Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
Don't look now but they're going to kill you.
I am sulking with you Emma lol
The email challenge seems simple compared to this.
That second attempt I got the baby born..I decided to try right away to get that out of the way. It was born around 5 pm and was taken at 7 pm the next day. The dad died out of nowhere the day before shortly after the baby was born. I have gunmod's (think that's the name, forgive me if it's not) radiance lighting installed so at night w/ no lights it's almost impossible to see so I didn't see it happen in time to plead with death. After the baby was taken, mom sim died..of what I have no clue...either the father sim's ghost came out and scared her or she died of her terrible bout with food poisoning.
If I could just use the damned b-day cake to age the baby and then delete it I could at least get the baby to toddlerhood, although I have no idea what I would do with it then lol
The only thing that has made it worth it to me so far was the little bit of sim torture in which hilarity ensued. Since there is no toilet my sims would get down on their hands and knees and puke on the ground. I watched them do this repeatedly from food poisoning and then stand back up, only to fall back down rocking back & forth in aspiration failure (apparently puking drove them over the edge..hell it would me too at this rate) As cruel as it was slightly amusing to my sick demented mind lol
J. M. Pescado
The email challenge seems simple compared to this. Heh. That's sort of the point. Didn't you read the topic header? This was made because the E-Mail Challenge WAS TOO EASY! So now we have to have something HARDER!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Isn't it possible to come up with a hard challenge that doesn't involve banning normal bodily functions?
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 167
I dont believe this is actually possible. I think JM just wants to sit and laugh at us all until we realise this. So i refuse to do it. Im going to finish my legacy challenge (only on 2nd gen- might take a while), then try the email challenge. And i might move on to this if someone has finished it by then.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
I wanna see Pescado do this first
From what I understand, Pescado already successfully completed this challenge before he turned it loose for us to fail at.
Good breeding consists of concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person. - Mark Twain
2. Ethiopians do not have running water! No items requiring the use of running water (terlets, sinks, bathtubs, showers, fire sprinklers) may be purchased or used at home. Using them on a community lot is permissible.
3. Ethiopians do not have electricity! No items requiring the use of electricity, unless they have self-contained power supplies (personal electronics, fire alarms, battery-operated devices), may be purchased or used at home. Using them on a community lot is permissible. EXCEPTION: The Phone may be purchased to turn off the ringer and then sold.
How do we get to the community lots if the phone has been sold? Cars only? I actually had fun planning and playing my couple, a brother and sister: Wren and Rufus Wretched. I made them both fat hoping for slower metabolisms (didn't work), Rufus is a Fortune sim who has a LTW to be an All Star (I think.. whatever the top athletic position is), Wren is a Knowledge sim with a LTW to be Chief of Staff.. one of her first wants was to woohoo in a bed? But it really doesn't help that with a newly created sim you start out halfway on the hunger bar and unless you get lucky and get an 11:00 or later job.. you starve pretty badly. It really shortens the amount of time to get a few skill points in before they start refusing to one's bidding. Since I didn't build them a house I bought some of the best beds.. bad mistake... that just gave them more time to moan about needing to pee, eat and use a shower. It was kind of funny watching them both try to bathe in the pool but of course that doesn't work (I think it should... or at least change the color of the stink cloud ;-) So far I've had Therapist and a pink Social Bunny.. I think I need way easier challenges.. like they can only eat on alternate days, sponge baths only on alternate days, on alternating days LOL! ~misty
Gnohmon's sims 1 objects "It's like that hobbit/dragon thing. You cut off one head and.. it's an exercise in futility." -Andy, Dawn of the dead remake, 2004 = trolls on MATY
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
Hmmm...I have an idea or two of what these "loopholes" are. May actually give this one a go.
Does running water include pools and hottubs?
Hot-tubs are heated electrically. And I'm pretty sure the Ethiopians don't have swimming pools in their backyards. But they can have swimmable lakes. 
Hot-tubs are heated electrically. And I'm pretty sure the Ethiopians don't have swimming pools in their backyards. But they can have swimmable lakes.  But a pool is not technically against the rules. You could even use pool lights, since they aren't electrical, right? And with Pescado's challenges, the only way to beat them, or even come close, is to find things that are not *technically* against the rules. That's what he expects. Be sneaky. Be inventive. Push the rules, but do not break them. EDIT: Asking Pescado to make a ruling on the pool. It does not require running water, but in the real world it would have required it when being built.
« Last Edit: 2005 December 13, 16:51:36 by reggikko »
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 414
I don't speak Awesome.
Okay, can't you buy the cake and use it to age babies to toddlers but not eat it? Just blow out candles and then clean it up?
Okay, can't you buy the cake and use it to age babies to toddlers but not eat it? Just blow out candles and then clean it up?
well, the pool could have been filled with rain water, or lake water or something other than running water, theoretically speaking of course.
Dead Member

Posts: 1392
Despite the name, I am male.Do not call me "miss".
I can think of one loophole: Inge's no Social Worker abduction patch is not specifically on the banned list. However, this challenge looks too hard for me anyway. I'll just keep trying the email challenge.
EDIT: Whoops. I was just reading from the rules list at the top. If it's banned, it's banned.
« Last Edit: 2005 December 13, 17:08:18 by Venusy »
"They say only the good die young. If that works both ways, I'm immortal."
ISTP - Independent, concise in speech, master of tools.
I can think of one loophole: Inge's no Social Worker abduction patch is not specifically on the banned list. However, this challenge looks too hard for me anyway. I'll just keep trying the email challenge.
He has said that you can't use the No Social Worker patch in the chat....(actually, anything that's not by him or TJ is banned, isn't it?)
Smells Like Pee

Posts: 7367
Okay, I give up. Poor guy lived about two days. I'll try again when I'm in a better mood.
2. Ethiopians do not have running water! No items requiring the use of running water (terlets, sinks, bathtubs, showers, fire sprinklers) may be purchased or used at home. Using them on a community lot is permissible.
3. Ethiopians do not have electricity! No items requiring the use of electricity, unless they have self-contained power supplies (personal electronics, fire alarms, battery-operated devices), may be purchased or used at home. Using them on a community lot is permissible. EXCEPTION: The Phone may be purchased to turn off the ringer and then sold.
How do we get to the community lots if the phone has been sold? Cars only? ~misty cell phones are allowed
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Does a car constitute a self-contained device? Is a cellphone part of "personal electronics" and thus ok?
What counts as "stealing" food? could you have a Uni sim and eat as much as you wanted in the dorm?
<little bity voice> why does one buy a phone, turn the ringer off and then sell it again... if you don't own a phone, it won't ring, right? ...unless you have a cell, I guess... </tentative end little voice as the last time I asked a question like this it was a point and laugh kind of thing...>
Does a car constitute a self-contained device? Is a cellphone part of "personal electronics" and thus ok?
What counts as "stealing" food? could you have a Uni sim and eat as much as you wanted in the dorm?
<little bity voice> why does one buy a phone, turn the ringer off and then sell it again... if you don't own a phone, it won't ring, right? ...unless you have a cell, I guess... </tentative end little voice as the last time I asked a question like this it was a point and laugh kind of thing...>
Cell Phones and cars are allowed.stealing food could be as simple as running out on the bill at a community lot.ethiopians dont go to universities
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 909
stealing food could be as simple as running out on the bill at a community lot.
Ahh...I hadn't thought of that.... Ethiopians may have restaurants, but they don't have any money.... So eating and not paying might just work. /gross stereotypical generalization
Billy, put down that phylactery, we're Episcopalian.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
From what I understand, Pescado already successfully completed this challenge before he turned it loose for us to fail at.
LOL I bet he has 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 22
Life in Digital
I'm almost afraid to ask, but is there a penalty for getting caught when trying to skip out on a restaurant bill? *embarrassed* Apparently, my Sim is no good at sneaking....
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
Don't look now but they're going to kill you.
I'm starting to get some ideas but the loopholes for making the babies/toddlers survive I am still stuck on. Why do I have some feeling that it is just so blatantly obvious that once I figure it out I'm going to feel like a real dumbass lol
I'm also curious if bars or the little juice keg thing are allowed on lots? I mean they aren't technically food after all. welll not in my world anyways lol I mean...sure one can live on meager scraps for a while..but w/o something to'd be dead in record time (not that my sims already haven't experienced that *cough* but anyways....
Horny Turkey
Grammar Police

Posts: 14042
"So MEAN!"
The bar doesn't seem to be banned, but do the drinks have any food value?