Yeah, most children look alike. Alexander Goth...*shudders* I'd forgotten about him. Unfortunately, most of my sims have at least one extreme facial trait...and sometimes they get two...or three...
Photobucket has a dirty mind.
My sim-son (saved right now since reloading with NL -- he has a SHOCKING resemblance to my son. I mean, almost creepy!) married the prettiest sim I'd ever seen/made. She had alien skin and eyes. Their son, Draco had my son's nose throughout his childhood and teen years. I thought, OH NO the nose is going to be so strange when he grows up. He went steady with Xylina Dreamer, Darrens alien daughter from abduction (she was pretty too -- got Darren's nose). They went to college together. When Draco transitiioned to young adult.... YOWZA he was handsome!
He and Xylina got engaged and were in their senior year when I used SimPE to make backups instead of copying my Sims 2 folder and I lost all that progress. The sims are still saved though, so someday I may use them, but I'm not going to reconstruct all the family relationships and everything.... takes too long.... unless I just used him.... hmmm... and not all six of my kids!
Darkerdink -- aide to Dark_Trepie. Now with moar dark!
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 394
I'm just going to Gussy Up
Alexander Goth. He wasn't too bad looking when he was a child or even a teenager. But when he became an adult, wow, I couldn't believe him. It took a bit of playing around with different hair and stuff before he finally grew on me.
Interesting. I really like Alexander Goth. I don't think he's ugly at all, he is interesting and he is very sweet in my game. He had a want for a "first kiss" which didn't get satisified until Uni, and as soon as he had his first kiss, he wanted to get engaged. Awwww. I just graduated Alexander from Uni and I am planning to get him married today! Someone somewhere said they thought Beau was ugly, and he is another of my favorite Sims. I think I am just in general attracted to the more "unusual" looking Sims, they have a lot of character.
I don't think Beau is ugly at all! He's rather cute. Here are some pictures of my Alexander Goth:  Alex with his mom.  Listening to a joke from his brother-in-law.  Feeding his nephew...  And holding his nephew.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Open for Business
i've seen that in a screenshot expiring to death beside the double bed
« Last Edit: 2005 December 30, 03:27:17 by ecaguimbal »
I will complete the seven expansions.
i've seen that in a screenshot
What are you referring to?
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 394
I'm just going to Gussy Up
Rainbow, I love what you've done with Alexander! He looks quite distinguished in your game. Isn't he the darling family man? I think the combination of his playfulness + Knowledge is what appeals to me.
Ahh, I have crushes on the great majority of my male Sims!
I made him Fortune, because the family was wealthy, and he was a Criminal Mastermind. I might try him as Knowledge though this time around. It was just annoying how he always wanted to buy things with an occasional want to do stuff with his wife or sister.
For some reason, Alexander reminds me of Goopy...I think I gave Alex a beard...
Photobucket has a dirty mind.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 394
I'm just going to Gussy Up
Alex had a great wedding with my born-in-game Sim, Kendra. He couldn't wait to boogie after getting married. I haven't done anything with his appearance yet, but he looks nice in a tux: 
J. M. Pescado
I can't believe you changed his glasses, Rainbow. Those were THE Alexander Goth. You can't even get them on other sims. They define him. It totally ruins the effect to change them.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
I didn't care for those glasses. I like this kind better.  Besides, they weren't available anymore after he grew up.
Poor Don. No longer a "babe magnet". Now he's a "baby magnet"...
ahh just to let you know Don is not a baby magnet in my game any more . He closed his doors said he would steal the base I dea from you even though his formula in Romance city was totally different. he has new goals in life. that all in due time he will reveal
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
Don't tell me, you've done what I did - made him change his aspiration to Family! 
Zephyr Zodiac
Nope ZZ Don is still a Romance sim in my custom hood
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Nope ZZ Don is still a Romance sim in my custom hood
Thank goodness for that! 
Photobucket has a dirty mind.
I changed him to Family to teach him a lesson! 
Zephyr Zodiac
Don doesnt need any lessons taught to him in my custom hood . he is a nice Romance Sim. and changing his aspiration would kill his new life 
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Oh, he's nice, I'll give you that, I mean, he doesn't go around picking fights and stuff unless someone (like Mary-Sue) really gets up his nose! But I love to see him get the cleaning skill wants!
Zephyr Zodiac
Nope he wont be needing those in his new life either 
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
You've turned him into a female maid. 
Nope Don is still a Male Romance Sim  and going to stay male and No Maid Duties for Don 
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
You've given him a doting mum who cleans up after him without a murmur! 
Zephyr Zodiac