Unfortunately, I didn't think to take pics at the time, but I ran into an issue with cars and "teleporting" sims. Also, unfortunatley, I hadn't been running debug mode, so I did not get an error dialog box/log. I don't remember if anyone has already mentioned this situation already, so here goes:
In my family, the father owned a car (the 2nd most expensive one). I was busy trying to satisfy one of the daughter's wants to get her asp level up before sending her off to school. However, she missed the bus.
Fortunately, the father had a day off, and thus did not need to use the car. So, I figured why not try sending the daughter to school using the car. I had the daughter drive off to school in the father's car (i.e. the Owner set to the father - I mention this because I don't know if this may be significant or not).
Anyways, when school was over, the two teens (the son/brotheri.e. my simself) had
magically appeared at the front step. Admittedly, I hadn't been paying attention, but... the father was in the middle of socializing with the mailman right at the front door near the mailbox.
So... I don't think I could have missed the fact that the school bus had come and gone. I received no indication that the teens were home from school (no messages regarding homework or bringing home friends). All of a sudden, I just noticed that the two teens were right at the front door, and annoying each other.
The school bus did not show up, and the father's car was no where in sight.
I exited the lot without saving, re-entered, turned on debug mode in hopes that I would get an error if it happened again. I proceeded to play pretty much the same way, and with hardly any changes to what I did previously, this time the school bus came with the son getting off of it. And the car showed up with the daughter getting out. So... it appeared to have fixed itself. And I was fortunate enough to have saved just before these things happened (and didn't have to restart from farther back
But... I was just wondering if anyone encoutered this, and could this have possibly been due to portals getting deleted?
I've also had some funky situations of timing with the carr and carpool. Sometimes the mother would be heading off to work, and I'd have the father drive off in his car. Or... sometimes the teens are dragging their asses getting onto the bus. As a result, the father doesn't really have room to back the car out the "normal" way (i.e. the car reverses out of the driveway in the direction of the mailbox, and then drives "forward" in the direction that the carpools and school buses normally travvel, from left to right, when facing the car from the side and left is the rear end and right is the front end, in an American game where cars drive on the right hand side of the road). However, whenever the father's car is "blocked" in by a stalled school bus or car pool, the car magically turns around and drives in the
"opposite" direction (i.e. the direction that typically NPC type vehicles arrive and drive away in, like the social worker, maid, babysitter, deliviery service, etc.). I'm wondering if this is "normal" behaviour or if this might have possibly contributed to vehicle portal deletion?
Has anyone had either of these situations occur in their game? Is this
benign behaviour where the lot would have reset itself anyways, if I had saved, exited, and returned? Or would it have been majorly fubar'd with school buses forever never appearing again and the father's car lost forever in limbo?
Just wondering if there are things I should to to avoid this, such as maybe changing the Owner of the car to the sim that I want to use it. That bit kind of seems buggy... sims trying to use cars that they don't necessarily own. Anyways, any help or info shedding light on the situation would be greatly appreciated.