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Sim Died While Visiting Another Res Lot...Where is her tombstone?
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Topic: Sim Died While Visiting Another Res Lot...Where is her tombstone? (Read 5905 times)
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 112
Sim Died While Visiting Another Res Lot...Where is her tombstone?
2006 March 11, 04:55:25 »
Hope someone can help me here. I just had a visiting sim die on my lot when she was 'joy buzzered'. No urn or tombstone appeared when she died. I saved the game on that lot, and entered the lot on which the apparently now deceased sim called home. She was on her home lot as a ghost and then a notice came up saying that this sim had 'died on another lot and her spirit would return there' (something like that). She then disappeared from the user interface and her family tree says 'deceased'. I then saved that lot and returned to the lot on which she had actually died, but I cannot find her urn or tombstone anywhere. Does she get one? I was hoping to resurrect her but without an urn is that possible? Please let me know if I can do anything to get her back or find her tombstone or urn. Thanks
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 120
Re: Sim Died While Visiting Another Res Lot...Where is her tombstone?
Reply #1 on:
2006 March 11, 07:47:44 »
well, you made the decision to actually saving the game instead of reloading to save her. so now you have to face the consequence that u may lose her forever.
try the resurrect phone on the lot where she died, if that doesnt work, then i guess she is gone for good
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Sim Died While Visiting Another Res Lot...Where is her tombstone?
Reply #2 on:
2006 March 11, 08:36:08 »
She still showed up as a ghost? She should be fine.
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Lipless Loser
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Re: Sim Died While Visiting Another Res Lot...Where is her tombstone?
Reply #3 on:
2006 March 11, 13:13:54 »
Well, without hacks, Joy Buzzering is a harmless should be able to ressurect her if she still has character data.
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Re: Sim Died While Visiting Another Res Lot...Where is her tombstone?
Reply #4 on:
2006 March 11, 13:26:11 »
Never heard of anyone dying from being joy-buzzered. Anyway, as Lythdan said, if she still has character data you can resurrect her. Alternatively, if you have the Lot DeBugger and the tombstone mod, you can spawn a new tombstone.
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Sim Died While Visiting Another Res Lot...Where is her tombstone?
Reply #5 on:
2006 March 11, 13:27:31 »
Resurrection does not require an urnstone. If the urnstone is missing and you would like one reissued, try following the directions for doing so in the Lot Debugger. If your character file has been shredded, sucks to be you. You may want to consider the "nounlinkondelete" anti-character-file-shredder hack.
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Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 112
Re: Sim Died While Visiting Another Res Lot...Where is her tombstone?
Reply #6 on:
2006 March 11, 18:03:24 »
Thanks so much for the replies. I tried resurrecting her with the career reward thingy but it says that my sim (her late husband) 'knows no dead sims'. Does this mean her character file is gone? Did the game possibly 'auto kill' her?
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 118
Re: Sim Died While Visiting Another Res Lot...Where is her tombstone?
Reply #7 on:
2006 March 11, 18:10:47 »
Or you can try the Elixer of ressurection.
BTW, this worked really well for me. I moved the Broke family to a new custom hood, and using this, I was still able to bring Skip back. All his family relationships were still there too.
Last Edit: 2006 March 11, 18:17:43 by Scotty
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