According to Almight Hat
here, the SimPE method should work no matter your game version, but I'm not sure if her instructions are the same as the MATY instructions.
Since this got me curious and annoyed I couldn't find any specific tutorials either, I took a dig through the game files to see if I could figure out the differences -- if any -- in the changes between FT/AL jewelry and BV jewelry. As far as I can tell, the only place that makes a difference is in the 3DIR -- you will always want to use 0xD327EED9 as your instance. So in theory there's no reason why the SimPE tutorial here wouldn't work.
I don't know why the Wardrobe Wrangler options make jewelry binned with it unusuable in non-BV games; I compared numbers and couldn't find any reason why they shouldn't.
I am but an egg when it comes to digging about with SimPE, however.
that doesn't work and no one else pipes up, you might be able to rouse someone on MTS who can help, in their create forums.