I have a single sim that lives on a lot by herself. I just moved her out on her own right before OFB. I entered her lot for the first time yesterday...Her plumbob keeps disappearing and coming back, when it disappears her qued actions also disappears. I turned on debug mode to see what kind of pop up I would get...There was a million, I kept hitting reset but another would pop up. I finally hit delete to get out...This happened to another sim right after I installed Nightlife and it went away. here is what one of the Objects error logs say...I have 20 of them for this one sim alone...
Build: at Mar 13 2006,14:20:27
Object id: 417 name: N005_User00090 - Mallory Stack size: 11 Error: Missing neighbor for data access. Iterations: 1 Frame 10: Stack Object id: 169 Stack Object name: Controller - NPC Social Worker Node: 3 Tree: id 1074 name 'Attraction - EP2 - Attraction Gender Preference Check' version -32741 from global Prim state: 0 Params: 169 85 Locals: 0 0 0 0 0 Frame 9: Stack Object id: 169 Stack Object name: Controller - NPC Social Worker Node: 1 Tree: id 1067 name 'Attraction - EP2 - Attraction Capable?' version -32745 from global Prim state: 0 Params: 169 85 1 Locals: 0 Frame 8: Stack Object id: 169 Stack Object name: Controller - NPC Social Worker Node: 32 Tree: id 8204 name 'Idle - Attraction Idles' version -32746 from IdleGlobals Prim state: 0 Params: 6 Locals: 70 0 292 0 Frame 7: Stack Object id: 292 Stack Object name: Idle - System Node: 19 Tree: id 8196 name 'Idle - Animate - Idle Overlay' version -32720 from IdleGlobals Prim state: 0 Params: 6 Locals: 0 0 0 Frame 6: Stack Object id: 292 Stack Object name: Idle - System Node: 1 Tree: id 8197 name 'CT - Start Idle System' version -32707 from IdleGlobals Prim state: 0 Params: 0 0 0 Locals: 0 <snip>
« Last Edit: 2006 April 01, 06:06:53 by J. M. Pescado »
Ok thats half of the log the rest is game settings blah blah. I hope i posted the important part, its just way to long
J. M. Pescado
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lol, I dont have inteen anymore...Hopefully it will just disappear like it did before
You think you got plumbob issues? I had one lot where everyone's plumbob turned into, I kid you not, a potted plant. No idea how it happened. I don't use any teen woohoo mods either. Never have. The problem was fixed by moving them out of the lot. It was quite interesting though.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Motoki, this is hilarious. Why don't I have interesting bugs like that in my game? Must be because I reset the damn game every week! arggggg. Please help me find a cure for my illness.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member
Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
PMSL Motoki!!
Nice bathroom Motoki!!
Axe murdered since 2006
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 29
Hey, just so Motoki doesn't get all the glory: Or how about this: The easy way to fix it is to delete the plumbob with move objects on, then it pops back in its regular diamond form. (But the original poster's problem is altogether different and there's another thread about that error.)
Gee, with the right type of underwear (a spangled bra) and that potted plumbob, you and Motoki could put on a Las Vegas type show.
Starrkist, it looks like your thread's gotten totally derailed by all the great plumbob shots, but it's soooo worth it! I've never had looniness like that in my game--thank goodness! Yes, I've run into this problem, too. It occasionally happens on several of my lots, although nothing serious with those. However, on another lot it was happening pretty badly, and I thought of when it happened in my game before OFB and at that time it was almost always related to objects my sims had moved with them in their inventory. After removing several different objects from their house with no success, I finally discovered that it was likely a bed--this one was a custom-made. I sent my sim to sleep and the action fell out of his queue. I deleted his bed and replaced it and voila! Everything was at least reasonably back in order then. I'm not sure if their plumbobs have disappeared since or not, but at least if they have their actions aren't falling out of queue, and they DIDN'T end up turning into plants! I thought Maxis was SUPPOSED to have fixed the inventory problems with OFB, but I guess that really would've been asking too much, huh?
pearlbh: Have you figured out what the heck causes these weird plumbob substitutions? And I must say I rather like the old lady with a stool up her butt.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 190
The weird plumbbob substitutions in my game are caused by the Insiminator. I have had the heart, the stool in the butt, and the microwave through the head. Using MoveObjects to delete them does set them back to the correct plumbbob. Is there some kind of tree spawned in the Insim Motoki? I have to admit I don't use all the menu options in it.
Starrkist, it looks like your thread's gotten totally derailed by all the great plumbob shots, but it's soooo worth it! I've never had looniness like that in my game--thank goodness! Hey I dont mind derailments...There usually funny anyway...As is this one and at least its still about Plumbobs...I havent had a plumbob substitution yet...
The weird plumbbob substitutions in my game are caused by the Insiminator. I have had the heart, the stool in the butt, and the microwave through the head. Using MoveObjects to delete them does set them back to the correct plumbbob. Is there some kind of tree spawned in the Insim Motoki? I have to admit I don't use all the menu options in it.
I do use the Insim so maybe that's what caused it. I know that you can turn any of their spawned sectionals into almost any object and I do believe that on that lot I once made the summoner into that potted plant and put it in the corner of their house so that's probably why I got that as a plumbob.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 29
Ah ha, I also have that same potted plant my Sim got as a plumbob in her store as a spawned sectional - and she was fine at home, she only got POTTED when she arrived at her business. And come to think of it, I have a stool in the house where the woman got the stool in her butt plumbob. That must be it then, thanks Marg! It really is easy to fix by just deleting the plumbob, so it's an amusing glitch that does no harm. And I have the Insim's motive monitor disguised as plants and statues at nearly all my business lots, so I probably have a lot more of this amusing glitch to look forward to. But for the original poster, this is the thread that discusses the issue you're having: as for other weird plumbob issues, how about two Sims sharing a plumbob? It's nice to see married couples who are close, but this is ridiculous:
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 190
The first time I had the problem with my simmies plumbob it took me a little while to figure out what was going on. Basically the advice I was given was put my toys away after you play. LOL Anytime you add a new ep or regenerate new neighbourhoods, the game resets itself. Whatever "toys" you have been using will replace your simmies plumbobs. It is amusing now I know how easy it is to fix it.
Those must be really "close" family members. giggle What did you do to cause that do you think?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 29
Those must be really "close" family members. giggle What did you do to cause that do you think? This was the first time I'd played this neighborhood since OFB (and the patch.) I had teleported the wife to another lot before this happened. She had the "missing neighbor for data access" thing happening, so I deleted her and figured I'd deal with her at her own house. Then when I got to her house, I found her and her husband like that. Gee, maybe he was the missing neighbor and she really, really missed him... Anyway I deleted the entire family except for one person (with Insim) because they were all sort of stuck where they were. I brought them back and everything was fine.