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Do you want Motoki to return to Maty? (Voting closed: 2005 December 13, 22:40:57)
147 (94.8%)
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Total Voters: 143
Topic: Motoki Come Back (Read 62343 times)
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 714
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #25 on:
2005 December 06, 23:39:13 »
Quote from: aussieone on 2005 December 06, 23:34:09
Hopefully he'll pick himself up, dust himself off and come and join the fray again.
I second that aussieone! When you're ready to come back Motoki we'll be glad to see you.
In the meantime, I'll be missing your informative, insightful, thought provoking and funny posts. It won't be the same without you.
I also want to reassure you that all you will ever hear from me about a person's gender preference is that it's none of my dang business. I feel the same about a person's choice of religion. People have the right to make their own life choices without interference, judgement and the like. We all make different decisions in life and no decision is more wrong or right than another, they're simply different. We've all got to walk our own paths. And that's all I'll say except I hope you will come back as soon as you'd like to.
Last Edit: 2005 December 06, 23:59:28 by cabelle
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 586
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Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #26 on:
2005 December 06, 23:40:14 »
who was the prick that said no in the poll?
Proud Army Wife of a soldier deployed to IRAQ. Support us or get the fuck out.
I am 25.
Quote from: lindaetterlee
The same thing happened with my Pescado, before this he was a lady's man. Now he is some guy's bitch.
Crazy Lollipop
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2691
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #27 on:
2005 December 06, 23:44:37 »
Quote from: lindaetterlee on 2005 December 06, 23:40:14
who was the prick that said no in the poll?
The one who attacked Motoki, and is very religious...
Goopy Lover
Dead Member
Posts: 6109
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Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #28 on:
2005 December 06, 23:45:48 »
Wasn't me Linda!
Come back Motoki-we love you!
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #29 on:
2005 December 06, 23:46:05 »
Quote from: aussieone on 2005 December 06, 23:34:09
Most of us who identify as gay/lesbian/bisexual (myself being a lesbian) encounter predjudice, bigotry etc from some people in the community. Hwever, just when you think you've developed skin as thick as a Rhino's hide, it takes someone to make one little comment that can cut so deep to the bone that all of the walls and defences you've put up over the years crumble in an instant and it is extrememly upsetting and frustrating when that happens.
I can understand why Motoki has decided to 'have a break' or call it quits even. Perhaps it may have been the last straw to have encountered predjudice at a site that he obviously loves and feels comfortable being a member of, perhaps he was a little oversensitive, like we all are at times......
Hopefully he'll pick himself up, dust himself off and come and join the fray again.
I hope he will too .and hopefully he reads this thread and finds out that not all of us are so narrowminded as to let a person's sexual preference cloud how see them as an individual. personally I have friends that I consider to be very special that are lesbians,gay,and bisexual as well as straight friends.I would be cutting my nose off to spite my face if I chose my friends based on their sexuality rather than who they are as a whole person. sexuality is only one facet of people and I have never met a homosexual who has forced their sexual preference on me yet and I doubt I ever will!
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #30 on:
2005 December 06, 23:46:20 »
Quote from: lindaetterlee on 2005 December 06, 23:40:14
who was the prick that said no in the poll?
I'd like to know that too!
Zephyr Zodiac
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #31 on:
2005 December 06, 23:48:53 »
Quote from: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 06, 23:46:20
Quote from: lindaetterlee on 2005 December 06, 23:40:14
who was the prick that said no in the poll?
I'd like to know that too!
I'd like to know that as well! I guess it goes without saying that my vote was for Motoki to return to Maty
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 586
Proud Army Wife. Support us or get the fuck out.
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #32 on:
2005 December 06, 23:50:42 »
Quote from: gali on 2005 December 06, 23:44:37
Quote from: lindaetterlee on 2005 December 06, 23:40:14
who was the prick that said no in the poll?
The one who attacked Motoki, and is very religious...
Ahh As i said PRICK. lol
Proud Army Wife of a soldier deployed to IRAQ. Support us or get the fuck out.
I am 25.
Quote from: lindaetterlee
The same thing happened with my Pescado, before this he was a lady's man. Now he is some guy's bitch.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 277
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #33 on:
2005 December 06, 23:54:38 »
I love Motoki.
Breaks can be good when you get more worked up over words on a screen than is wise for your own being (paraphrasing Motoki's words)....breaks are good, but
coming back soon is better.
I love Motoki, Lord of the Nannies. *hearts*
Reality is for those who lack imagination.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2406
An ass with great insight
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #34 on:
2005 December 07, 00:06:33 »
Intolerance is based on fear of the unknown. If people don't know any gay people - or think they don't know any gay people, cos they probably do - then they will never learn by experience that it doesn't matter whether someone is gay, straight or bi. A person is a person.
I'm not in your shoes, Motoki and I can't possibly know how you feel. But I have had forum/game burnout elsewhere and I know how that feels. I hope your break is brief and that you return to us soon, refreshed and full of Motoki-ness.
Quote from: SarahKOM on 2007 July 13, 12:38:27
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 161
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #35 on:
2005 December 07, 00:10:53 »
I'm the prick, actually. And for the record, I'm neither religious nor did I attack Motoki. I did vote "No" though.
If you're getting freaked out and pissed off to the point where you have to lash out and attack people's opinions on an internet message board, then you need to unplug. Whether permanently or just for a while, you obviously need a break.
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1614
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #36 on:
2005 December 07, 00:14:49 »
The one who attacked Motoki, and is very religious...
<curious> who did you feel attacked Motoki? The only personal attack I saw was by christianluv and it wasn't Motoki that was being attacked... There were a lot of opinions, even some offensive opinions, but I didn't see anything else that was purposefully or personally ...aggressive... maybe I missed something. As I had no intention of entering the debate, I wasn't reading that closely.
People are entitled to their opinions, and to express them, even if they're wrong ...*especially* if they're wrong, sos we get the chance to tell them so in a very authoritative tone which is undoubtedly going to make them change their minds <tongue firmly in cheek, of course>
The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error. ~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859
That said, freedom of expression is important but I'd rather Motoki wasn't hurt/unhappy (and see why he was) and hope his break is good but very very short. And the thread was off-topic - probably that kind of debate belongs somewhere else (RL or political forums or wherever is appropriate) so people that enjoy it can engage in it and those that don't can easily skip, sos I'm just as happy it moved.
<hopes no one takes this as some sort of endorsement on my part of said opinions or anything in any way against Motoki - it isn't.>
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 861
Robotic Baby Harp Seal!
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #37 on:
2005 December 07, 00:15:34 »
Break is good. Break is very good. But Motoki coming back is better!
Come on, man. No one was attacking other peoples opinions. If I tell you that you're wrong, that's different from saying you should shut up. If I, or anyone else, means "shut up," that is what will be said.
I find it interesting that sexual orientation, or anything connected to it, gets turned into this huge thing. Like it's the defining factor in a person, or in their opinions, or something. I don't know if it's just America, but we tend to be twitchy about the most pointless things, and don't pay any attention to stuff that actually matters. And before I drift totally off topic:
Why does it always happen that this place explodes while I'm away? I go away for three days, and I come back to stuff like this . . .
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #38 on:
2005 December 07, 00:20:13 »
Maybe we needed your calm good sense to cool everything down, Odyssey!
Zephyr Zodiac
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 161
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #39 on:
2005 December 07, 00:30:06 »
<shrug> It's not just sex and sexuality. There's many people (probably millions, how's that for a depressing thought?) who have the attitude of "We're right and you're wrong" and the reasons and the issue at hand doesn't really matter. Sex, sexuality, religion, and politics seem to be America's favorites though. Like the "American Idol" of the discussion scene.
Hell...I'm a Democratic gay atheist, and I've had some great discussions with straight Republican Christians. Mostly because I pay attention and listen, rather than flying off the handle right away.
Edited to add: Maybe "attack" wasn't the right word. I guess the impression I got was more "flying off the handle all out of proportion to the discussion at hand."
Last Edit: 2005 December 07, 00:37:21 by uaintjak
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 532
Just another shitty day in paradise
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #40 on:
2005 December 07, 00:33:09 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 06, 23:25:15
Quote from: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 06, 23:20:42
as my hubby is always saying opinions are like a-holes everyone has one and not necessarily one worth listening to.
I thought it was that everyone has one and they're all full of shit?
That's how I've always heard/said it, JM.
While I was reading the post that made Motoki upset, it got moved into Retardo Land, and I can see why. Things definitely got out of hand there.
Now, as for Motoki taking a break ... I hope it's a short one! I can understand if he's already having problems otherwise, he doesn't need that in a place he uses for a break from those problems. Sometimes, you just gotta get away from it all. I know that's one of the reasons I come here - to take my mind off the hectic crap in my own life, at work or at home. And to hopefully help someone if I can.
Motoki, you make me laugh! Please don't be gone long! I love your nannies!
Now PLEASE! Can we stop the need to all express our opinions of other people's opinions and get back to what's
important in life? You know, the SIMS?
Werewolf?<br />There! There wolf! There castle!
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7469
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #41 on:
2005 December 07, 00:36:24 »
Hell...I'm a Democratic gay atheist, and I've had some great discussions with straight Republican Christians. Mostly because I pay attention and listen, rather than flying off the handle right away.
That's ok if they are prepared to do you the courtesy of listening to your point of view too.
I admit I flew off the handle, but when someone attacks you personally and makes assumptions about your private life (and when you reach my age, that really is beside the point) then I'm inclined to get more than a little irate.
Zephyr Zodiac
Feckless Fool
Posts: 277
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #42 on:
2005 December 07, 00:40:25 »
Quote from: uaintjak on 2005 December 07, 00:30:06
<shrug> It's not just sex and sexuality. There's many people (probably millions, how's that for a depressing thought?) who have the attitude of "We're right and you're wrong" and the reasons and the issue at hand doesn't really matter. Sex, sexuality, religion, and politics seem to be America's favorites though. Like the "American Idol" of the discussion scene.
Hell...I'm a Democratic gay atheist, and I've had some great discussions with straight Republican Christians. Mostly because I pay attention and listen, rather than flying off the handle right away.
Well, in my opinion, you're right and you're wrong. (Now, I challenge you to fly off the handle and attack that!
) Your style of operating works for
, but the purpose of this thread (as opposed to the other one) is that it is All About Motoki, not the general topic of healthy message boarding.
Motoki is special
. MATY is a great board and Motoki is one of the reasons. He's funny, and kind and helpful and charming. He's one of five or so regular members here who stand out like a gem. Yeah, he's a modder too, but it's not his mods that make him precious, it's his personality that comes through in all of his posts.
Break is okay. Motoki come back soon.
Reality is for those who lack imagination.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #43 on:
2005 December 07, 00:45:33 »
Quote from: windy_moon on 2005 December 07, 00:40:25
Quote from: uaintjak on 2005 December 07, 00:30:06
Motoki is special
. MATY is a great board and Motoki is one of the reasons. He's funny, and kind and helpful and charming. He's one of five or so regular members here who stand out like a gem. Yeah, he's a modder too, but it's not his mods that make him precious, it's his personality that comes through in all of his posts.
Break is okay. Motoki come back soon.
Thank you Windy Moon for Picking up on the very essence of why I started this thread. I am hoping somehow that Motoki see's through this thread that he has made an impact on people here. and that He is one of the Few that actually stand out from the crowd here.
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Crazy Lollipop
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2691
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #44 on:
2005 December 07, 00:45:45 »
Quote from: sagana on 2005 December 07, 00:14:49
The one who attacked Motoki, and is very religious...
<curious> who did you feel attacked Motoki? The only personal attack I saw was by christianluv and it wasn't Motoki that was being attacked... There were a lot of opinions, even some offensive opinions, but I didn't see anything else that was purposefully or personally ...aggressive... maybe I missed something. As I had no intention of entering the debate, I wasn't reading that closely.
People are entitled to their opinions, and to express them, even if they're wrong
...*especially* if they're wrong, sos we get the chance to tell them so in a very authoritative tone which is undoubtedly going to make them change their minds <tongue firmly in cheek, of course>"
sagana, I am not against peoples' opinions - I am against unpoliteness! If you don't like some virtue, but you know that somebody here does have the virtue - you have to be polite, and VERY careful not to hurt his feelings. You don't talk to an empty space - you talk to people, and have to think twice, before you "throw your opinion in the air".
Quote from: uaintjak on 2005 December 07, 00:10:53
I'm the prick, actually. And for the record, I'm neither religious nor did I attack Motoki. I did vote "No" though.
If you're getting freaked out and pissed off to the point where you have to lash out and attack people's opinions on an internet message board, then you need to unplug. Whether permanently or just for a while, you obviously need a break."
According to your threads, you are new here, and I presume you don't know Motoki well, as we do. So why vote on some post, when you are not aquainted with the member, and know his character and deeds? Just to vote and make an impression on others?
That REALLY is childish
, and I think YOU have take a break from this forum!
Last Edit: 2005 December 07, 00:53:14 by gali
Crazy Lollipop
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2691
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #45 on:
2005 December 07, 00:51:59 »
"Now PLEASE! Can we stop the need to all express our opinions of other people's opinions and get back to what's really important in life? You know, the SIMS?"
I totally agree. If a forum is dedicated to some subject - we have to stick to the topic. Yes, we can write here and there personal opinions, but NEVER insult other people's feelings.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #46 on:
2005 December 07, 00:53:59 »
Quote from: gali on 2005 December 07, 00:45:45
Quote from: sagana on 2005 December 07, 00:14:49
The one who attacked Motoki, and is very religious...
Quote from: uaintjak on 2005 December 07, 00:10:53
I'm the prick, actually. And for the record, I'm neither religious nor did I attack Motoki. I did vote "No" though.
If you're getting freaked out and pissed off to the point where you have to lash out and attack people's opinions on an internet message board, then you need to unplug. Whether permanently or just for a while, you obviously need a break.
According to your threads, you are new here, and I presume you don't know Motoki well, as we do. So why vote on some post, when you are not aquainted with the member, and know his character and deeds? Just to vote and make an impression on others?
That REALLY is childish
, and I think YOU have take a break from this forum!
whoa now who the heck is UAINTJAK
Your name is appropriate for sure !!! you dont know Motoki but yet you took time to vote in a poll about someone you dont know
now would you please crawl back under the rock from whence you came!!!!
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 851
cat hair
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #47 on:
2005 December 07, 00:58:12 »
I stayed away from that thread. Too long and stupid for my tastes, as I hate paysites. But as all threads do, it seems the topic has strayed off and hurt Motoki.
I wish Motoki well and I hope you come back.
i pop that P like you don't believe
and if ya want me you won't succeed!
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2079
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #48 on:
2005 December 07, 01:02:21 »
Quote from: Kingdom on 2005 December 07, 00:58:12
I stayed away from that thread. Too long and stupid for my tastes, as I hate paysites. But as all threads do, it seems the topic has strayed off and hurt Motoki.
I wish Motoki well and I hope you come back.
Even the retardo landers apparently want Motoki to come back
I have joined the ranks of many herre and have been banned from Brynnes forum.I must say the pleasure is all mine in having been banned from there .Self absorbed bragging is tiring after awhile.
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1228
Moar Average Than You
Re: Motoki Come Back
Reply #49 on:
2005 December 07, 01:08:57 »
Come back Lord of Nannies!
I'm not going to say anything about that thread. Take your time and come back when you're ready. We'll welcome you back with open arms
<insert witty comment here>
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