Speaking of bugs, I ran into a doozy involving Bathroom Uses You. I got into an unpleastant situation where the only shower was busted. A kid I was torturing training up on the obstacle course ran into the bathroom in extreme stink mode, and ZAP - it was a line of hammer&sickles all the way across the screen and beyond. I had to replace the shower, and then delete about 40 queued actions before things became sane again. I keep hoping that the TP shows up on the firing range so that I could report it. I haven't been able to reproduce it though, which is of course every programmer's least favorite sentence.
It's because the bathroom is continuing to call the sim, but it is not possible for them to be used. I had the same thing happen with power idle eat when the fridge got low and they ran out of pork chops. Once I refilled the fridge.... all better.