This isn't necessarily 'borked', but I wish that you could the Hidden Floor Switches had the linked behavior "step off" just like the floor switches that you can push moveable statues onto. It would make some of the retarded things I am doing in my game 100 times easier, if not possible.
You could surround it with other hidden floor switches which turn it off. I don't know what exactly you're trying to do, so that might not work. What is it you want them to do?
That's more or less what I ended up doing. I'd try to explain but honestly it is rather complicated and so my explanation would just be confusing and wouldn't really help anyone else out even if they understood what I was getting at.
As an aside, I learned something. If you have two hidden switches, one that locks a door and one that unlocks the same door, the second link you connect to the door overrides the first one. So, for example if I link the unlocking action second and have a sim stand on both switches the door will be unlocked but will lock if the sim standing on the unlock trigger walks away. I'm no longer sure if this is true. It might revert to whatever the original setting was. Either that or my lot just got bugged while I was doing shit with it.
Now what I need is for the traps to actually be a little bit dangerous. I've zapped a sim a dozen times with the electricity trap and he won't die. Same goes for the fire trap. It is kind of hard to build a prison and execute sims when no matter what I do they are immune to the execution chambers.