I'd love the second one! *just downloaded the first one*
They are both really pretty!
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
They are really great! 
thanks! I edited my OP to include the link for the second as well.
Gethane Sims Maxis only lots, neighborhood terrains, and more!
Those are nice. I've downloaded them both - even though I have SC4 trying to make a terrain I like with it gives me headaches, so I really appreciate it when someone shares a good one they've made. Thank you for sharing!
Yahoo! *downloads second one* I refuse to buy SC4 just so I can attempt to make new neighborhood terrains for TS2! It's bad enough that I bought SC3(unlimited) since I still haven't played it and I bought it when I bought TS2 
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 536
I seem to have a short attention span and have almost a dozen custom neighbourhoods, so I'm always on the lookout for new terrains, these look great, so thanks 
Remember first that the greatest inequality is to treat unequal things equally
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 213
These are both great thanks for shareing. 
Those are great. I bought SC4 to make my own terrains but I keep playing the dang game instead, who would of thought, lol.
I grabbed Harbor Valley... could you make one that has a railroad running down the center/off center? Not a real one of course.. unless your game has'em. I want to do a "wrong side of the tracks" scenario  Anything that looks close enough.. even a river .. would work. That way it's easier for me to remember where to place the icky housing vs the McMansions <g>
Gnohmon's sims 1 objects "It's like that hobbit/dragon thing. You cut off one head and.. it's an exercise in futility." -Andy, Dawn of the dead remake, 2004 = trolls on MATY
Whee! <rubs hands> Now to decorate appropriately.. trees and birds on one side.. crappy stuff t'other (fossils look like garbage from a distance). Thank you!
Gnohmon's sims 1 objects "It's like that hobbit/dragon thing. You cut off one head and.. it's an exercise in futility." -Andy, Dawn of the dead remake, 2004 = trolls on MATY
gethane, I downloaded your lovely Harbor Springs, and the neighbourhood picture shows up as a green & white grid. How do I fix that so it shows properly?
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1062
INTP - I didn't do it.
Same here, they are missing the pictures. 
Remember - a bimbo is for life and not just for christmas!
I just asked Pescado, and he said in order to get a new screenshot for it, you have to take one and paste it into the PNG file.
Ahh, I'm sorry. I ASSumed  everyone here knew how to get a Neighborhood pic up. My bad. I can't really include one named properly for people's neighborhoods because it all depends on what number your neighborhood turns out to be (N004 etc). Refer to this picture: http://prismbaby.com/sims/neighborhood_preview_picture.jpgYou can either open up the sc4 terrain .jpg file in a program that will be able to rename it as a png (you could open the picture then choose Save As. Under the "save as type" box choose Portable Network Graphics (*.png), browse to the correct custom neighborhood, click on the N00*_Neighborhood.png, and save, choosing to overwrite the picture there. Or you can take your own picture of the neighborhood, like I have in the above screen shot showing the thumbnail of my pic. I took one from closer to the ground. Open that picture, either a screen shot, or using the C picture capture from within the game. Resize it to 400 x 300. Then name it the same way I described above. If you need more help, I'll be happy to try and explain better. If you don't have image software capable of renaming something to a .png format, let me know and I'll upload pics of each neighborhood in .png format that you can rename to your N00*_Neighborhood.png pictures.
Gethane Sims Maxis only lots, neighborhood terrains, and more!
Thanks gethane, I can rename the .jpg file no problem, and I much prefer that to taking a new picture. 
I have been wanting to test some things about the terrains- what I would like to see is a SC4 terrain with a bunch of islands that are very low in the water, just barely above sea level.
I would also need a somewhat larger, main island, with an area that has a straight road and terrain that slopes down away from it , preferably at a couple of different angles, like 30, 45, and and 60 degrees. If you could make something like that, it would be really awesome.
Stupid-to-English Translator
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3169
"Darn! That's the end!"
OOOHHH Thank you, gethane! These are WONDERFUL!!
I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.
Member 960. Admitted to the MATY Senate by a 10-0 vote: 2006 August 10. Expelled by a 15-12 vote: 2008 May 30. Should that mean anything?
I have been wanting to test some things about the terrains- what I would like to see is a SC4 terrain with a bunch of islands that are very low in the water, just barely above sea level.
I would also need a somewhat larger, main island, with an area that has a straight road and terrain that slopes down away from it , preferably at a couple of different angles, like 30, 45, and and 60 degrees. If you could make something like that, it would be really awesome.
Is this something along the lines of what you are thinking of? Should I continue? Or am I not "getting" what you have in your head? http://prismbaby.com/sims/islands01.jpg
Gethane Sims Maxis only lots, neighborhood terrains, and more!
Great idea to offer Sc4 terrains here.
I will download all 4 of them as soon as I come back home.
I would love a small one, with water on left side and front of the screen, bit of hills but only on one side, rest should be mostly flat, can you do that for me? I have SimCity but I am no good at making those custom hood with it.
So far it is looking good, although it would depend on where you place the roads. I need to be able to place some homes as close to the water level as possible on the islands to experiment with some of the changes in coastal terrains, as well as a sloped area to create some of the lots which I will later move to the islands.
ah hah! i now know how it is you do make it so the picture is automatically generated for the neighborhood once its created. I'll be sure to do this for all future terrains, and I will put up new zipped packages for my other terrains when I get around to it this week (and will edit the OP to reflect that.)
I can't believe I'd never seen that before!
Thanks again for all the interest! I'm slowly working on the requests from Ellatrue and MissDoh. It usually takes me a few days to a week to fiddle with a terrain until I think it looks right and complete.
Gethane Sims Maxis only lots, neighborhood terrains, and more!
Thanks Gethane, take all the time you need for mine, it is not urgent.
Feel free to add a bit of decoration if you feel like it (no waterfalls though, it makes my computer lag) like boats we have in Pleasantview and a few trees, well whatever you think that would look nice but not to the point it would take 10 mins to load. But you don't have too if you don't want or have the time to add that.