Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 394
I'm just going to Gussy Up
I hate to admit it, but I rather enjoy all the unexpectedly bad things that happen to my Sims. As I mentioned in another post, the other day an entire family was wiped out by fate (and not total neglect, but a wee bit of miscalculation on my part). And then another Sim who was THIS close to achieving his LTW (Top of Slacker career) - had all friends, all skills, was at level 9 - got fired when the wrong chance card was picked. As he is an Elder, and I don't have the hack that allows Elders access to adult careers, that's it - this Sim will never reach Permaplat Heaven.
Maybe I'm a hard, cruel Goddess but the game still throws me surprises now and then and I like that fact.
I kinda like it when bad things happen too. Makes life interesting.
It's a bit like real life innit?, you never know what's gonna happen. 
I went outside once...the graphics were shit.
Well, no, I don't like it when bad things happen in real life, at least not to me.  But that's the great thing about the Sims: They are just pixels and you can always exit without saving.
Who's to say that we aren't the pixels, and they are playing US! 
Zephyr Zodiac
Well funny you should say that ZZ, I quite often find myself doing something I didn't reallly want to do. Saying stuff I didn't really want to say. Wish I could exit without saving. 
I went outside once...the graphics were shit.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 394
I'm just going to Gussy Up
I wish I could find the SimPE editor for real life!
Well, THEY have it! so how can you find it.....unless you somehow become one of them?
Zephyr Zodiac
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 825
Super Shooter
I make the bad things happen! 
Go Away
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 148
I don't have the heart to make anything bad happen to any of my sims (except the Nannys when they tick my kids off) but I love it when chance happens and spices things up. Too many perfect families is just boring. I think the best one was a legacy challenge I was working on - first generation, just married, new baby, almost empty house but a well-equipped kitchen. She and hubby were at work, baby sleeping in crib in the dining room and Nanny catches the kitchen on fire the first hour. I had just rebuilt and apparently removed the wall that held the fire alarm (oops). I freaked out waiting for the social worker to come because Nanny is too incompetent to call the fire dept herself (I know I COULD have made her selectable but I did get some perverse enjoyment out of watching her burn  ). The entire kitchen burned to the ground and the Nanny ran around in flames for 6 HOURS. Daddy got home and since I wasn't worried about the social worker anymore I wanted to see that woman die for burning up my brand new kitchen but she just left AND charged me. I was peeved until I found her tombstone at the portal the next day. Apparently she couldn't die while she was on duty. I felt much better after that
I love that story..The nannies in my opinion get away with too much, one left my baby in his dirty nappy for hours and only changed it just before mum and dad got home, but you can't do anything to them. They walk out as if they are the epitomy of good parenting. And get paid.
I went outside once...the graphics were shit.
And a heck of a lot more than the poor maids - who normally do their job conscientiously and only take time out to eat if they are invited to! And then, when they finish eating they clear away the dishes and straight back to work!
Zephyr Zodiac
one left my baby in his dirty nappy for hours
When they do that, I makie them selectable and make them pee themselves!! *see how you like having to wear wet undies all day*
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Do you also remove the bathroom doors until they go? 
Zephyr Zodiac
No I actually try and keep an eye on them and if they look like they're heading anywhere near a bathroom I just select them again and 'create' another puddle for them to stand in!!
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Much less bother to move the doors! then you can sit back and watch them scream in frustration!
Zephyr Zodiac
Circus Freak
Lipless Loser
Posts: 617
Hates Furries.
There are no good sims. Only bad sims who you haven't turned your back to long enough.
They get what they deserve!!!
When you do something because of the internet that is wrong. When you make love to a man in a giraffe outfit. When you discover you masterbated online to a picture of a relative.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1035
Still they're marching on...
Who's to say that we aren't the pixels, and they are playing US!  Nah, we're played and controlled by the rats...
Let the Beast inside you free!
J. M. Pescado
In Soviet Russia, you do not play game, game plays YOU!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Maybe the pixel people live there?
Zephyr Zodiac
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 536
I only exit without saving if there's a glitch so I've had all kinds of terrible things happen and it really does add some interest to the game as I'm too nice to inflict disasters myself.
My 5th generation Legacy heir was about an hour from popping out generation 6 and just sitting down to her first bite when when Pao the mailman (founder's hubby) decided to pop out of her TV dinner and say 'boo'. The only Sim near enough was her uncle who barely gave her the time of day, but he was able to plead her back. Though it would have sucked to end it there, I was prepared to get her (very gay) uncle to bite the bullet and stray on his loving husband to continue if necessary.
What really bothers me is repairmen. I only use them for electronic repairs and wait until I have a couple before calling one, so it really gets my goat to get those who set the house on fire then leave with my Simoleans though they haven't repaired a thing. It's easier to just throw broken things to the curb and replace them.
Remember first that the greatest inequality is to treat unequal things equally
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 227
i'm too nice to my sims  but it's real treat if i nod off without pausing or exiting and wake to find them in total disarray. i let them get on with it usually, then and then exit without saving so no real damage is done
Even though I stopped exiting without saving, I think I still micromanage too much because bad things very rarely happen to my sims. It definitely does add to the spice of the game though - like when one of my favourites nearly burnt herself to death cooking dinner, and when I caught sight of her dancing around on fire I suddenly realized I forgot to put a fire alarm in...! I set her husband and son to work with extinguishers and her daughter rushing over to the phone. The fireman just barely managed to arrive and put her out on time - her son kept spraying away with the extinguisher but her poor husband was too freaked out to do more than stand there and scream. After she was put out she took a few steps and passed out. With her needs so low it was very touch-and-go, but I managed to keep her alive (and accident-free to boot). I gave her a few wrinkles after that experience, though!
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 394
I'm just going to Gussy Up
I always save, unless theres a glitch that forces me to exit without saving (e.g. stuck Sim). Or unless my son distracted me, then ran back to the computer to wreak his havoc (which usually only consists of placing many many chairs, or plaid tiles on the lot).
I think a lot depends on your purpose for the sim(s) in question. If you write stories and have a storyline already planned, and your sims go and get themselves fried en masse, it rather spoils your plot!
Zephyr Zodiac