As someone in love with history, this challenge caught my attention. I think that the historical inaccurancies can easily be fixed, and the challenge can be made playable.
Here are some of my ideas:
Starting Out:
- Start with a CAS- sim. Male or female, player's choice. The player could also make a couple, or siblings etc. No toddlers, children or teens however. Dress the couple in appropriate fashion for the time period (All About Style has some great clothes for example)
- Move the sim/couple into a lot.
- If you want to pretend that your male sim has an 'inheritance', use 'kaching' or 'motherlode'
- Find jobs for your sims (Male sims: Business, Politics, Medical, Science, Military), (Female sims: Medica (nurse)l, Business (aka secretary), Slacker (Since I can't think of a job that equates to teaching off of the top of my head)).
The House:
- Keep furnishings as period as possible
- In the kitchen you are allowed a refidgerator, stove and sink. (If you want to find other kitchen items that have been re-meshed to look period, eg: I seem to recall a food processor on MTS2 that looked like a mortar and pestal, feel free to do so)
- An indoor bathroom can contain a bathtub (no shower), and sink. The toilet should be kept in a seperate building outside of the house. (If you are able to find a period toilet, feel free to move it back into the house)
- Bonus points if you download/build a victorian style house
Revised List of 'Forbidden Objects' as well as exceptions:
Forbidden Objects
* TVs
* stereos (however, if anyone's made a phonograph mesh stereo, you may use that)
* cars (if you can find period cars/wagons/carriages, you may use those)
* video games
* computers
* cellphones
* any hand held game
* fire alarms (If you can find any that have been recolored to be unobtrusive, you may use those--after all, neighbors etc would have helped a family get a hold of the fire department and/or helped put the fire out themselves)
* phones (CAN be used. But only one. Phones at this time were placed out in the hallway and it was often the housekeeper's job to answer them)
* burglar alarms
* non-wooden tables
* non-wooden chairs
* modern sofas
* coffee makers (As coffee was drunk at this time, if you can find a coffee maker that has be remeshed to appear period, feel free to use it)
* blenders
* microwaves
* toaster ovens
* dishwashers
* trash compacters
* oddly shaped dressers (As 'oriental' furnishings were rather chic and vogue at the time, you may use these)
* lockers
* take out/delivery (A lot of food was delievered to the house at this time--not just milk and ice, but also meat etc, you may use delievery, although take out/pizza may not be used)
* for toddlers - the rabbit (if you can find a remeshed 'rabbit' object that appears more period, you may use it)
Other amended rules:
Female sims in this challenge
can hold a job. She may have any aspiration the creator feels like giving her.
They are to keep their hair tied up to some degree and wear long dresses, either of the calico variety or every day. They can also wear the fancier ones.
They are to do
most (not all) of the house cleaing and child rearing. They are to teach all the children to walk, talk, use the potty and help with homework.
Teenage girls are still allowed to go to school, as well as University. However, if you feel more comfortable in your game downloading SimLogical hacks had having your teens at home, feel free.
No babies out of wedlock!

Male sims in this challenge may only hold any aspiration.
Also have a certain dress code to adhere to. They are to wear either day suits, farm wear or other clothing appropriate to the time.
They have
a reduced (not nonexistant) role in child rearing and they have less household duties, as they are the bread winners.
...are to be seen and not heard.
Girls and boys are to help with the housework.
Elderly Sims
Similar roles to the adult sims.
Revised points:
50 pts for each child
100 pts for each boy
25 pts for twins
3000 pts for 10 children
200 pts for every child after 10
150 pts for each grandchild
5000 pts for 20 grandchildren
10 pts for each A+
-100 pts for a girl not married by the time she's an adult
-500 pts for not wearing time-appropriate clothing
-1000 pts for using an object on the forbidden list