...Seriously? What, exactly do you think the famework installer dose? What function do you think it has that could possibly effect the Awesome Mod? Or any mod for that matter.
Well, I
thought that what the Frameworker Installer did was let you:
1) Install a Framework with one click.
2) Whack all your cc/mod packages in the 'Packages' folder it generates for the current iteration of your game.
3) Bish-bash-bosh.
When I mentioned doing that with no real problems, however, I was told by the single most important person on this Forum that this was wrong. So I can only assume, not being technically-minded in any way, that there's some special sauce in the files manually downloaded from MATY and manually installed that don't occur with FrameworkInstall.
I was simply yes/no asking if that was the case, rather than just arrogantly assuming I knew better and thinking my utterly non-technical opinion must be right.
[Personal comment removed on account of me realising my spectacular hypocrisy.]