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Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
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Topic: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You! (Read 417834 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #75 on:
2006 March 24, 02:09:47 »
Quote from: SimDebster on 2006 March 24, 01:44:35
For OFB, customers that come in looking for help will go into the bathroom and stay there. My sim cannot go in to do the "May I help you" interaction because they are immediately sent out of the room by the controller. Is it possible to make a change so that the confused shopper in need of help is also sent out of the room? As it is now, I end up having to delete the customer to resolve the problem.
Excellent plan. Who the hell loiters in a bathroom to expect help, anyway?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lord of the Nannies
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #76 on:
2006 March 24, 04:09:10 »
First rule of sims. They LOVE the bathroom. Always have since TS1. It's their favorite place to socialize, it's the headmasters favorite room and quite frankly without this hack it's pretty damned difficult to keep them out of it.
Last Edit: 2006 March 24, 13:05:12 by Motoki
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Super-Deformed Bobblehead
Vacuous Vegetable
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #77 on:
2006 March 24, 04:16:46 »
Yes, the headmaster loves the bathroom.
I always make sure to show it to them, but I can't do that with this hack (unless it's been fixed and I haven't noticed). So, I delete the TP, show the room, and then put it back.
Which reminds me, if this is still the case, I should alter it so that it doesn't depreciate.
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #78 on:
2006 March 24, 05:01:02 »
Why don't you move it to another room temporarily, such as a bedroom no one is using? Then move it back when they leave. Then you won't have to worry about depreciation.
Super-Deformed Bobblehead
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4332
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #79 on:
2006 March 24, 05:02:43 »
Yeah, that would have been a good idea...
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #80 on:
2006 March 24, 06:17:16 »
Don't cry, there's always next time!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #81 on:
2006 March 24, 07:41:43 »
I thought I fixed the headmaster touring. Is it still broken?
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #82 on:
2006 March 24, 14:39:40 »
Quote from: rainbow on 2006 March 24, 05:01:02
Why don't you move it to another room temporarily, such as a bedroom no one is using? Then move it back when they leave. Then you won't have to worry about depreciation.
Or just move it to your sim's inventory. I have one house where they use a 3rd bathroom as a nursery when there's a new baby, and just move the bathroom stuff out to the mom's inventory until the kid is a child. Then it moves back in, and the kid stuff (crib, etc) moves to her inventory.
Excelsior, you fathead!
I am Canadian.
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #83 on:
2006 March 24, 15:38:50 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2006 March 24, 07:41:43
I thought I fixed the headmaster touring. Is it still broken?
I *think* I remembered showing the bathroom to a headmaster recently with BUY without incident, but I'll have to check again next time I play.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #84 on:
2006 March 24, 17:36:22 »
The first time I had a headmaster after reading that JM had done something with it for the Headmaster, I tried showing the bathroom on the tour. My sim went to the toilet and shooed the Headmaster out, and proceeded to potty and shower. So I wasn't sure what was supposed to have been fixed because this seemed to be the same behavior as before. I haven't tried again. What is supposed to happen, JM?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #85 on:
2006 March 24, 19:46:49 »
Quote from: rainbow on 2006 March 24, 17:36:22
The first time I had a headmaster after reading that JM had done something with it for the Headmaster, I tried showing the bathroom on the tour. My sim went to the toilet and shooed the Headmaster out, and proceeded to potty and shower. So I wasn't sure what was supposed to have been fixed because this seemed to be the same behavior as before. I haven't tried again. What is supposed to happen, JM?
It's SUPPOSED to ignore the tour leader now, as long as the headmaster is in tow and within 15 spaces.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Super-Deformed Bobblehead
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4332
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #86 on:
2006 March 24, 19:50:36 »
Quote from: BlueSoup on 2006 March 24, 04:16:46
...but I can't do that with this hack (unless it's been fixed and I haven't noticed).
I haven't checked it recently, I didn't know it was fixed. Thanks Pes.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1035
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Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #87 on:
2006 March 25, 17:10:02 »
Hmm...I *think* the wrong version has been uploaded after the site crash. I d/led it yesterday, off of the NL directory (as I have NL), and as soon as I invite someone over the game crashes to desktop, no blue screen, just a Windoze message This application has crashed, no error log retrievable. The one I d/led is timestamped 8-3, 17:40, v2.47. Had to revert to an old (dating back to September) copy I had saved, but luckily I still have the late January version here at the Uni PC (my laziness saved the day there! I d/l everything to one directory, then put everything in their respective subfolder after saving a copy to my flash stick to take home, but I was too lazy to do that yesterday so my working copy survived!).
Let the Beast inside you free!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #88 on:
2006 March 25, 17:23:41 »
The old NL version was apparently lost in action. A new version will shortly be released that may address the crashing issues.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #89 on:
2006 March 25, 23:19:53 »
I still have mine that I started using after JM diagnosed the CTDs I was having after he made his NL/OFB integrated hack. I could upload it if you like?
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1035
Still they're marching on...
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #90 on:
2006 March 26, 15:50:37 »
Quote from: rainbow on 2006 March 25, 23:19:53
I still have mine that I started using after JM diagnosed the CTDs I was having after he made his NL/OFB integrated hack. I could upload it if you like?
Nah, it's cool. The one I salvaged from the Uni PC is timestamped 31/1/06 and it works fine. Thanx though!
Let the Beast inside you free!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #91 on:
2006 March 31, 13:08:32 »
I have my bathroom hidden inside a master bedroom, and since the master bedroom must be locked because of Lizz Loves Automatic Bed, the bathroom is not available. Perhaps the BathroomUsesYou can be assigned to specific individuals, so it will only call them. That would eliminate the problem of locked doors because it would only call the person(s) it was assigned to, and hopefully we are smart enough to assign only people who can actually go through the doors.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #92 on:
2006 April 02, 23:40:02 »
Is it possible to add another option to the config for this controller? I am thinking of setting a bathroom to "Master Bath" which would then ban all toddlers, children and teens from using it or even wanting to use it. I am currently having a problem of a child wanting to shower in the master bath because their sibling is using the shower in the family bathroom. Both bathrooms are configured for "room only" so it cannot be because of overlapping control.
Super-Deformed Bobblehead
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4332
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #93 on:
2006 April 02, 23:57:09 »
If it's a Master Bath, couldn't you use the A.P.O. to only allow the Sims you choose to use the bathroom?
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #94 on:
2006 April 03, 00:22:37 »
Quote from: BlueSoup on 2006 April 02, 23:57:09
If it's a Master Bath, couldn't you use the A.P.O. to only allow the Sims you choose to use the bathroom?
At the risk of sounding really stupid, what is an "A.P.O.?"
Super-Deformed Bobblehead
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4332
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #95 on:
2006 April 03, 00:29:45 »
A.P.O. is Authorised Personnel Only, found somewhere around here (Pescado's section). And all of his hacks work well with and complement each other.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #96 on:
2006 April 03, 02:55:11 »
Thank you. Now I understand.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #97 on:
2006 April 03, 03:15:00 »
Thanks Blue Soup. I will look for it and try it out.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #98 on:
2006 April 03, 04:45:00 »
Okay, I tried it and it did not work.
I finally figured out that the master bath controller was closer to the sim when in the hallway than their actual bathroom controller, so the logic must go with whatever is closer. I tested it by moving the master bath controller to the farthest point away in the master bath, and sure enough the child then went to the proper bathroom. However, my master bath now looks stupid with a roll of toilet paper mounted above the tub. I can deal with it, but it would be better to have a Master Bath option that would only allow adults in the family and ban all others. Just a suggestion.
Also, the ban females is not working. Females use the male bathroom (even instead of the female only bathroom which is right next to it). I think that I saw someone else post about this a little while ago, but I just wanted to second it.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You!
Reply #99 on:
2006 April 03, 11:38:47 »
Quote from: SimDebster on 2006 April 03, 04:45:00
Also, the ban females is not working. Females use the male bathroom (even instead of the female only bathroom which is right next to it). I think that I saw someone else post about this a little while ago, but I just wanted to second it.
If you're in radial mode, that would cause this if your bathrooms are too close and objects are thus overlapped.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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