This isn't necromancy since an update was posted March 1, 2011.
Theo - I'm trying this update out with the latest SimPe (SimPe_0_73_44-QA). It lets me perform surgery with an archetype from a neighborhood other than the patient's, but, although it loads a file from SavedSims (I can see the name), it doesn't seem to do any surgery with it. I know the file is the right one because I emptied out the SavedSims folder ahead of time to make sure. I feel like I'm missing something about... I don't know, the format of files in SavedSims... or... I don't know. What am I missing?
Also, please clarify: clearly you need to click"use" on the patient side, but, it's not so clear that you hit "use" on the archetype side after you see the filename. Should you? Click use on the Archetype, even though you get the icon of the patient there when you do? Or, do you just load the file name and hit "surgery"?
Either way, thanks, if I can use sims from another neighborhood that will work to keep out the simglut. I'll have to make a special SimHell neighborhood for the poor little clones, but... well... so be it.