if you replace the card and not the power supply, you'll be likely to have all kinds of crashing/freezing problems) or RAM that just won't make any difference. Especially when neither of those things will be able to be salvaged if you decide to have a new computer built.  The best advice I have is to wait to buy Seasons until you can get a new computer that will play it.  Sad I know, not what you want to hear, but I hate to send people out to spend money for no good reason.

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."

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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #309 on: 2007 March 05, 09:55:58 »

PC Power & Cooling makes PSUs for Dell.

Edited to add following question:  Does anyone have recommendations for disk imaging software?  In particular, any experience with Acronis?
« Last Edit: 2007 March 05, 10:14:58 by ZiggyDoodle » Logged
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #310 on: 2007 March 05, 12:19:35 »

Argh.  You're right, not what I wanted to hear lol.

But I went ahead and bought seasons, figuring that if it didn't run I could return it, and it actually runs great (it helps that I'm playing a medieval hood with only a fraction of my normal cc lol).  It slows down a lot when loading a neighborhood or lot, but once it comes up there are no problems.  And the graphics are spectacular!  I've seen some people complaining about not seeing the fish in the ponds, but they definitely show in my game. 

I know it doesn't make sense, because my card is so old, but everything in my computer was top of the line when I bought it and I guess they're still pretty good. *shrug* 

I'm probably approaching max capacity, though.  The next EP might be the last on this system.  Undecided
Axe Murderer
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #311 on: 2007 March 05, 13:12:04 »

PC Power & Cooling makes PSUs for Dell.

Edited to add following question:  Does anyone have recommendations for disk imaging software?  In particular, any experience with Acronis?

I have Acronis.  Smiley Not that I ever remember to back up my system, and I've never had to actually use the image I did make, but I have it.  Cheesy It was easy to use, though. (Okay, not terribly helpful, I admit.)

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."

- Kurt Vonnegut
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #312 on: 2007 March 06, 05:18:54 »

Helpful enough, as I've been reading bad reviews on Symantec's Ghost.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #313 on: 2007 March 07, 09:35:17 »

Helpful enough, as I've been reading bad reviews on Symantec's Ghost.

GAH!  I HATE Symantec!  I have Ghost on my computer, and it works... somehow... but it was only by dint of a miracle that it installed.  My dad couldn't get it to work on his computer at all.  When he contacted tech support (this was before they started charging for it) they told him (I swear to God I'm not making this up):

"The problem is that your drives aren't mounted."

... oooookay.....

Can't they at least give my dad a PLAUSIBLE lie about why their software is broken?
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #314 on: 2007 March 08, 19:21:08 »

Its tax time again, and I am going try to have a new computer built for me.  At a local "Computer Solutions" store, I received the following quote and would sure appreciate an opinion on it.  Smiley

Intel 965 Motherboard (Integrated Video/Sound/NIC) . . .( NIC Huh )
3.2 GHz Celeron D/533 Mhz
1 GB DDR2 533 MHz RAM . . . (does this mean 1 gb of memory or 533?? soo confusing  Roll Eyes)
250 GB S-ATA II WD 7200 RPM 16 MB HD . . . (does this mean 250 gb of hard drive space, if so, what does the 16 MB for?)
16x Dual Layer DVD Burner w/ software
Windows XP Home
Microsoft Keyboard and mouse
Antec 640TX 400W case . . . (is this the power supply?)

Price ..........................$799.00 plus tax Canadian

Of course they advised adding the following:

CPU . . .  2.13 GHz Core 2 Duo / 2 MB . . . . $266.00
RAM . . . 2 GB KVR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$99.00
Graphic Card . . . Sapphire X1650 XT 256 MB . . . $204.00

all plus taxes

Subtotal of $1,368.00 plus taxes of course

With the 3.2 GHz Celeron D, I assume that is single core and they want me to upgrade to a duo-core?

Thanks so much!  Cheesy

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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #315 on: 2007 March 08, 20:06:45 »

Its tax time again, and I am going try to have a new computer built for me.  At a local "Computer Solutions" store, I received the following quote and would sure appreciate an opinion on it.  Smiley

Intel 965 Motherboard (Integrated Video/Sound/NIC) . . .( NIC Huh )

NIC = Network Interface Card, the ethernet card you use to connect to your home network (cable/DSL/whatever).

1 GB DDR2 533 MHz RAM . . . (does this mean 1 gb of memory or 533?? soo confusing  Roll Eyes)
250 GB S-ATA II WD 7200 RPM 16 MB HD . . . (does this mean 250 gb of hard drive space, if so, what does the 16 MB for?)

1GB of memory; the 533MHz is the memory chip's speed, which is important to know if you're going to add more later on.

The 16MB is either the data transfer rate or the pre-fetch memory on the HD -- I'm not sure about that one.

As for the rest, yes, go for the extra ram and the better video cards.  The Celeron is probably single core and they are advising you to get a dual core.  If you can afford it, the full system doesn't sound bad.

Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #316 on: 2007 March 09, 10:11:16 »

As for the rest, yes, go for the extra ram and the better video cards.  The Celeron is probably single core and they are advising you to get a dual core.  If you can afford it, the full system doesn't sound bad.

*DrBeast waves hi to Joe
Yep, the Celeron IS single core and it might also be one of the worst CPUs Intel ever released! The Core2Duo, on the other hand, seems to bash the competition to smithereens, so yeah, I'd DEFINITELY go for it! And the extra RAM and graphics card, too. BUT...

Antec 640TX 400W case . . . (is this the power supply?)

Yes, this is the power supply, which ships with the case if I'm not mistaken, and it's quite ok for the system without the extras. If you do add in the extras, however, especially the graphics card, you will need a better power supply, something of better quality and wattage than the one supplied. My choice would be a Tagan in the 500-550W area, (don't think Tagan is that common in the American continent though) as I don't value Antec all that much...seem to be hit or miss deals.

ETA: just noticed this:
The 16MB is either the data transfer rate or the pre-fetch memory on the HD -- I'm not sure about that one.

It's buffer cache size  Wink

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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #317 on: 2007 March 09, 11:48:50 »

I wouldn't even consider a Celeron for a gaming machine. I think they're probably marketed as a budget chip mostly suitable for people who only use their computers for reading email, browsing the Net, and writing the occasional Word document, and who want a bargain basement price tag on their computer.

When I was researching parts for my build two years ago, the Antec PSU's had very good reviews. I bought an Antec 480W PurePower 2.0 and haven't had any complaints about it at all.
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #318 on: 2007 March 09, 11:54:36 »

Celeron is the Skoda of the computing world. I think Durons are the AMD equivalent.

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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #319 on: 2007 March 09, 12:23:24 »

I had some questions, which remain unanswered, that I posted here  Rather than reposted, I thought I'd just link. Tongue

Also... with regards to PSUs, someone gave me this great link.  It provides a heirarchical breakdown of PSUs.  I personally don't know how reliable this categorization is... but the people involved seem very knowledgeable and somewhat trustworthy. Cheesy


Axe Murderer
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #320 on: 2007 March 09, 12:32:06 »

Celeron is the Skoda of the computing world. I think Durons are the AMD equivalent.

Yes, both are fine for business machines, that just have to do email and Office apps, but basically worthless for anything else.

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."

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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #321 on: 2007 March 09, 12:38:38 »

Graphic Card . . . Sapphire X1650 XT 256 MB . . . $204.00

FYI, I think that the X1650 is a tad over priced.  You can get better cards (X1950) at newegg for around the same price.

I got my NVidia 7900GT for less than that (after rebate).

Here is a list of better ATI cards.

If you're willing to spend $200+ on a graphics card, then you might as well get more bang for your buck.  I'm sure that, even with the shipping charges to Canada, it would be definitely more than worth ordering from newegg than the card you are being offered.

« Last Edit: 2007 March 09, 12:46:34 by syberspunk » Logged

Axe Murderer
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #322 on: 2007 March 09, 12:47:58 »

Canadians can't order from newegg.

Kellinjar did send me a message today, though, that he saw the x1950 Pro for $241 cdn somewhere, however.

"There is a tragic flaw in our precious Constitution, and I don't know what can be done to fix it. This is it: Only nut cases want to be president."

- Kurt Vonnegut
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #323 on: 2007 March 09, 12:51:26 »

I've been checking
every month. They recommend the x1950PRO in that price range.

My GeForce 6600GT graphics card crapped out last night while I was reading this board. Computer shut down, I tried to reboot and saw a spark, and there's now a singed spot on the graphics card. Better the card than the motherboard, since I've been planning to upgrade the graphics card for some time now. I was hoping to last until the ATI R600 series came out, but the release keeps getting pushed back, and now I can't wait any longer.

Looking at either a 8800GTS (downside buggy drivers and potential headaches with the Sims, but, other than the GTX, it is the one card at the top of the graphics heap right now) or a Radeon X1950XT (fewer problems with the Sims and cheaper, but I'll probably have to upgrade it sooner). I really want to play Oblivion at top settings, so I'm leaning painfully towards the 8800GTS.
Terrible Twerp
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ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance

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Re: Building/Upgrading a PC for TS2 - Update, 08 September 2006
« Reply #324 on: 2007 March 09, 13:16:02 »

Canadians can't order from newegg.

Kellinjar did send me a message today, though, that he saw the x1950 Pro for $241 cdn somewhere, however.

Aww... that is teh sux0rz... well... Canadians should just have some US friends order it for them and ship it to Canada.  It will still probably ultimately be cheaper. Tongue

I didn't want to go the extra distance for the 8800Gx series.  I settled for 7900GT.  It's certainly more than the recommended 3 tiers higher than my current card (5960 FX or whatever).  Heh.  I was considering the ATI... but, I eventually want to do some non Sim gaming, so I thought I would stick with Nvidia, and just cross my fingers and hope for the best. Tongue  I haven't had problems really with my Nvidia and the Sims 2 yet *knocks on wood* so here's hoping.

Anyhew, it looks like my computer parts have all been deliverd, FINALLY! So YAY! I will probably toy around with building my new machine tonight and tomorrow. WHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Cheesy


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