Find a tutorial on how to edit a sim in SimPE, it really is not hard to do. I could describe how, but there should already be several tutorials available. Try MTS.
Is there honestly no easy way to just tell me where I can find the baby in SimPE? It seems like I can only find sims who already are located on a lot and there's no hard way for me to find them. I just have problem finding this baby because it is with the social worker but not a part of a family on a lot.
I have been going through all kinds of tutorials now as well as googling but I can't find anything which tells me if I can find a sim who is not a part of a lot or isn't a townie or a NPC.
The only way I can actually find the baby is by finding his sister and check on relations but I can't go anywhere from there...
So is it really possible to find a sim in simPE who isn't a part of any of your lots, a townie or a NPC and I'm just chasing a Ghost here?
The reason I asked you to use a tutorial is that you seem to be doing something horribly wrong, and this just confirms it. Like rufio, I have absolutely no idea what you're doing.
You don't need to go through a family or a lot to find a sim. Open your neighbourhood, open the sim browser, find your sim. Alternatively, load the neighbourhood, click on the Sim Description in the left hand menu, and find your sim in the right hand window.
Which EPs do you have and what version of SimPE are you running?