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Question: Choose your three favorite houses!  (Voting closed: 2013 May 08, 12:55:43)
jesslla | 2356 W. Teid Lane - 1 (0.9%)
PA | 1212 Little Valley - 2 (1.8%)
Cyberdodo | 1510 Breeder Shack Alley - 1 (0.9%)
Morague | 27 Scott St - 5 (4.5%)
ReRybka | 96 Aspen Close - 9 (8%)
Turd Fergson | 90 Islip Drive - 2 (1.8%)
Skadi | 120 Starter Road - 2 (1.8%)
jesslla | 411 Anglin Street - 4 (3.6%)
SJActress | 578 Viking Drive - 8 (7.1%)
Skadi | 16 Qube Street - 1 (0.9%)
Skadi | 29 Deception Way - 1 (0.9%)
susscrofa | 112 IttyBitty Lane - 2 (1.8%)
SJActress | 32 Wainwright Way - 4 (3.6%)
jesslla | 7564 Passion Way - 5 (4.5%)
ReRybka | 10 Navy Lane - 3 (2.7%)
rainkius | 73 Stony Quay - 0 (0%)
witch | Grandma's Piece of Quiet - 6 (5.4%)
Vespinito | 79a Greyleaze - 2 (1.8%)
phoenixc | 240 Victoria street - 4 (3.6%)
phoenixc | 990 Doraly Lane - 5 (4.5%)
Vespinito | 16 Alameda Walk - 2 (1.8%)
phoenixc | 55 Catalina street - 2 (1.8%)
phoenixc | 180 Aurora Street - 4 (3.6%)
phoenixc |  5 Tropical Lane - 0 (0%)
SJActress | 451 Shorelight Circle - 2 (1.8%)
phoenixc | 101 Cages Lane - 3 (2.7%)
wytewidow | 5 Mango Way - 2 (1.8%)
rainkius | 973 Quaking Robin Alcove - 2 (1.8%)
Cyberdodo | 2015 Trailer Park - 0 (0%)
virgali | 99 Purple Water Rd - 1 (0.9%)
virgali | 28 Garden View Lane - 0 (0%)
Skadi | 22 Foundation Drive - 6 (5.4%)
Madame Mim | 1 Mimm Place - 1 (0.9%)
Madame Mim | 2 Mimm Place - 1 (0.9%)
Cyberdodo |  1010 Wizard Tower - 0 (0%)
Madame Mim | 3 Mimm Place - 1 (0.9%)
pepsihamster | Spring Wood 39 - 7 (6.3%)
susscrofa | 456 Boxcroft Street - 1 (0.9%)
Aklu | 1000 Crystal Avenue - 1 (0.9%)
Aklu | 500 Nut Drive - 4 (3.6%)
pepsihamster | On The Rise 1 - 1 (0.9%)
ReRybka| 63 Lilac Street - 4 (3.6%)
Total Voters: 33

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Author Topic: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.  (Read 94574 times)
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #75 on: 2013 April 23, 21:28:26 »

My house does not really conform to the colour scheme at all, or only by a big stretch of the imagination, I don't mind if it gets left out of the voting. I don't expect speshul rights. It was fun to build and I now have a huge number of new starters from this thread. I am content.  Cool

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Malodorous Moron
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #76 on: 2013 April 23, 23:58:53 »

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had trouble sticking with the color scheme. I went with stone instead of wood though and used one extra color which was from an accessory in the picture of my chosen color scheme. I CASted pretty much everything. Walls, floors, doors, windows, appliances, furniture, lamps, paintings, rugs, curtains and the clutter items. The house ended up looking horrible because of the weird layout I used. Maybe I'll try again with another color scheme.

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Feckless Fool
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #77 on: 2013 April 24, 00:39:44 »

*real estate sales voice*
Nothing says "tight-knit community" like close neighbors, and you'll certainly have that with 2015 Trailer Park!  Yes, we parked TWO mobile homes on a 20x15 lot!  With a shared yard and garden between them, you'll be BFFs with your neighbors in no time.
Each of the two mobile home can sleep up to 4 sims plus 1 infant/toddler.  Our special wanded sale price for the set, as shown, is $19,598.  Unfurnished, the price drops to $15,547.
*end real estate sales voice*

Address - 2015 Trailer Park

Yep, I built 2 houses on 1 tiny lot.

Since it's 2 houses, I used a different color scheme for each. For the first trailer I used 'Fresh Modern', while still looking like a trailer.

The scheme for the second trailer is 'Crisp Coral'.

I deviated a little from the color scheme for the main bedroom though. How could I not include some 'Trailer Trash Tacky'? Tongue

"Dahling! I love the decor! Especially the curtains!"


« Last Edit: 2013 April 24, 00:49:47 by Cyberdodo » Logged

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Malodorous Moron
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #78 on: 2013 April 24, 08:40:27 »

Finally, I managed to finish a lot. The first one is my official entry, the second one is supposed to be my first attempt at creating a tiny lot but I gave up. Neither of them are any good at all but since I wasted my time on them I decided to share. This is my personal take on the "assignment". I tried to use the colors in many varieties as to not make things too bland and boring.

Official entry
[99 Purple Water Rd.] built on a 20x15 lot and created with the "Elegant, Urban Purple Living Room" color scheme.
Furnished: §20,186
Unfurnished: §14,038
I CASTed everything that's CASTable according to the color scheme. Instead of wood I chose a color that was used as an accent in the picture of the color scheme.


Discarded lot
[28 Garden View Lane] built on a 20x15 lot and created with the "Bright, Bold Living Room" color scheme.
Furnished: §21,830
Unfurnished: §14,371
This one isn't as "meticulous" as my official entry. Something went haywire with the color scheme and I wasn't in the mood to fix it. The fridge, phone and windows for example aren't entirely CASTed in the color scheme and some of the patterns I used aren't properly CASTed according to the colors either. Instead of wood I chose a color that was used as an accent in the picture of the living room.


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Mushroom Girl
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #79 on: 2013 April 24, 10:44:26 »

Nice houses Virgali!

Last one from me: 22 Foundation Drive.
Edited to add download links.
One bed, one nursery with a large veggie garden. Built with all EPs and SPs with lots of stuff from Uni and Supernatural. Premium store content includes the playpen, baby monitor, and change table.
Green theme used, set up for a young college graduate who likes nature and painting. I discovered the portable drawing book which a cheap easel.

Wanded - Furnished $16350, unfurnished $10789  20x15 block

Sims3pack download - 25mb!
.package file for your library folder 1.28Mb
« Last Edit: 2013 April 25, 04:00:03 by Skadi » Logged

Posts: 2996

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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #80 on: 2013 April 24, 13:16:32 »

Cyberdodo, I love trailer lots for my sims!

virgali, not any good MY ASS. Those are both utterly adorable.

Skadi, my wife builds excellent lots as always. I like that there is a money tree in the garden and a chess table.

[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #81 on: 2013 April 24, 19:42:11 »

Whew! I wasn't sure they'd be worthy of being posted here. Building and decorating is really not my forte. Thank you Skadi, I love the purple bricks and the dark wood combo of your lot in particular. All the entries here are amazing. I used to do a lot more building in TS2 than I do now in TS3 for some unknown reason. This really inspired me to do some more building.

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Madame Mim
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #82 on: 2013 April 24, 21:47:39 »

Street Address: 1 Mimm Place
Lot Size: 10x10
Furnished Price: §23,704
Unfurnished Price: §14,605
Colour Scheme: Crisp Coral Living Room
Raison D'être: I don't like houses that are incomplete. This one has laundry facilities and alarms which has definately affected the pricing of it furnished. You'll also note that I've included wanded price and unwanded price pictures. It is the unwanded house that I will upload as I don't think you can honestly offer a 'new' house creation with a price constraint and expect to be judged on the wanded price.

« Last Edit: 2013 April 24, 23:53:43 by Madame Mim » Logged

Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Madame Mim
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #83 on: 2013 April 24, 23:50:43 »

Street Address: 2 Mimm Place
Lot Size: 15x10
Furnished Price: §39,441
Unfurnished Price: §16,156
Colour Scheme: Elegant, Urban Purple Living Room
Raison D'être: I've only posted the unwanded price picture on this one, and the upload will be the full price version again. To my way of thinking I've cheated on this house. I had to leave the garage door out to get below the §16,500 unfurnished price (which I justify to myself with the fact that it does not alter the functionality of the house). Which has got me worrying about my likelihood of having a house valid for submission for the 20x15 'category'. I also had to leave the basement external wall unpainted. Others may quibble on the fact that I've left the red in the carpets when I could have removed that channel. I claim it helps bring together a couple of places where red could not be removed from the object in question. Feh, I'll take my lumps if they're due.

« Last Edit: 2013 April 25, 00:13:28 by Madame Mim » Logged

Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 270

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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #84 on: 2013 April 25, 00:38:27 »

This is my final submission, because I'm flat out of ideas.

Address - 1010 Wizard Tower

As the address may suggest, this is a starter tower for a wizard, on a 10x10 lot.  It follows the 'Cozy Comfortable' color scheme, though I'm not sure either 'Cozy' or 'Comfortable' really apply...

The ground floor consists of an eat-in kitchen.

There isn't much here for entertaining visitors, but that shouldn't be an issue.

"You dare enter the tower of the Great and Powerful Fawlty?!  MOAR TOAD!"

Ehem. Moving on. The kitchen still has an old cooking hearth, but it's not needed, thanks to the upgrade to a wood stove.

Er, maybe someone should explain the concept of a wood stove to Fawlty? Or keep a fire extinguisher handy?

On the second floor is the Apprentices' quarters, complete with the modern marvel of indoor plumbing.  Note, Fawlty does not believe in a minimum age for apprenticeship.

Studies show that regularly sanding and polishing the loo can reduce splinters by as much as 20%.

The third floor is the private chambers for the wizard and his familiar.  This floor also features indoor plumbing.

The top floor is the wizard's study, where the Great and Powerful Fawlty studies old tomes and practices alchemy.  Useful, as Fawlty isn't really so Great. Or Powerful, for that matter.

With a quick cast of the wand here (pun intended) the furnished price is $19,936. Unfurnished is $15,973.

« Last Edit: 2013 April 25, 00:51:39 by Cyberdodo » Logged

Slap a man silly with a fish, and he'll smell like fish for a day.
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Madame Mim
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #85 on: 2013 April 25, 03:41:34 »

Street Address: 3 Mimm Place
Lot Size: 20x15
Furnished Price: 39,559
Unfurnished Price: 16,401
Colour Scheme: Bright, Bold Living Room
Raison D'être:  Again my submission is without wanding. You'll also notice that the colour scheme doesn't quite gel. I always have trouble getting green right.

« Last Edit: 2013 April 25, 03:53:25 by Madame Mim » Logged

Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #86 on: 2013 April 25, 16:47:47 »

I love the wizards tower! That's perfect for my Belgarath the Sorcerer sim.

[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #87 on: 2013 April 25, 20:16:01 »

Ok, my turn. Smiley With so many fantastic houses already shown here, I am getting quite intimidated. LOL It is only the 3rd time I build a house from scratch, so I am actually quite pleased with the outcome, although it was very challenging to say the least. Ofcourse, CASt-ing all the objects and building materials according to the colour scheme took ages. Half way through, my imagination failed me (can't you tell from the bunk bedroom?) I was acutely sick of purple at that point and that kind of put a plug in for me. (Where is the barfing smiley when you need it?!) Well, I got over it, sort of Wink and here is the result. Download link to package file at the bottom (goes into your library folder).

Built on a 20x15 lot in Riverview. This house is for up to 5 Sims:pepsihamster | Spring Wood 39. Wanded. Unfurnished price: 13.394  Furnished price: 21.062
Appraisal: "A quaint little home for those who value quality. Cheap doesn't have to equal lesser and this house could easily be the only home you will ever want, with its exquisite charm. A French/Italian inspired house that would also fit into and serve as a fantastic holiday residence in Champs Les Sims. A slight touch-up on the somewhat faded wooden exterior (has not been attended to for the past few years) will restore things to its original beauty. Apart from the walls that is. Either think of it as part of the charm, or live with it."

I used the Elegant, Urban Purple colour scheme.
I hope I have posted the pictures in the correct way.?

The front of the house


Entrance hall

Bunk bedroom


Master bedroom

Walk in closet & bathroom

Kitchen & dining

Dining & living overview

Now I am going to take some time to properly check out the rest of the houses displayed, yay.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #88 on: 2013 April 25, 20:43:06 »

Second Entry

456 Boxcroft Street
Size: 10x10
Price: $16,601 furnished, 12,802 unfurnished
Color Scheme: Huh (I was trying for "Elegant, Urban purple living room" but I thought the purple looked more like a steel blue/dark grey. Whoops.)

Modular house made out of a crate, with enclosed sunroom upstairs set up as a dining room. Sleep chambers downstairs, and modular stairs because spirals are a routing pain.
I'm bad at decorating and don't use any store stuff, and I got bored with CASting halfway through and went nuts with patterns. Sorry.

« Last Edit: 2013 April 25, 21:00:05 by susscrofa » Logged
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #89 on: 2013 April 26, 03:26:00 »

One color wood to be used throughout the whole house. Basically, you end up having four colors to decorate with. I went pretty strict on my houses, even patterns used only the color scheme I chose. I'd like you to stick as close to your chosen scheme as possible, even though it does lend itself toward a bit of a boring house (color wise).

What I did was save the photo with the color schemes in your first post, open it in paint, click on colors in the picture with the "color picker," and then go to the properties to write down the RGB numbers. Some of the photos have up to 8 colors in them, but I tried to use the three or four MAIN colors for most of the stuff, and secondary colors for accents and what not.

ETA: I just scrolled through this whole thread again, and found no fewer than ten building, design, and/or layout ideas I'd never thought to try before. So BAA to all of you; I'm seriously impressed with everyone's creations.
« Last Edit: 2013 April 26, 03:31:05 by SJActress » Logged

Who doesn't like kitties? KITTIES! They're cute! They're fuzzy!
Try this before posting, n00b.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #90 on: 2013 April 26, 10:44:26 »

What happens if you install a lot built with several EPs that you don't have? I know that items will be missing but will the lot be broken in some way, so that it brakes the game or family living in the lot?
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 149

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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #91 on: 2013 April 26, 12:19:11 »

I changed the scheme colors for my houses, so I modified only the interior's pictures.
I changed the link for download.

House changed:
240 Victoria street
55 Catalina street
180 Aurora street
990 Doraly Lane.

I hope this time it matches with the rules of contest.

The words are the soul image
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 101

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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #92 on: 2013 April 26, 17:13:11 »

What happens if you install a lot built with several EPs that you don't have? I know that items will be missing but will the lot be broken in some way, so that it brakes the game or family living in the lot?

It will work fine, just the items get replaced with base game items. Probably you will need to "wandhere", though.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 270

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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #93 on: 2013 April 26, 17:21:11 »

What happens if you install a lot built with several EPs that you don't have? I know that items will be missing but will the lot be broken in some way, so that it brakes the game or family living in the lot?
The only way I can think of that a lot could be broken by missing stuff is if you don't have spiral staircases in your game.  Missing stairs makes it hard to go to other floors in the house.  Otherwise, there shouldn't be a problem.

Custom worlds, however, are a different matter.  But that's not part of this Lot Challenge.

Slap a man silly with a fish, and he'll smell like fish for a day.
Teach a man to fish, and he'll go to the bait & tackle store, and stop bothering you.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 149

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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #94 on: 2013 April 26, 17:56:04 »

Wanding is permitted! Thanks for that question, as I forgot to include that in the rules.

I didn't found this word -"wanding"- anywhere... I tried almost everything to try understanding what means... what is this? (my English don't help me). If someone has a synonym in french or italian... or a simplified explanation, please help me.

The words are the soul image
Feckless Fool
Posts: 270

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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #95 on: 2013 April 26, 18:20:40 »

I didn't found this word -"wanding"- anywhere... I tried almost everything to try understanding what means... what is this? (my English don't help me). If someone has a synonym in french or italian... or a simplified explanation, please help me.
Your English is far better than my french or italian. 

"Wanding" means using the command "wandhere", added to the list of commands by Awsomemod.  You type this after pressing Ctrl-Shift-C, and it instantly ages everything on the lot to their lowest depreciated value.  The reason Pescado made the command "wandhere" dates back to how he implemented this function in The Sims 2, where he used an actual wand object.

Slap a man silly with a fish, and he'll smell like fish for a day.
Teach a man to fish, and he'll go to the bait & tackle store, and stop bothering you.
Mushroom Girl
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #96 on: 2013 April 27, 00:08:54 »

I didn't found this word -"wanding"- anywhere... I tried almost everything to try understanding what means... what is this? (my English don't help me). If someone has a synonym in french or italian... or a simplified explanation, please help me.
Your English is far better than my french or italian. 

"Wanding" means using the command "wandhere", added to the list of commands by Awsomemod.  You type this after pressing Ctrl-Shift-C, and it instantly ages everything on the lot to their lowest depreciated value.  The reason Pescado made the command "wandhere" dates back to how he implemented this function in The Sims 2, where he used an actual wand object.

You also had to wave it.

Twallan also has a depreciation mod I think. It just makes it easier to get sims started. Think of it as filling a house with secondhand furniture.

Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 149

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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #97 on: 2013 April 27, 04:24:46 »

Thanks. Now I understood why I saw houses furnished and decorated with so many objects.
I don't know if it's fair for contest. We can't use CC but we can use cheats... with cheats, a starter house it's not a really starter house and who use this cheats has an advantage.

Anyway, the houses posted here, are so beautifully and some of them so originally.

The words are the soul image
Mushroom Girl
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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #98 on: 2013 April 27, 08:42:50 »

Thanks. Now I understood why I saw houses furnished and decorated with so many objects.
I don't know if it's fair for contest. We can't use CC but we can use cheats... with cheats, a starter house it's not a really starter house and who use this cheats has an advantage.

Anyway, the houses posted here, are so beautifully and some of them so originally.
Considering it is only the unfurnished price that needs to be below $16500, I don't think people are being too hampered. The wanding really only makes a difference to furnishings, and since there is no limit to the furnished price [imaginary points only] it is still fair for all.
Feel free to redo a house with more furnishings if you like.  Smiley

Tasty Tourist

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Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots.
« Reply #99 on: 2013 April 27, 12:41:16 »

My 1st entry:

Address: 1000 Crystal Avenue

Lot size: 15 x 10

Unfurnished:    §12,918
Furnished:    §16,479

Color scheme: Crisp, Contemporary Living Room

« Last Edit: 2013 April 27, 12:54:16 by Aklu » Logged
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