So using the potty is bad because they need to be emptied into the trash and if you get hungry enough and have to eat from the trash can...........*shudder*  Oh, yuck! But what does sim trash consist of anyway? I suck at this challenge, not because screaming, starving toddlers get to me, but because I'm having problems getting the baby to the toddler stage. And without cake, it can call for some very glitchy age transitions...
Photobucket has a dirty mind.
I'm having problems getting the baby to the toddler stage. And without cake, it can call for some very glitchy age transitions...
If you time the birth just right, then it should be relatively smooth with the Baby Controller.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 549
I love Pokemon! Thus I am a Heretic!
This challenge rocks  . Never did E-Mail because I thought it was too cruel (and I'm entirely too lazy to go building special E-Mail legal community lots). But this is great! I love stealing food! The Townies are too stupid even to notice! Now to get my guy a mate. I have a Townie in mind. I know it's all going to go horribly wrong once there's a baby to look after, but... 
* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do.  Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron. Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck. Read my Sims 2 stories!
This challenge rocks  . Never did E-Mail because I thought it was too cruel (and I'm entirely too lazy to go building special E-Mail legal community lots). But this is great! I love stealing food! The Townies are too stupid even to notice! Now to get my guy a mate. I have a Townie in mind. I know it's all going to go horribly wrong once there's a baby to look after, but...  My thoughts exactly baratron.... I thought there'd be flaming thought bubbles aplenty seeing as my challenge sim has nicked food off almost everyone downtown. How strange that something like that doesn't piss off sims, but puddles of water can enrage them to serial killer level!! A mate and a baby is next on my list for my deprived, that's where the 'challenge' begins I would imagine 
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
J. M. Pescado
Wouldn't the University keg be banned as it's a giant pineapple, and therefore food (although not eaten)?
It's plastic.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
Don't look now but they're going to kill you.
Wouldn't the University keg be banned as it's a giant pineapple, and therefore food (although not eaten)?
It's plastic. LOL
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 240
I've lost the will to live already.
Kitten of Evil
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Can you have a baby taken away by the social worker, then have another non-Ethiopian family adopt it and raise it until it's a child, then have the social worker come again and have the original family adopt it back?
As far as I know, the original family can never adopt a child once they've had one taken away. And the point of this challenge is to have your Sims survive the grow-up period. 
Aaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhhh!!  Ah, I feel better now!!
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 565
BOOT to the HEAD!
Can you have a baby taken away by the social worker, then have another non-Ethiopian family adopt it and raise it until it's a child, then have the social worker come again and have the original family adopt it back?
You can only adopt babies. No toddlers or children.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 549
I love Pokemon! Thus I am a Heretic!
So has anyone found a way to feed the toddlers yet? While it's possible to put baby bottles into inventory, I can't see how this helps: 1) Ethiopians can't use fridges, no matter where the fridge is located. So the fact they could grab a bottle from someone else's fridge and take it home in their inventory is irrelevant. 2) I could get a non-Ethiopian to get a baby bottle from their fridge and drop it on the floor for an Ethiopian to pick up & take home - but the only way to control an Ethiopian at a non-Ethiopian's house would be Merola's Mind Control Mirror (non-Awesome) or boolprop TestingCheats (for cheating purposes). I presume this is not allowed. 3) I could get a non-Ethiopian to get a baby bottle from their fridge and put it in inventory, then get the Ethiopian to invite them over. But again, the only ways to control the visiting non-Ethiopian would be classed as cheating.
What I really want is a legal way to control visitors. It's a shame the new version of the Phone Hack doesn't let you control visitors on outings. I've been wondering if you can do something with Influence... To Serve Meal, but there's no way to take a toddler to someone else's house or to a Community lot where the Influencing could be done. No toddler stuff is enabled for use on Community lots as standard, you have to use changeLotZoning residential to get it.
Failing all other possibilities, I'll just go for the "toddlers can't die as long as you keep a Nanny there forever" technique, but I'm just intrigued as to whether anyone's managed it.
* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do.  Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron. Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck. Read my Sims 2 stories!
First, a question. The garden spike light. These are generally solar powered. Allowed? Meet the Ethiopian Twins: Peckish  Famish  Both are lazy, sloppy, outgoing Libra Romance Sims. These are Sims created by BelovedWagon. I just think they're pretty. 
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
Don't look now but they're going to kill you.
Failing all other possibilities, I'll just go for the "toddlers can't die as long as you keep a Nanny there forever" technique, but I'm just intrigued as to whether anyone's managed it.
It's do-able. As noted above..keep with that idea lol I haven't went back to my Ethiopian lot since Lupe grew up yet...I got burned out. When I go back though I might upload my story somewhere if anyone is interested in some garbage eating, pee on bushes starving sims lol
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
Don't look now but they're going to kill you.
I think it sounds great. Do you plan to do it again, once you're done with this one, to aim for the perfect score?
Of course...this challenge has been taunting me..of course I have to aim for a perfect score lol  Only next time I'm taking it slower and less obsessively lol..but that will be easier now that I get it.
If you "shoo" a sim on a community lot and interrupt them after they've ordered food (but before they've eaten it), they'll get up and you can eat theirs without chancing skipping out. Just in case you're tired of the trash ;)
Well, I'm stuck on how to get a baby to the toddler stage without the social worker arriving!? I know some have said keep a nanny on the lot at all times, Ive tried but It seems the SW always turns up to take the baby! Others have said time the birth just right...I have no clue how to go about that...I've lost two babies so far to the SW......any further hints or tips would be greatly appreciated 
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
If the baby is born right before 6 pm, then the next day at 6 pm, the baby can be aged to toddler. So, since the pregnancy period lasts 3 days and 3 hours, you can plan your conception accordingly.
And the nanny is supposed to repel the social worker.
Deformed Freak
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 840
Now with new and improved avatar!
but you can't use the birthday cake to grow the kid up because it's (obviously) food.
No, but didn't someone say that Pescado's baby controller could grow them up?
No, but didn't someone say that Pescado's baby controller could grow them up?
I haven't seen that? Is it allowed and is that why it's been incredibly hard for me to get through that stage of the challenge....because if it is.......*shakes fist and mutters very colourful language*
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Pes number three had reached elderhood in perma plat with maxed skills and at the top of his military career whiling away his days meditating. His adopted kid Ethan was just one point away across the board skill wise also reaching for that perma plat status as well. I got the notice he was one day away from adulthood and in my giddy haste I selected grow up already! He was platinum and greened up and I figured no time like the present boy, lets get on with it - when all of the sudden to my dismay - the floor fell out from beneath him. He went from plat to aspiration failure in two seconds flat.
I can only assume that in my haste I failed to realize that he must have had a HUGE fear of not going to college, and it had to have been monsterous to take him down that far. He was a knowledge sim like his father Pes but they had a good run at it, so good I had gotten in the swing of things and all was smooth sailing.
Ah well better luck next weekend...and victory shall be mine!
I have funny pics I am sure Motoki would have appreciated, Ethan had his own personal set of Nanny Guards at all times, it cost a fortune but it worked, and he would have made it too, with his own kid, until his creator mucked it all for him. *sigh*
Pes number three had reached elderhood in perma plat with maxed skills and at the top of his military career whiling away his days meditating. His adopted kid Ethan was just one point away across the board skill wise also reaching for that perma plat status as well. I got the notice he was one day away from adulthood and in my giddy haste I selected grow up already! He was platinum and greened up and I figured no time like the present boy, lets get on with it - when all of the sudden to my dismay - the floor fell out from beneath him. He went from plat to aspiration failure in two seconds flat.
I can only assume that in my haste I failed to realize that he must have had a HUGE fear of not going to college, and it had to have been monsterous to take him down that far. He was a knowledge sim like his father Pes but they had a good run at it, so good I had gotten in the swing of things and all was smooth sailing.
Ah well better luck next weekend...and victory shall be mine!
I have funny pics I am sure Motoki would have appreciated, Ethan had his own personal set of Nanny Guards at all times, it cost a fortune but it worked, and he would have made it too, with his own kid, until his creator mucked it all for him. *sigh*
And your point is Nectere??  Nah just kidding....god for you getting that have more patience than I  One question if I may.....did you use the baby controller by any chance or did you just have the nanny army on duty at all times to stop the Social Worker from arriving?
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
I did not have the baby controller; the baby took an extra day to transition due to not having the cake. And yes we had quite the army of nannies on duty at all times (because you can never be too sure when they will flake out and decide to leave). I will leave it to you to figure out how to get them and keep them there.
I had thought about having Pes marry the nanny on the second try but I quickly found out that as soon as she is flagged a visitor the social workers no longer see her as a force to be reckoned with and come marching in (in an army of their own, literally -glitch). I quickly learned from that mistake and made sure to have a full army at all times on the third try. Once two got stuck on lot and all they did was follow Ethan around, I had some cute pictures of Ethan flanked by his personal Nanny Guards.
I can't figure out the aspiration failure thing though, I looked at Ethan's memories to try to figure out what had just happened and it said he completed his freshman year of college. Which seems rather odd since he didn't go to college, I am not sure if perhaps when they don't go they flag them as dropping out or what, but the whole thing seemed rather strange with him taking such a huge hit to aspiration. The game also started to seem rather glitchy, even the regular nanny changed her schedule and starting coming at midnight until 9am, which wasn't what she had been hired for and Pes's schedule never changed. The regular Nanny continued to come even long after Ethan had turned into a teen and then would promptly leave charging them 10 dollars each time with some babble about there being no kids in the house.
Meh, there is always next weekend, I would like to try Ethiopian Email, its just such a pain to build all the needed lots that way, since you will def need a community lot thats both attractive to visitors yet still wthin the confines of the Email Challenge.
WAIT I just reread the rules again..
There is no hit for aspiration failure? If thats the case I am still in the game! Ethan grew up well but then went into aspiration failure afterwards.