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AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
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Topic: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread (Read 1641622 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1475 on:
2014 December 17, 02:32:48 »
That's quite peculiar since I can't think of anything that was added to cause this. Perhaps it's a side effect of having buy debug enabled, which AwesomeMod will do for you with the right options, while the default game normally does not enable the (?) buy mode for you on start.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1476 on:
2014 December 17, 02:49:47 »
Quote from: vorpal on 2014 December 15, 22:26:19
Is it intended that with the recent version of AwesomeMod (12/15/14) Buy Mode now shows all possible elements of counters (countertops, corner pieces etc.) as separate entries?
If so, then it doesn't work, each entry will yield a full, regular counter when placed.
Is it possible there is a conflict with something else(maybe custom counters, mods, etc)? I have never seen corner sections shown as being separate in my game.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 168
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1477 on:
2014 December 17, 18:42:02 »
I already tested this in a mod-free save before posting the second time. But as it was an existing save I tried again with a completely fresh user folder with nothing else except for AwesomeMod (no config file either).
AwesomeMod Build: 12/15/2014 10:09:42
This is what BuyMode looks like for counters:
I circled in red those entries that belong to the same counter.
The same for sectional sofas:
No debug cheats were enabled. I also played around to see whether this new cheat "disablebbfilter" might accidentally be enabled, or "buydebug". But neither disabling nor enabling them seems to have any effect on this. And the only new setting that is enabled by default now without a config file seems to be the one that's got to do with Simport (ForceUnlockSimport). But setting this to false does nothing either with regard to counters or sectional sofas.
The counters in the pic are all base game or EP counters. In my regular game I also have counters from the Store. No 3rd party. Everything legit, nothing arred, none decrapified or otherwise modified.
Removing AM and starting the game vanilla has the counters go back to normal.
Edit: Forgot to add that the last build of AM that I have that doesn't do this is 10/20/2014 11:40:55
Last Edit: 2014 December 17, 19:25:50 by vorpal
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1478 on:
2014 December 18, 01:10:11 »
I'm aware of the issue, although I can't think of what may have caused it, nor do I recall NOT having seen it lately. Since it does not appear to cause any actual harm, I'm not too worried about it, though.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1479 on:
2014 December 18, 03:33:44 »
Interesting, but I haven't seen that within any of my games. Maybe it is some EAxian bug that doesn't affect everyone, for some bizarre reason, like the one where some plumbots have a birthday and age up in some games, while others don't.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 168
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1480 on:
2014 December 18, 09:56:11 »
Quote from: wizard_merlin on 2014 December 18, 03:33:44
Interesting, but I haven't seen that within any of my games. Maybe it is some EAxian bug that doesn't affect everyone, for some bizarre reason, like the one where some plumbots have a birthday and age up in some games, while others don't.
Funny that you mention this, because I did have a plumbot in one save that suddenly started to age, although the others didn't.
Anyway, I guess I will live with a bloated Buy section then. But just in case a cause will be found: while playing around I also noticed that the roof decorations section in Decorative now shows all World Adventure roof decorations twice, once with the WA icon once without.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1481 on:
2014 December 18, 10:47:19 »
I can't say I've noticed Aging Plumbots, although that can't be a related issue, but I can definitely verify that the countertop-clone thing exists. Haven't seen the multiple-roof-decorations thing, though.
However, I have no idea what causes it. Since it is not explosion-inducing, though, I'm not too worried about it.
Quote from: wizard_merlin on 2014 December 18, 03:33:44
Interesting, but I haven't seen that within any of my games.
Are you using the latest available version? It's definitely not a purely EAxian thing, but I can't think of anything I could have done to cause it offhand.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1482 on:
2014 December 18, 17:10:53 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2014 December 18, 10:47:19
Quote from: wizard_merlin on 2014 December 18, 03:33:44
Interesting, but I haven't seen that within any of my games.
Are you using the latest available version? It's definitely not a purely EAxian thing, but I can't think of anything I could have done to cause it offhand.
I just fired up the game with the latest AM, didn't have time since installing it to play, and the problem now exists. I can say that it is new, in my game anyway, with the previous versions of AM I did a lot of building and never saw the problem, after seeing it now I would have noticed it.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 168
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1483 on:
2014 December 19, 00:24:10 »
Well, just in case you feel like looking further into this I have found more things that are now unlocked in BuyMode (Sort By Function tab):
- The amplifiers for electric guitars are now under Hobbies&Skills (with a 0§ price tag)
- The Digital Aquarium from Late Night appears twice under Hobbies&Skills, also twice under Misc Decorations.
- All possible backpacks from University Life are under Miscellaneous Entertainment; in vanilla only one, the green one, shows
- Under Sporting Goods there is a Bridge Template from WA for §0; this bridge template is normally invisible in both regular and buydebug buy mode; I've never seen this before.
- all cabinets like the counters
- Sphinx of Simoglyphia (WA) twice under Sculptures
- Three invisible ceiling panels from ITF under Carpets for §0, they seem to be leftover parts of the glass floor panels from that EP, which can also be found under carpets. By themselves they don't seem to serve any purpose.
- in buydebug under Tomb Objects there's an object that looks like a futuristic chest for §350; it cannot be placed in game
- under Gardening Plants & Seed Spawners there's a white box object called ****Seed Spawner DO NOT USE; plus a harvestable sample for every UL herb
- the Misc buydebug contains a lot of things that are not usually there, like "Tutor Objects"(school homework) and every possible fish as mounted; certainly interesting stuff, including all NPC car pool cars; unfortunately the culinary reward fridge is not among them; but at least this shows that not everything that the game holds in terms of OBJDs is unlocked now.
I couldn't find anything unusual in BuildMode
With regard to the Roof decorations, with S3OC I found that they are indeed twice in the game files, once in Fullbuildep1.package and once in Deltabuild0.package with slightly different names:
same Name and Desc GUID for both versions. In vanilla it's actually the ones that are not EP tagged that show up, and AM now shows the WA tagged ones in addition.
As far as problems are concerned the one thing that I noticed is that most of those objects that only show up when AM is installed cannot be cloned with the picker tool, even with AM installed (e.g. the WA tagged roof decorations). But at least they don't crash the game or vanish if you load a lot in a non_AM game.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 612
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1484 on:
2014 December 19, 16:52:09 »
I have the bloated BuyMode. We also found that ALL all the career clothing plus the clothing from traveling in the time machine from Generations has showed up in CAS. The youngest was quite excited about that. We didn't test to see if the clothing worked in the neighborhood.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 19
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1485 on:
2014 December 21, 23:19:49 »
I noticed that when I use AwesomeMod, outerwear that the game generates for all sims in town is weird. It remains the same as everyday wear sometimes it adds gloves. It works fine without AwesomeMod.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1486 on:
2014 December 22, 01:03:02 »
Quote from: MoonNight on 2014 December 21, 23:19:49
I noticed that when I use AwesomeMod, outerwear that the game generates for all sims in town is weird. It remains the same as everyday wear sometimes it adds gloves. It works fine without AwesomeMod.
I have been using AM since long before Seasons came out, so when I saw that, I just figured it was another EAxis fuck-up, to go along with all the other fuck-ups they left behind. Given that most of the outfits from everyday also show up under outerwear, I am not surprised they wear the same shit. I just ignored it.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 19
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1487 on:
2014 December 22, 12:21:57 »
Quote from: wizard_merlin on 2014 December 22, 01:03:02
Quote from: MoonNight on 2014 December 21, 23:19:49
I noticed that when I use AwesomeMod, outerwear that the game generates for all sims in town is weird. It remains the same as everyday wear sometimes it adds gloves. It works fine without AwesomeMod.
I have been using AM since long before Seasons came out, so when I saw that, I just figured it was another EAxis fuck-up, to go along with all the other fuck-ups they left behind. Given that most of the outfits from everyday also show up under outerwear, I am not surprised they wear the same shit. I just ignored it.
At first I tought the same, but then I got curious and decided to start fresh game without AM and it worked ok.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1488 on:
2014 December 22, 17:20:13 »
Quote from: vorpal on 2014 December 19, 00:24:10
Well, just in case you feel like looking further into this I have found more things that are now unlocked in BuyMode (Sort By Function tab):
- The amplifiers for electric guitars are now under Hobbies&Skills (with a 0§ price tag)
- The Digital Aquarium from Late Night appears twice under Hobbies&Skills, also twice under Misc Decorations.
- All possible backpacks from University Life are under Miscellaneous Entertainment; in vanilla only one, the green one, shows
- Under Sporting Goods there is a Bridge Template from WA for §0; this bridge template is normally invisible in both regular and buydebug buy mode; I've never seen this before.
- all cabinets like the counters
- Sphinx of Simoglyphia (WA) twice under Sculptures
- Three invisible ceiling panels from ITF under Carpets for §0, they seem to be leftover parts of the glass floor panels from that EP, which can also be found under carpets. By themselves they don't seem to serve any purpose.
- in buydebug under Tomb Objects there's an object that looks like a futuristic chest for §350; it cannot be placed in game
- under Gardening Plants & Seed Spawners there's a white box object called ****Seed Spawner DO NOT USE; plus a harvestable sample for every UL herb
- the Misc buydebug contains a lot of things that are not usually there, like "Tutor Objects"(school homework) and every possible fish as mounted; certainly interesting stuff, including all NPC car pool cars; unfortunately the culinary reward fridge is not among them; but at least this shows that not everything that the game holds in terms of OBJDs is unlocked now.
I couldn't find anything unusual in BuildMode
With regard to the Roof decorations, with S3OC I found that they are indeed twice in the game files, once in Fullbuildep1.package and once in Deltabuild0.package with slightly different names:
same Name and Desc GUID for both versions. In vanilla it's actually the ones that are not EP tagged that show up, and AM now shows the WA tagged ones in addition.
As far as problems are concerned the one thing that I noticed is that most of those objects that only show up when AM is installed cannot be cloned with the picker tool, even with AM installed (e.g. the WA tagged roof decorations). But at least they don't crash the game or vanish if you load a lot in a non_AM game.
These. All of these occur to my game too. It happened when I used 15Dec2014 AM. When I removed it and replaced it with the previous version I kept (5Aug2014 AM), there was no more problem.
In addition to this, the latest AM also causes the game to crash if you attempt to click a plantable ingredient like apples (in the inventory in my experience). If it doesn't crash, there's simply no interaction available. If you click on the apple, you can only grab and move it, as if you're clicking and holding the item. It was fine when I downgraded AM.
Quote from: MoonNight on 2014 December 22, 12:21:57
Quote from: wizard_merlin on 2014 December 22, 01:03:02
Quote from: MoonNight on 2014 December 21, 23:19:49
I noticed that when I use AwesomeMod, outerwear that the game generates for all sims in town is weird. It remains the same as everyday wear sometimes it adds gloves. It works fine without AwesomeMod.
I have been using AM since long before Seasons came out, so when I saw that, I just figured it was another EAxis fuck-up, to go along with all the other fuck-ups they left behind. Given that most of the outfits from everyday also show up under outerwear, I am not surprised they wear the same shit. I just ignored it.
At first I tought the same, but then I got curious and decided to start fresh game without AM and it worked ok.
This is for real?? I've been using AM since forever too, and I thought it was EA's bug! Now I can see what caused it.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1489 on:
2014 December 22, 23:16:09 »
I can confirm the latest version of AM makes plants/seeds unselectable other than to drag them. Reverting to the earlier version of AM from Dec 3 they work fine.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1356
I YAM what I YAM
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1490 on:
2014 December 22, 23:59:19 »
Yes planting is not possible. All other gardening is still, but seeds can only be dragged to the ground.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1491 on:
2014 December 23, 11:35:11 »
Quote from: wizard_merlin on 2014 December 22, 01:03:02
Quote from: MoonNight on 2014 December 21, 23:19:49
I noticed that when I use AwesomeMod, outerwear that the game generates for all sims in town is weird. It remains the same as everyday wear sometimes it adds gloves. It works fine without AwesomeMod.
I have been using AM since long before Seasons came out, so when I saw that, I just figured it was another EAxis fuck-up, to go along with all the other fuck-ups they left behind. Given that most of the outfits from everyday also show up under outerwear, I am not surprised they wear the same shit. I just ignored it.
According to the code, that's how the game normally generates outerwear. A new outfit for any category is generated typically by cloning everyday and removing mismatched parts to replace with a random part. Since Everyday and Outerwear have significant overlap, and the Outerwear specific behavior is "Random Chance of Adding Gloves", this seems to be the natural outcome. What is wrong?
Anyway, investigating seed issue, should be fixed soon.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
The Biter
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1492 on:
2014 December 23, 13:28:55 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2014 December 23, 11:35:11
According to the code, that's how the game normally generates outerwear. A new outfit for any category is generated typically by cloning everyday and removing mismatched parts to replace with a random part. Since Everyday and Outerwear have significant overlap, and the Outerwear specific behavior is "Random Chance of Adding Gloves", this seems to be the natural outcome. What is wrong?
Aside from opera gloves looking really wrong with a tank top, short-shorts and thongs/sandals?
The awesomest thing on the internet.
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1493 on:
2014 December 23, 14:28:39 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2014 December 23, 11:35:11
Quote from: wizard_merlin on 2014 December 22, 01:03:02
Quote from: MoonNight on 2014 December 21, 23:19:49
I noticed that when I use AwesomeMod, outerwear that the game generates for all sims in town is weird. It remains the same as everyday wear sometimes it adds gloves. It works fine without AwesomeMod.
I have been using AM since long before Seasons came out, so when I saw that, I just figured it was another EAxis fuck-up, to go along with all the other fuck-ups they left behind. Given that most of the outfits from everyday also show up under outerwear, I am not surprised they wear the same shit. I just ignored it.
According to the code, that's how the game normally generates outerwear. A new outfit for any category is generated typically by cloning everyday and removing mismatched parts to replace with a random part. Since Everyday and Outerwear have significant overlap, and the Outerwear specific behavior is "Random Chance of Adding Gloves", this seems to be the natural outcome. What is wrong?
MoonNight seemed to suggest there was a different outcome without AM. I just ignore how stupid they look, and given that the game doesn't always change them to outerwear when it is really cold, I just accept it as more weird EAxian behaviour and be done with it. If a sims chosen outerwear really bothers me, I just use editsim and quickly change it.
ETA: Just checked with newest AM and seed problem is fixed.
After playing for a while, I noticed that when planning outfits for toddlers, ALL outfits, that is male AND female, appeared at the same time. While some people swing that way, I found it really annoying to have while trying to plan an outfit for my male toddler. I haven't seen it with the adults, I even sent my two adults to plan an outfit and they seemed normal, I don't have anyone in the child or teen stage to check, if I feel motivated and have time, i might switch households to check those age groups.
I just checked, child appears to be showing both male AND female outfits, while the teen category appears to be working correctly.
Last Edit: 2014 December 23, 18:24:31 by wizard_merlin
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 19
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1494 on:
2014 December 23, 21:53:13 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2014 December 23, 11:35:11
Quote from: wizard_merlin on 2014 December 22, 01:03:02
Quote from: MoonNight on 2014 December 21, 23:19:49
I noticed that when I use AwesomeMod, outerwear that the game generates for all sims in town is weird. It remains the same as everyday wear sometimes it adds gloves. It works fine without AwesomeMod.
I have been using AM since long before Seasons came out, so when I saw that, I just figured it was another EAxis fuck-up, to go along with all the other fuck-ups they left behind. Given that most of the outfits from everyday also show up under outerwear, I am not surprised they wear the same shit. I just ignored it.
According to the code, that's how the game normally generates outerwear. A new outfit for any category is generated typically by cloning everyday and removing mismatched parts to replace with a random part. Since Everyday and Outerwear have significant overlap, and the Outerwear specific behavior is "Random Chance of Adding Gloves", this seems to be the natural outcome. What is wrong?
I noticed that for outerwear, game only clones everyday clothes that can be found also in outerwear category. So clothes that don't belong to outerwear category like shorts are replaced (that is just an observation) With AM clothes that are not categorised as outerwear are also cloned so its like the game ignores that clothes like shorts or T shirt don't belong to outerwear. I don't know why. I just wanted to share what I noticed and ask if something like that happened to anyone else. I usually just ignore it when playing game. Maybe if anyone else has that problem when using AM they can test what happens without using it. (start fresh game without AM or any other mods)
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 168
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1495 on:
2014 December 23, 22:07:36 »
Ah, I've always thought that it was one of twallan's mods but have never found the time to test which one. But yes, I can confirm that in vanilla outerwear creation is more reasonable and doesn't simply clone whatever was set to everyday. Exported Sims that have this everyday cloned outerwear will also lose all clothing items that are not outerwear enabled by default and the game will reroll these parts with new items.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 59
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1496 on:
2014 December 28, 18:35:30 »
nraas ErrorTrap caught an exception inside AM code; error log attached.
(3.39 KB - downloaded 340 times.)
"Of course I had to pay my mother up-front for breast-feeding, but what the hell, I was in highschool at the time." --Simon Travaglia
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1497 on:
2014 December 29, 07:20:34 »
Ah, that's an old EAxian error being caught and rethrown. I STILL cannot figure out what the hell is wrong with it considering that the AwesomeMod function is just a wrapper for the EA function, and the EA function doesn't have anything which should generate that error in a neighborhood that isn't somehow FUBAR.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 59
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1498 on:
2014 December 31, 16:24:01 »
Well, the neighbourhood is brand new, so chances of corruption are-- wait, this is EA we're talking about. Yeah, I'll take "fucked up beyond all repair" for $800.
"Of course I had to pay my mother up-front for breast-feeding, but what the hell, I was in highschool at the time." --Simon Travaglia
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 332
Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
Reply #1499 on:
2015 January 02, 16:13:42 »
Yes, the outerwear thing has been borked for a long time. And it's not just everyday clothes that are showing up inappropriately--sometimes I end up with a sim in swimsuit, flippers and gloves as an outerwear outfit. I haven't had time to test this comprehensively to find out when or why this happens, but it's definitely connected to AM.
I am also experiencing the bloated CAS and buy mode, and I wonder if these two issues have the same root cause.
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