Right now I have the "no friends needed" hack.. and it's nice but... is there any way a new hacked object could be made so that you get "stuck" at a job while having plenty of skills and having aquaintances? I'd like to have a sim stuck as a fast food worker, be able to cook/sell paintings for big bucks etc and have as many friends as s/he wants without moving up the career ladder until I say s/he can. Essentialy some way to confuzzle my game so that until I click "has 4 friends" or "has ten friends" it won't be able to turn hur into a chef.
And while I'm here.. what's up with webtvers having locked post topics? I was going to post from webby (logged in as me) but there was a warning saying something about the topic being locked and only admin or mods being able to reply.
Gnohmon's sims 1 objects "It's like that hobbit/dragon thing. You cut off one head and.. it's an exercise in futility." -Andy, Dawn of the dead remake, 2004 = trolls on MATY
Maybe the harderjobs mod would help?
Zephyr Zodiac
Can't you just not develop one of the required skill for advancement. That would leave the sim stuck in his job.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 103
Yeah man. I'll gnaw your face off.
Can't you just not develop one of the required skill for advancement. That would leave the sim stuck in his job.
Forgot how to read, didn't you? while having plenty of skills and having aquaintances?
That's basically the whole point: mistymage doesn't want to have to leave one skill at a certain level in order to do that. Take Cleaning for example. Some job levels that a person might want to let their Sim hold have a low Cleaning requirement, but that person can't stand Sims that clean slowly and inefficiently. Thus, this person would have a use for such a hack.
No I can read fine thank you and I didn't miss her comment that she wanted skills to be high. However not all skills are important and neglecting one shouldn't matter all that much.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 82
Careful, TheCheat. Your reply to someone who was only trying to help came off as a little rude.  You probably didn't mean it to be offensive, but it just came off that way. It's really none of my business I suppose, but I hate it when I see posts that aren't very considerate. 
Be your own fish.
J. M. Pescado
The under-development "harder jobs" may provide the answers you seek, but with good skills (AND friends, you really should get rid of that!), you probably won't be stuck at a very LOW level.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Of course, you could make them an elder, in which case they won't get very far in any job!
Zephyr Zodiac
J. M. Pescado
Of course, you could make them an elder, in which case they won't get very far in any job!
Heh, there's an idea, making the dead-end teen/elder careers available to adults. 
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
That would certainly solve the problem! and if mistymage decided he/she wants to move the sim up to chef, then just start him at the bottom of the legit. career!
Zephyr Zodiac
Of course, you could make them an elder, in which case they won't get very far in any job!
Heh, there's an idea, making the dead-end teen/elder careers available to adults.  That's an excellent idea! Now my trashy sims can live the life I intend them to while not burning down their shack: having plenty of friends to sit around and blow "bubbles" and having a job that just barely pays the bills! I'll "squee" with delite if someone can come up with an easy to install hack for this.. SimPe is not for me! ~misty "been making magic all day.. when I can get my sons away from it!"
Gnohmon's sims 1 objects "It's like that hobbit/dragon thing. You cut off one head and.. it's an exercise in futility." -Andy, Dawn of the dead remake, 2004 = trolls on MATY
J. M. Pescado
The other possibility is you can go and download (or make) really shitty dead-end careers. 
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
I can just see them - Undertaker, Road-Sweeper, Sewer-Maintenance, Tele-Sales person.........
Zephyr Zodiac
The other possibility is you can go and download (or make) really shitty dead-end careers.  The only place I have ever seen careers is MTS2.. and those careers always are made with plenty of money at the last levels. Anyone elso know of places to go to get new careers that work with all EPs? I wish there was an easier way to make careers than SimPe. My sims golf game has an easy editor for dialogue (so I have golfers spewing chunks and others offering to eat it... my sons giggle when that one shows up cos it uses their names). I might be hallucinating but I think I vaguely recall Sims 1 having an easy to use career editor.. basically copy a career, change what you want to change and violah .. new career. I suppose SimPe does the same but navigating the interface is beyond me.
Gnohmon's sims 1 objects "It's like that hobbit/dragon thing. You cut off one head and.. it's an exercise in futility." -Andy, Dawn of the dead remake, 2004 = trolls on MATY
misty: I remember that program - it was easy.
I had that too - Job Creator! And you could set the wages too.
Zephyr Zodiac
Of course, you could make them an elder, in which case they won't get very far in any job!
Heh, there's an idea, making the dead-end teen/elder careers available to adults.  Well, why not? Maybe some adult Sims married to high-earning career types would just like to get out of the house once in a while and earn some pocket money. Or Sims who flunked out of college could scrape by for a while on low-end service jobs and wind up having to move back in with their parents in disgrace. Hey, when OFB comes out, it might actually make sense for an adult to hold down a crappy job to make ends meet while they struggle to get their own business off the ground! I like it...
I had that too - Job Creator! And you could set the wages too.
I found the career creator for Sims 1.. and it was pretty easy to make my "ho" career..setting low wages and the skills needed as one progressed was fun!! The only parts I didn't do were the clothes and the chance cards.. I made a career icon of lips <g> I may go back and "finish" the job... depends on my mood. Now if only someone made a tool as easy to use as it for Sims 2!
Gnohmon's sims 1 objects "It's like that hobbit/dragon thing. You cut off one head and.. it's an exercise in futility." -Andy, Dawn of the dead remake, 2004 = trolls on MATY
I made a really good (I think) education career. I think eventually I would have made a realistic medical career as well as a separate nursing career - it always annoys me how all the different kinds of medical career paths are all lumped together! And they simply reused them in sims2, and in some careers didn't even bother to correct spelling mistakes!
Zephyr Zodiac