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Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
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Topic: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab? (Read 9777 times)
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
2005 August 15, 18:44:17 »
I resurrected all the dead sims that can be brought back in Pleasantview, spread the elder Goths around town and had them move in by invitation with different families 'cos I don't wanna have to kill off the townies I'm totally
interested in playing (I'd deleted their character files from SimPE and game folder, thus putting off the too many character files bug, well, hopefully anyway) so that my Knowledge sims can be frightened by their ghosts when these Goths die. I don't know if this is why it's happening, that not all the sims in the family get the option to get into the cab to go to a community lot when I have them call for Transportation.
Now, I prefer having about 6 sims to one family (3 generations), 7 at the most 'cos I'm obssessed about maxing out their skills so it's more convenient this way rather than exiting and loading different lots and spending time waiting for the lots to load. The only house not affected is the Caliente's, well, sort of, where I've got Michael Bachelor back from the grave. He's husband to Dina again, and I married Komei Tellerman to Nina (I'm obssessed about populating the neighbourhood with redheads too, and the man has a personality. Yes, I know I can change genes in SimPE, but Komei's ready-made and Nina needs a mate), and both couples had twins. I had the family call for a cab, all except Dina had the 'Go To Community Lot' option. I figure maybe that's because there's a cap to the number of sims that can get into one cab. In other families however, only about 4 or 5 get to go. I avoided going to community lots (especially in the daytime) before I found out how to get rid of character files as opposed to killing off (exceptionally) hideous townies (some people don't like Sophie Miguel, I do and kept her, she has spunk, like Lillith Pleasant) and still have their file lingering around, mainly because I prefer having a more controlled neighbourhood and I don't want my sims having a memory of every tom, dick and harry they meet on the street. Who does in real life anyway? So now that I've gotten rid of unwanted characters, I want my sims to be able to go to community lots as a family. Not that these places are so fantastic, but hey, I feel it's something they should do at least once in their short lifetime, and preferably as a family.
So, anyone has insight on why only some sims get into the cab while others don't get the option to?
P.S. BTW, why is it that everytime Darleen Dreamer woohoos with Darren, I get a special event clip (or whatever one calls it) when obviously, it's not their first time? They've even had a second child since then, so why won't the game register that? I've got the special event camera disabled and I still get a PIP (Picture in Picture) everytime they do the deed.
Crazy Lollipop
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2691
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #1 on:
2005 August 15, 19:01:15 »
I think that one of JMP fixes unlock this problem: Phonehack, or carpool fix - when you call transportation, and check "multiple sims", you are asked about each family member if he comes too.
For instance: The kid is in school, and the 2 parents want to go to the community lot. Call transportation, and when you are asked about the kid - answer "no".
Lol, toddlers and babies are not allowed to enter the cab. I moved out Pascal with a kid and a toddler, and wife - except the toddler, all of them enterred the taxi; the toddler (who could walk already) left his toy, and walked down the path - boy, I was frightened...
But when I put them in their new house, the toddler was in his mom's arms...
, phew...
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #2 on:
2005 August 15, 19:09:18 »
Oh, I have the phone hack. It still only asks about 4-5 out of 6/7 sims in the family. I don't let my sims go to community lots when there are infants or toddlers in the family - hate the nannies. They only get to go when the children are well, children.
Heehee, toddler walking to the cab, as if he could climb into it in the first place.
Edit: I also have the carpool fix. I have all of JMP's hacks.
Crazy Lollipop
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2691
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #3 on:
2005 August 15, 19:14:26 »
The taxi is made to carry only 4 sims (or 5). If you have more than this number - not all of them can enter the taxi. Taxi is not a Limo...
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #4 on:
2005 August 15, 19:25:17 »
"Taxi is not a limo",
Well, I have to say this is about the 8th time I replayed Pleasantview from the beginning
, first few times were because of the jump bug and before I got on the official website (never bothered to with any other games), then there were other times with mishaps in SimPE, the latest being with plastic surgery where I accidentally deleted a donor sim (by then I had gotten lazy about backing up game folder and didn't think/know only saving the neighbourhood one makes a difference in the game being fully restorable) and the last time I played before all these lastest and shiniest hacks, up to 7 sims could get into a cab. So, does this mean the phone hack ony allows 4-5 sims to enter a cab?
Crazy Lollipop
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2691
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #5 on:
2005 August 15, 19:45:00 »
I don't know how you sent 7 sims in a taxi - there are not so many seats for 7 sims.
But, I don't have family larger than 5 sims, and when I send them to the community, I see always the 5th sim walking from one side to the other a couple of times, as if he can't find a place.
Try to build a house in an empty neighbourhood, with 7 sims, or even in VeronaVille (quite empty), and see if they all can enter the taxi. Pleasantview is not good for testing - too populated.
Perhaps the game is programmed to enable the taxi carry 8 sims, as you say. It's worth to ask a question the Tech section of EA.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #6 on:
2005 August 15, 20:18:07 »
Quote from: gali on 2005 August 15, 19:45:00
I don't know how you sent 7 sims in a taxi - there are not so many seats for 7 sims.
My memories about the game pre-Uni is pretty fuzzy now, but I remember the Pleasant family (Daniel+Mary-Sue, Angela+Dustin+one offspring, Lillith+Dirk+one offspring) could all get into the cab. I wanted new clothes for the kids, it was a get-in/get-out trip 'cos of the townies.
Post Uni, the Calientes, Michael, Nina+Komei and the two sets of twins (total of 7 sims) got into the cab when I selected the multiple sims option when prompted for "who needs a ride?". In other families with a moved-in Goth, the Goth, teenagers and children get to go but not the original owners of the house e.g. Skip+Brandi, or Darleen, or John/Jennifer. It was worse before the phone hack, where teenagers don't get an option to call for transportation on the phone, or they do but the taxi never shows up, and in any case, they also don't get to go no matter who did the calling, even after I moved the family out of the lot to eliminate the lot being the problem, and then it was either only the elders or one of the adults and a child who got into the cab. I've even had instances when only the children got into the cab, in the middle of the night which was the preferred time before I knew how to delete character files from the game folders. Good thing they could use the public phone to call for a taxi to go home.
When there are more than 4 sims getting into a vehicle, the sim already in the vehicle will sort of disappear from sight to make room for the 5th or 6th or 7th sim trying to get in, much like how 2 or more sims could get into the carpool in lower starting level careers/teen jobs, you know, the 2-doors beat-up car with the puttering exhaust.
Quote from: gali on 2005 August 15, 19:45:00
Try to build a house in an empty neighbourhood, with 7 sims, or even in VeronaVille (quite empty), and see if they all can enter the taxi. Pleasantview is not good for testing - too populated.
Perhaps the game is programmed to enable the taxi carry 8 sims, as you say. It's worth to ask a question the Tech section of EA.
Too populated? But there are only less than a handful of townies left after I got rid of the ones I didn't want in SimPE. 4 townie teens which I've sent off to college using the tools in the college town, and 3 surviving adult townies (Komei included).
Quote from: gali on 2005 August 15, 19:45:00
Perhaps the game is programmed to enable the taxi carry 8 sims, as you say. It's worth to ask a question the Tech section of EA.
Actually, I read on the BBS the taxi carries a max of 8 sims, 7 could go in my game, so there's some truth in that. Guess I may really have to ask EA Tech exactly how many sims could get into a taxi afterall. The reason behind this reluctance is their solution for everything seems to involve re-installing....
Edit: If the taxi accomodates 8 sims, maybe 7 sims from the Caliente family plus the taxi driver counts as 8. Still, the other families aren't as lucky. Anyway, I've posted the question to EA Tech. Hope it doesn't involve re-installing and smacking backup game folder back into the game like they've suggested before in another incident, which by the way, did not solve the problem....
Last Edit: 2005 August 15, 21:02:05 by CuriousSpurious
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 549
I love Pokemon! Thus I am a Heretic!
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #7 on:
2005 August 16, 01:20:44 »
Quote from: gali on 2005 August 15, 19:01:15
I think that one of JMP fixes unlock this problem: Phonehack, or carpool fix - when you call transportation, and check "multiple sims", you are asked about each family member if he comes too.
For instance: The kid is in school, and the 2 parents want to go to the community lot. Call transportation, and when you are asked about the kid - answer "no".
That's one of JM's hacks? Oh! I thought it was a new feature in University!
So I get to be grateful to JMP all over again, and I didn't even realise!
* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do.
Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron.
Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck.
Read my Sims 2 stories!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #8 on:
2005 August 16, 04:40:59 »
It's a part of the Phone Hack, and is totally more awesome than you. No more having to lug everyone, including the little children who will pass out on the floor since they have no way to regain energy, and would be entirely useless anyway.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #9 on:
2005 August 16, 05:57:16 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2005 August 16, 04:40:59
It's a part of the Phone Hack, and is totally more awesome than you. No more having to lug everyone, including the little children who will pass out on the floor since they have no way to regain energy, and would be entirely useless anyway.
Yes, it used to be annoying that the option was to choose either only 1 sim or the whole family to go to a community lot, the phone hack helped loads when I only want 2 sims to go (public woohoo want on the rare occasion I don't ignore it). In this case, I wanted the whole family to go and specially had the kids rest up for the trip, in the instance of the Broke family, where I had Agnes Crumplebottom moved in. Agnes, Dustin and the youngest son got asked, but not Skip nor Brandi nor Beau, and I wanted them to have a day out at the community swimming pool which I've remodeled. Firstly to check if the communal showers and lockers I placed work and secondly for the family to meet other members of other families they haven't met.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 549
I love Pokemon! Thus I am a Heretic!
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #10 on:
2005 August 16, 15:01:55 »
think the problem is something to do with your resurrected Goths, but I can't think what the problem might be
. How did you resurrect them? Resurrect-O-Nomitron, or SimPE?
If you did it in SimPE, maybe you missed some little token or memory somewhere that means that
part of the game thinks that the Goths aren't "real" sims, so treats them differently from your regular family members?
Did you
move them all into the houses by Invite --> Move In? None moved with boolprop or Teleporters?
* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do.
Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron.
Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck.
Read my Sims 2 stories!
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #11 on:
2005 August 16, 21:04:51 »
Quote from: baratron on 2005 August 16, 15:01:55
think the problem is something to do with your resurrected Goths, but I can't think what the problem might be
. How did you resurrect them? Resurrect-O-Nomitron, or SimPE?
The Goths were brought back by SimPE and TOL&D. Can't figure out how to get around the grim reaper telling me my sims don't know any dead sims even after I linked them in SimPE with dead tokens removed and all. SimPE and TOL&D are still the trusted and workable way for me.
Quote from: baratron on 2005 August 16, 15:01:55
If you did it in SimPE, maybe you missed some little token or memory somewhere that means that
part of the game thinks that the Goths aren't "real" sims, so treats them differently from your regular family members?
Maybe that'll explain why I get a special event clip whenever Darleen woohoos Darren and a PIP always pops up with special event camera turned off whenever they do the deed. And why Darleen doesn't get the option to go to community lots with the rest of the family.
Quote from: baratron on 2005 August 16, 15:01:55
Did you
move them all into the houses by Invite --> Move In? None moved with boolprop or Teleporters?
With the exception of Skip, Michael and Darleen who "joined the family" by (re)marriage in-game, I had the Goths and Crumplebottoms find their own place after resurrection, then moved in
by invitation only
to the different families I had assigned them to. Edit: Also, I've moved all the ready-made families out into new lots, lots that I built myself, not one of those from the Lots & Houses Bin, so it can't be a lot problem.
I think I'm beginning to understand what JMP said about it being part of the phone hack, only 4 sims get to go. 7 sims (the Calientes mentioned at the top of this thread) getting into a taxi was before I replayed the game from beginning about a month ago without the phone hack in the Downloads folder. After I've got the phone hack in place, the 1st incident was with the Brokes. I had Skip call for transportation, only Agnes, Dustin, Beau and the youngest son, Christian, got asked when I checked 'multiple sims'. I thought I saw Christian started towards the taxi, he was trodding behind his older brothers at the time and he sort of jerked-stopped 'cos he was about to walk into one of them, and the 'Go To Community Lot' action dropped out of his queue and the taxi wasn't selectable again. I'd thought I was groggy and seeing things after a few hours of gameplay, then earlier today, I played the Pleasant family and I counted how many times I was asked for who would be going as well - it was 4.
I got a response back from EA Tech this evening, the official word is "The taxi should be able to accommodate at most 8 sims at the same time".
So, Mr El Presidente, if you are reading this, would it be possible to incorporate an additional dialog, or something to the same effect, for the original either-only-one-sim-or-the-whole-family-or-choose-not-to-go option with a cap at the maximum number of 8 sims into the phone hack? Please?
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 549
I love Pokemon! Thus I am a Heretic!
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #12 on:
2005 August 18, 19:32:56 »
Quote from: CuriousSpurious on 2005 August 16, 21:04:51
The Goths were brought back by SimPE and TOL&D. Can't figure out how to get around the grim reaper telling me my sims don't know any dead sims even after I linked them in SimPE with dead tokens removed and all. SimPE and TOL&D are still the trusted and workable way for me.
I may be wrong, but if you linked them in SimPE and removed the dead tokens, THEN tried the Resurrect-O-Nomitron, wouldn't that mean the game thought they weren't dead? Try linking them without removing the dead tokens?
* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do.
Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron.
Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck.
Read my Sims 2 stories!
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: Why can't every sim within a family get into a cab?
Reply #13 on:
2005 August 18, 20:05:39 »
Quote from: baratron on 2005 August 18, 19:32:56
I may be wrong, but if you linked them in SimPE and removed the dead tokens, THEN tried the Resurrect-O-Nomitron, wouldn't that mean the game thought they weren't dead? Try linking them without removing the dead tokens?
. Ok, I remembered the first thing I tried to do when I got the EP was to resurrect the dead in the Goth house with the Resurrect-O-Nomitron, got the "didn't know any dead sims" response, then linked them in SimPE, tried again, sim still get same said response, then went into SimPE and removed the dead tokens and added memories - *slaps forehead in retrospect*, should have left the dead tokens in (with the added memories) like you said
. I got impatient trying to get the Resurrect-O-Nomitron to work, then decided what the heck, I've successfully brought back dead sims using SimPE and TOL&D (everytime I had to replay either b'cos of game bugs pre-discovery of JMP hacks/bad cds+corrupted backup files etc) before I bought the EP, might as well just do it that way again
Huh, JMP didn't respond to my last max-number-of-8-sims-to-taxi post, guess he didn't come back here, or something. If he never does, how/where do I put in the request? Still alien to forums and such
, only started b'cos of the darned buggy TS2/TS2U.
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