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Author Topic: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)  (Read 11916 times)
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469

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Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
« Reply #25 on: 2006 January 05, 17:18:24 »

Well, I've just been cleaning up some of my houses in a vanilla building hood, and while some objects revert to the original they sometimes "forget" what they are, so you get the default name if you click on it, but the custom picture!  some things seem to disappear entirely.  I think it all depends on how they were made.  I'm afraid that, with all the trouble with custom terrains, I just won't download any lot which has them.  I'd like to get rid of all custom terrains permanently from my game, and the only way I can do that is to gradually replace all houses that have them!

An example of the problems - I have houses that I built in game which work perfectly for the family living there.  I have never to my knowledge put any terrain paints into the lot, custom or default.  But if I try to move the house into my vanilla hood to check it out, it won't load, but crashes the game immediately to the desktop.  I have others that are fine, so I can only assume that while building the house I may have needed to use the terrain levelling tool and accidentally opened the terrains for a moment.

Zephyr Zodiac
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Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
« Reply #26 on: 2006 January 05, 17:43:54 »

Could it be that it's something else that's causing the crashing? Maybe we are barking up the wrong tree.  I never use custom terrains myself, and do not recall ever clicking on it accidentally.  And why would opening the terrain catalog cause something to happen to the lot.  That doesn't make sense.  Maybe some modder with a good understanding of the game mechanics could explain that one.

But I've had your problem plenty of time.  Lots not willing to open after being transfered to a new neighbourdhood.  But then I had that happen to a lot for no particular reason that I could see.  Opened fine one day and not the next.  No changes were made apart from adding some mods.  I removed the entire download folder and the problem was still there, so it wasn't related to a custom object.  And then there were the university lots that just refused to load.  They were in a brand new game.  Pescado said you couldn't just move sims into a university lot, you had to open the lot first (or something like that).  But still it wouldn't load.

So lots of things seem to cause a lot not to load.  I wish my log file would be of more help, but it's so full of crap, that it's impossible to find the actual error.  Another reason why I should clean out my download folders.  All those errors bug me.  Although some of those errors are present in a brand new game with an empty custom folder, so  <shrug>.
Leina Raine
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Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
« Reply #27 on: 2006 January 05, 20:14:24 »

Thank you all for the assistance ... things are working much better now ... stopped in yesterday but my connection didn't wanna let me reply just then ... lol

I'm pretty much down to finding that system that will work for me ... I am apparently a pain in the tookus with the order-thing in those folders ... Hopefully sometime before new years, I'll be playing again! *nudgewinK*

Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469

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Re: I Can Break Stuff Just By Looking At It ! (Help Please)
« Reply #28 on: 2006 January 05, 23:33:08 »

Could it be that it's something else that's causing the crashing? Maybe we are barking up the wrong tree.  I never use custom terrains myself, and do not recall ever clicking on it accidentally.  And why would opening the terrain catalog cause something to happen to the lot.  That doesn't make sense.  Maybe some modder with a good understanding of the game mechanics could explain that one.

Once you open the terrain file, every paint in it becomes part of your lot.  Move the lot to a vanilla hood with no custom terrain paints and BOOM!  It's well-documented that this happens!  As I said, I've lots made around the same time in the same hood which load with no problems whatsoever, while others crash.  The only possible difference that I can think of is the addition of a custom terrain paint!

Zephyr Zodiac
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