Ok, fixed my computer problems. I had decided I wanted to start over with Pleasantville and use the age sims cheat to have some fun. My computer decided to cause me some problems, but they're fixed now. I now can start my fun. So I need to know how to make a sim younger using the age sims cheat. I know what the cheat does but not how to apply it. Any advice??
Basically, after you enter the cheat, left click on the sim you want to make younger. You'll see an option to 'Set Age' - baby, toddler, child etc, you choose one and the sim will do an age transition. Note that the age meter of the sim that has been agesimscheat-ed will not correspond to the age duration for the specific age group. Oh boy, how do I explain this. Ok, for example, you use the cheat on an adult, say Cassandra, made her into a teen, her age duration will show that she has 28 days left as a teen instead of the usual 14 days a teen has. Or if you grew a child up to an adult with the agesimscheat, the newly transitioned adult will have 7 days left as an adult before becoming an elder.
You can use SimPE to adjust/fix the age duration to what each life stage usually has.